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Big Brother (Season 24)

Looks like Taylor won hoh. Seems like she's deadset on backdooring monte. Gonna use Terrance and one of the girls as pawns.

She doesn't even care if she goes home next week she basically just wants everyone who salted her game out the door. Monte was the 2nd to start shitting on her for no reason. Even though he came around and they seem cool I guess the damage was done and she was just waiting.

Crazy that that whole group of people that got on her since the first week are all gone.

Michael put the battery in her back tho. He's really running the game and is gonna be a tough out if monte goes home and Kyle stays loyal.
Michael put the battery in her back tho. He's really running the game and is gonna be a tough out if monte goes home and Kyle stays loyal.
Monte is not her target. She is cool with Monte and the leftovers for now. She wants Terrance out, but by next week, The Leftovers will try to push the target on Jasmine.
Monte is not her target. She is cool with Monte and the leftovers for now. She wants Terrance out, but by next week, The Leftovers will try to push the target on Jasmine.

Word when I was watching the feeds this morning the plan she was telling Brittany was to put up Terrance alongside Indy and backdoor Monte. Then I heard Michael reiterating things with her. But maybe it's changed since.
Word when I was watching the feeds this morning the plan she was telling Brittany was to put up Terrance alongside Indy and backdoor Monte. Then I heard Michael reiterating things with her. But maybe it's changed since.
I think the Monte Backdoor is what they are selling to the other side.
Terrance is heated.

Dude thought Turner was his boy, but realized he'd been trying to play him all along.

I'd be mad too.

Going by what they've shown on tv, I think he would put hands on Turner in real life if he could.

Kyle's decision to tell Alyssa everything might be either the best move of the season............or the worst move of the season.

Time will tell.

Best outcome for his game next week is for Alyssa to win HOH.

Then he could use her to do his dirty work.

Glad to see Terrance get some power and information after being on the block almost every week.

Picking Kyle during his HOH will probably end up being the best move he's made in the game.
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And I'm still laughing at how the all-girl's alliance has been getting picked off one by one.

Alyssa and Jasmine are the only 2 left, and Jasmine's probably gonna be gone on Thursday.

Serves them right for how they all tried to gang up on Taylor.
And I'm still laughing at how the all-girl's alliance has been getting picked off one by one.

Alyssa and Jasmine are the only 2 left, and Jasmine's probably gonna be gone on Thursday.

Serves them right for how they all tried to gang up on Taylor.

Taylor didn't deserve all that but she is kinda wack and pretty much started showing herself to be who they thought she was during her hoh. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Watching Kyle and Alyssa's dynamic is hilarious. Dude really trying to get to the bag and all she's concerned about is their showmance.

I'm rooting for Kyle to come out on top low key but Michael has played the best game by a margin.

if Kyle doesn't win hoh next he's probably dead out there tho since he exposed the alliance.
Watching Kyle and Alyssa's dynamic is hilarious. Dude really trying to get to the bag and all she's concerned about is their showmance.

I'm rooting for Kyle to come out on top low key but Michael has played the best game by a margin.

if Kyle doesn't win hoh next he's probably dead out there tho since he exposed the alliance.
That was a hella risky move by Kyle. He doesn't know for sure that Michael and ole girl are going to ride with him. The numbers are still with the Leftovers.

He learned all the wrong lessons from the cookout. All he saw was black people banding together. He didn't see that they did not turn on each other while they still had control of the game. The leftovers could have been legendary..well, maybe not legendary, but they certainly could have had a solid final 7 or whatever before they started going after each other. He could have simply asked them to not target Alyssa until everyone else was gone.
That was a hella risky move by Kyle. He doesn't know for sure that Michael and ole girl are going to ride with him. The numbers are still with the Leftovers.

He learned all the wrong lessons from the cookout. All he saw was black people banding together. He didn't see that they did not turn on each other while they still had control of the game. The leftovers could have been legendary..well, maybe not legendary, but they certainly could have had a solid final 7 or whatever before they started going after each other. He could have simply asked them to not target Alyssa until everyone else was gone.

He's lucky he had some people in there to talk him down.

If not, it would've looked real bad for him after the show.

I kinda see what he's saying though.

Getting rid of Alyssa doesn't help his game at all...........because she's not gonna target him.

It only helps his alliance since she would come after them.

Michael was actually worse because he thought about backdooring Monte a couple of weeks ago.

Much too early for a move like that because it could've easily swung the numbers to the other side.

That should have been obvious tho and went without saying. As soon as she took that trip from Taylor and Taylor got on her petty shit Joseph and Monty jumped on it basically drawing the line in the sand. Imo Monty and Joseph showed their hand too soon trying to get Alyssa out.

I think fucking shit up was the smart move because he realized where he stood with them. But Alyssa, Brittany and Terrance gotta start to pull their own weight the next couple weeks if the move is gonna work.
Taylor didn't deserve all that but she is kinda wack and pretty much started showing herself to be who they thought she was during her hoh. 🤷🏿‍♂️

I agree. Her HOH was turrible.

Her HOH was kind of a waste.

Thing is, by the time she became HOH, all of the bigger targets had already gone home.

Nobody on the other side to target except the people who were left.

Can't believe she actually thought about putting 2 of her alliance members up as pawns.

Glad that got shut down quick too.
Lmaooo just watched last night's episode. I hate when shit players start feeling themselves. Terrance not thinking long game. Yeah you got these niggas squabbing but it's still half the house that doesn't know what's going on and dont fuck with you, so they gonna turn on each other cool, but who does he think is going up next to them on the block?

Shoulda took the opportunity to shuffle the deck and possibly position himself better in the game. Ultimately all he's gonna end up doing in the end is pushing that alliance back together and making them stronger and making himself the common enemy. I'm entertained but bruh ain't really think it all the way through. 🤦🏿‍♂️
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This nigga Joseph even more trash than Terrance. Fam didn't know how to maneuver. That was ugly. Wtf was he worried about Alyssa vote for? He had no chance of getting that.
Lol. Julie hoed him about indy and jasmine after all that talk about loyalty. 😭
This nigga Joseph even more trash than Terrance. Fam didn't know how to maneuver. That was ugly. Wtf was he worried about Alyssa vote for? He had no chance of getting that.
Funny thing is Joseph is one of the few people in the house that knows Kyle and Alyssa are having sex. Yet the delusional mfer still thinks they will be ok getting rid of each other. So clueless.
Funny thing is Joseph is one of the few people in the house that knows Kyle and Alyssa are having sex. Yet the delusional mfer still thinks they will be ok getting rid of each other. So clueless.

That group convo was so weird. Should have just pulled turner for a convo on the ones, told him Kyle gave em up and told him to confirm with Terrance.

Production knew what they were doing calling Joseph to the diary room for that long ass period of time when they did. That partly did him in.
Lmaooo just watched last night's episode. I hate when shit players start feeling themselves. Terrance not thinking long game. Yeah you got these niggas squabbing but it's still half the house that doesn't know what's going on and dont fuck with you, so they gonna turn on each other cool, but who does he think is going up next to them on the block?

Shoulda took the opportunity to shuffle the deck and possibly position himself better in the game. Ultimately all he's gonna end up doing in the end is pushing that alliance back together and making them stronger and making himself the common enemy. I'm entertained but bruh ain't really think it all the way through. 🤦🏿‍♂️

I actually think Terrance made the most out of his HOH than any HOH in recent history.

At least at this point in the game.

Dude found out things he wouldn't have known about if he hadn't won............pitted 2 noms against each other to get even more info.........and got Joseph to panic and ruin what little chance he had of not going home.

Terrance was gonna be the low man on the totem pole either way, but he definitely put himself in a slightly better position than he was in previously.

This week is pivotal though.

Michael and Terrance can't compete for HOH this week, so it's crucial that Kyle or Alyssa win the next HOH.
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