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COMMUNITY Biden to officially nominates Kentanji Brown Jackson for US Supreme Court. Update: KBJ becomes 1st Blk woman Confirmed to the SCOTUS

Lol...I know where you're going with this

I see it as no different than me and the other ladies (who aren't Candy Shop/Mega "models" lol🙄) being here

Lol yeah you're right. I'm just forever confused at people who willingly engage in taking in things they know will annoy them.
This got me thinking. @DOS_patos You still of the opinion and thought process that Clarence Thomas deserves to be and should be in the African American History Museum?
Say man.

this the second time you did this.
Wasn’t me

Say man.

this the second time you did this.
Wasn’t me

My fault
No I didn't, I told the truth in an exaggerated fashion.

Why was Loving vs. Virginia was about a Black woman and a White man and not the other way around?

Black men get literally and figuratively killed over interracial relationships. Black towns got destroyed over the premise of interracial relationships between Black men and White women.

Shit, Jack Johnson was charged with sex trafficking for fucking with White women, while Lena Horne was out here with her White men with no problem.

It's a clear double standard when Black men marry White and when a Black woman does it.

It's a clear double standard when Black women literally are handpicked by their White male counterparts over anybody else ahead of time, with almost zero competition and they have a White husband 🤣.

But a Black man actually go earn and compete for his job with against all races and genders.

I really don't give a fuck about this shit. The shit don't impact my day to day life. I never gave a fuck about Black firsts and the Black elite. I am in the mud.

I really find it funny. I find it funny that some how, we got a bunch of Black women with White husbands in power when that's the rarest interracial coupling in America.

I find it funny that Black women are just given jobs that Black men had to earn by going against the entire field, not just each other.

Lol like this is a con game ran on Black people and it only happens to us.
There is a clear double standard with Interracial dating in our community .

Barack Obama would of lost and never became President if he was married to a White Woman and had 2 daughters that looked majority white in Phenotype. Marrying Michelle was one of his best personal and political moves , a Ivy League College Educated Black Woman from the Southside of Chicago helped his political aspirations more than anyone could imagine. Just the optics of their marriage won a lot of people over in our community.

Could you see Barack getting far with anyone of the White Women he was dating in College by his side as his wife and becoming President of the United States of America, lol not snowball chance in hell. 😆 🤣
Um...do you all NOT see why there's a double standard on IR marriages in this country?

Black man/white woman relationships/marriages have been done to death and no longer seen by toubobs as a threat. The division in the Black Community can't be completed now without Black woman/white man relationships/marriages. To "them" there's nothing threatening about that pairing.

S/N: Don't be fooled by the shit you see on the internet about Black women "thirsting after white zaddy"...every avatar/profile pic of a Black woman bigging that shit up isn't Black or even a woman. The GREAT majority of Black woman are with and want Black men only.

If ever there was a real "agenda" being pushed, BW/wm pairings is the one right now
I understand exactly why some Black people feel they way they feel about Black people, in positions of power, who marry white. Black people can't trust that the person will be on "our side"....I get it and I agree. However, the vitriol is doing too much.

Also, WE (Black people) need to stop congratulating and getting excited about "optics". Optics don't do shit for us. If y'all think for one moment Justice Brown-Jackson was chosen solely b/c of her qualifications, I have a beach property in the Sahara Desert to sell you.

I'm tired of seeing people jump up and down about someone being "the first black..." It's 2022. Who gives a shit?

How about we move from firsts to lasts?

I'd much rather hear:

The last black person to catch major time over a petty crime.

The last black woman to die during delivery because of hospital negligence.

The last black person to be denied a job because he or she had a natural hairstyle.

Um...do you all NOT see why there's a double standard on IR marriages in this country?

Black man/white woman relationships/marriages have been done to death and no longer seen by toubobs as a threat. The division in the Black Community can't be completed now without Black woman/white man relationships/marriages. To "them" there's nothing threatening about that pairing.

S/N: Don't be fooled by the shit you see on the internet about Black women "thirsting after white zaddy"...every avatar/profile pic of a Black woman bigging that shit up isn't Black or even a woman. The GREAT majority of Black woman are with and want Black men only.

If ever there was a real "agenda" being pushed, BW/wm pairings is the one right now

What you're saying is right in real life......................

But we're talking about what is being pushed on us through the outlets where we consume news and media.....................
I think the sentiments for a lot of Black people are of the opinion that they cannot fully embed or invest themselves into a Black person who has a white significant other.

We also need to remember that there is real life and there is online life. In real life I'm pretty sure the majority of Black people that we know have a S/O who is Black. In online life, it appears that in regards to the higher powered positions that are held by Black people, those Black people seem to have a S/O who is not Black at a much higher rate than we see in real life.

We're talking about the most powerful positions too. Not just a manager at a store or some shit. We're talking about the most powerful Black people in the country. There are a lot of them who have a S/O who is NOT Black and that definitely rubs Black people who do have a S/O who IS Black and are of lower status the wrong way.
There is a clear double standard with Interracial dating in our community .

Barack Obama would of lost and never became President if he was married to a White Woman and had 2 daughters that looked majority white in Phenotype. Marrying Michelle was one of his best personal and political moves , a Ivy League College Educated Black Woman from the Southside of Chicago helped his political aspirations more than anyone could imagine. Just the optics of their marriage won a lot of people over in our community.

Could you see Barack getting far with anyone of the White Women he was dating in College by his side as his wife and becoming President of the United States of America, lol not snowball chance in hell. 😆 🤣

SNOWBALL chance in hell ? BARS
There is a clear double standard with Interracial dating in our community .

Barack Obama would of lost and never became President if he was married to a White Woman and had 2 daughters that looked majority white in Phenotype. Marrying Michelle was one of his best personal and political moves , a Ivy League College Educated Black Woman from the Southside of Chicago helped his political aspirations more than anyone could imagine. Just the optics of their marriage won a lot of people over in our community.

Could you see Barack getting far with anyone of the White Women he was dating in College by his side as his wife and becoming President of the United States of America, lol not snowball chance in hell. 😆 🤣

My momma loves Lebron James because he got a Black wife unlike other athletes because you know, the whole stereotype of the Black athlete wanting nothing but snow bunnies.

She said, "How ya momma and daddy gonna be Black but you with a White woman and all your money going to her?"

So when Kentaji Brown got nominated and I told her she got a White husband just to see the reaction, since my mom be on her I am Woman Hear Me Roar shit.

She said, "Well, it doesn't matter, she deserves it. We gotta stick together because White people gonna tear her down."

Look, I need Black folks to interracially date and procreate to produce the necessary exoticals for my harem. I don't be giving Black folks that play in the snow the side eye.

But Black folks need to be consistent. Kamala Harris was hiding her White man from Black folks like he was a side baby 🤣.

Kamala wouldn't have to treat her White man like stolen money, got him all in the closet if it wasn't a one way street with this interracial marriage/dating shit. Black folks should be free to do what they wanna do.
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They seem to get it from both ends no matter what they do.

Marry in race, given third degree from whites.

Marry outside race, still given third degree by whites but now second degree by blacks.

Obama was mixed and still couldn't win in that department.

I get folks not trusting interacial married people in power but at the end of the day actions speak louder than words.

I liked Obama cause he didn't give much reason not to until that whole paint chip thing. I never cared for Kamala cause she seemed just as fine with throwing us under the bus while placating to whites.

So far I haven't seen jack about Kentaji not to root for her beyond the fact the GOP hates her. If simply to smite them, I'm hoping she gets the position.

meanwhile let me go remind my wife for the thousandth time Xavier Woods married a white woman.