Sound like the nigga hired a white & Mexican slave to me
Aye f you bruh.
I just hired a black man...But had to make sure he's good with the local police.

What you trying to say
This nigga Kenya got me rollin how he actin in the bowling alley. LOL!
Ok I gotta point something out. Tyler Perry gotta fire his barber ASAP...


Just blatantly missed that line up.

Aye...TP was spittin that gospel to Kenya tho.
So a bunch of white people writing this show, man I was going to give this a chance but now I don't know.

Didn't know this but you can CERTAINLY tell lmao. The show is wack as fuck, super try hard and corny from the shows name to name of episodes storylines everything
???????? oh we can use our own now.

The ones in the site smilies are white tho. Ijs. But I'll just use the ones on my keyboard. Couldn't before.