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COMMUNITY Biden to officially nominates Kentanji Brown Jackson for US Supreme Court. Update: KBJ becomes 1st Blk woman Confirmed to the SCOTUS

What exactly is he supposed to do in the middle of a hearing?

You want him to go punch Ted Cruz in the face or something?
At the very least, call him out on his shit

And not thinly veiled either. Tell him he out of pocket

I was gonna say he could've asked him if he would've let someone berate his wife like that in front of him then I remembered he let Trump do it then took a job under his administration
What exactly is he supposed to do in the middle of a hearing?

You want him to go punch Ted Cruz in the face or something?

They can remove them from the hearing. They can cut their mics. They can have their comments removed from the record.

They can do more than just sit there and say that they are fucking disappointed.
And not a single fucking person on this planet will be able to convince me that this nigga Booker didn't have on some Love Potion no.9 to bag Rosario and he ran out which is why they broke up
At the very least, call him out on his shit

And not thinly veiled either. Tell him he out of pocket

I was gonna say he could've asked him if he would've let someone berate his wife like that in front of him then I remembered he let Trump do it then took a job under his administration

And what would that have accomplished? The fact is that they will probably need some Rep support to get her confirmed. It's a much better decision for Booker to let Jackson stand tall like she's doing, and give her a pick me up when he could which he did. She seemed to appreciate it, so I'm not sure why any of you have a problem with it.

They can remove them from the hearing. They can cut their mics. They can have their comments removed from the record.

They can do more than just sit there and say that they are fucking disappointed.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Booker can't actually do any of that. Maybe the Dems as a collective could, but Booker couldn't by himself, and I doubt he'd get the support needed to kick out sitting Congresspeople. So why criticize Booker for that?

I have no love for Booker, but sometimes it seems ya'll criticize people just to criticize them. The fact is that everyone knew how this hearing was going to go down because that's how all of them go down. Again, you have to remember that the goal is to get her confirmed not to defend her honor. He could put all the Reps on blast, but who would that help if it unified them all against her as a pick?
Yea. idk why Booker does that. smh.

He acts like a newly freed slave, who is so happy to be free. Yet is terrified to go back to the plantation.

I guessing he thinks white liberals like that. idk
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And what would that have accomplished? The fact is that they will probably need some Rep support to get her confirmed. It's a much better decision for Booker to let Jackson stand tall like she's doing, and give her a pick me up when he could which he did. She seemed to appreciate it, so I'm not sure why any of you have a problem with it.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Booker can't actually do any of that. Maybe the Dems as a collective could, but Booker couldn't by himself, and I doubt he'd get the support needed to kick out sitting Congresspeople. So why criticize Booker for that?

I have no love for Booker, but sometimes it seems ya'll criticize people just to criticize them. The fact is that everyone knew how this hearing was going to go down because that's how all of them go down. Again, you have to remember that the goal is to get her confirmed not to defend her honor. He could put all the Reps on blast, but who would that help if it unified them all against her as a pick?
real shit...i know im just speaking in fantasy

im just so tired of the fucking phony ass optics...thats all
They can remove them from the hearing. They can cut their mics. They can have their comments removed from the record.

They can do more than just sit there and say that they are fucking disappointed.
We all know the Democrats are soft, none of them trying to have any confrontations. It's a shame this lady has to fend for herself from these silly attacks
real shit...i know im just speaking in fantasy

im just so tired of the fucking phony ass optics...thats all

Yeah, if he was doing it for optics, I'm with you, and maybe that was part of it. However, I do think he probably saw that she was being worn down by the bullshit and was trying to boost her a lil.
And what would that have accomplished? The fact is that they will probably need some Rep support to get her confirmed. It's a much better decision for Booker to let Jackson stand tall like she's doing, and give her a pick me up when he could which he did. She seemed to appreciate it, so I'm not sure why any of you have a problem with it.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Booker can't actually do any of that. Maybe the Dems as a collective could, but Booker couldn't by himself, and I doubt he'd get the support needed to kick out sitting Congresspeople. So why criticize Booker for that?

I have no love for Booker, but sometimes it seems ya'll criticize people just to criticize them. The fact is that everyone knew how this hearing was going to go down because that's how all of them go down. Again, you have to remember that the goal is to get her confirmed not to defend her honor. He could put all the Reps on blast, but who would that help if it unified them all against her as a pick?

No they don't. Because the dems have the "majority" with Kamala Harris being the tie breaker every Republican could vote no and as long as she's confirmed by every Democrat then she's going to be confirmed.
real shit...i know im just speaking in fantasy

im just so tired of the fucking phony ass optics...thats all

To be fair...Booker all of a sudden going super aggressive and demanding people be removed would also be corny and phony optics. That happy go lucky "I'm just happy to be at the table" shit he pulled is actually more in line with who he is because he's of the generation where we were told representation and a seat at the table is enough of an accomplishment. So to him he's made it and so has Judge Jackson simply by just being there. I actually don't think Booker was being phony at all. His corny ass was really that happy
Yeah, if he was doing it for optics, I'm with you, and maybe that was part of it. However, I do think he probably saw that she was being worn down by the bullshit and was trying to boost her a lil.

And this might very well be true but what type pf reaction do they expect from "us"?

Cause to be totally honest, I don't feel like anybody in that hearing is representing "us" at all.

When I see people making statements saying this is what it's like to be a Black woman in these settings I can't help but feel like those people are so disconnected from reality because there's a clear difference between a Black woman like Kentaji and a Black woman like my wife or my mom.

They are not of the same status and while yes I agree that it's tough on Kentaji to be in this situation all I'm saying is there's also a clear difference between what she's going through and what women like my wife and my mom go through on a daily basis.

For example. My wife and my mom are both married to Black men. Kentaji is not. I guarantee you that based on that simple fact that white people will never view my wife or my mom on equal footing as Kentaji. My wife can go out and get the same degrees and have the same credentials as Kentaji and I guaran damn tee you that the way Kentaji is being treated is still going to be drastically different than the way my wife would be treated.

For starters, you can make a legitimate argument that the fact that my wife is married to a Black man would have led to her not having the opportunity to be in the position that Kentaji is in in the first place and if you think I'm wrong then tell me why the representation of Black women in the highest position of power in this country like Vice President and a SCOUTUS does not look like what the actual representation of the average Black woman is which would be a Black significant other?
To be fair...Booker all of a sudden going super aggressive and demanding people be removed would also be corny and phony optics. That happy go lucky "I'm just happy to be at the table" shit he pulled is actually more in line with who he is because he's of the generation where we were told representation and a seat at the table is enough of an accomplishment. So to him he's made it and so has Judge Jackson simply by just being there. I actually don't think Booker was being phony at all. His corny ass was really that happy

And to be fair we are always being sold this seat at the table shit by niggas who wouldn't be at our table in the first place.................
No they don't. Because the dems have the "majority" with Kamala Harris being the tie breaker every Republican could vote no and as long as she's confirmed by every Democrat then she's going to be confirmed.

She's gonna get confirmed. Which makes this racist hearing look even worse.

Again she's being put through all of this for show........

And to be fair we are always being sold this seat at the table shit by niggas who wouldn't be at our table in the first place.................

You're right. I never said I was moved by what Booker said. It was something that needed to be said because clearly Jackson needed to hear some form of encouragement after those long days so im not gonna completely down Booker for what he did. Also knowing all the bullshit microagressions Black folk in general buy particularly Black woman face literally seeing it play out for the world to see was also a trigger for many other Black women. So in that moment for him to do that I can appreciate it in that context. But I also agree that the idea of representation and just being there being seen as good enough is an idea that has long been needed to be revamped.
No they don't. Because the dems have the "majority" with Kamala Harris being the tie breaker every Republican could vote no and as long as she's confirmed by every Democrat then she's going to be confirmed.

How has getting every Dem to vote along party lines gone so far?

And this might very well be true but what type pf reaction do they expect from "us"?

Cause to be totally honest, I don't feel like anybody in that hearing is representing "us" at all.

When I see people making statements saying this is what it's like to be a Black woman in these settings I can't help but feel like those people are so disconnected from reality because there's a clear difference between a Black woman like Kentaji and a Black woman like my wife or my mom.

They are not of the same status and while yes I agree that it's tough on Kentaji to be in this situation all I'm saying is there's also a clear difference between what she's going through and what women like my wife and my mom go through on a daily basis.

For example. My wife and my mom are both married to Black men. Kentaji is not. I guarantee you that based on that simple fact that white people will never view my wife or my mom on equal footing as Kentaji. My wife can go out and get the same degrees and have the same credentials as Kentaji and I guaran damn tee you that the way Kentaji is being treated is still going to be drastically different than the way my wife would be treated.

For starters, you can make a legitimate argument that the fact that my wife is married to a Black man would have led to her not having the opportunity to be in the position that Kentaji is in in the first place and if you think I'm wrong then tell me why the representation of Black women in the highest position of power in this country like Vice President and a SCOUTUS does not look like what the actual representation of the average Black woman is which would be a Black significant other?

That's a different discussion. I would agree with you that very few black people that make it to that level represent the average black person. Still, we have to acknowledge that being black brings with it some generally shared experiences. Even if Jackson isn't like your mom or your wife, she probably still has more in common with them than the white chick that could be the alternative.
You're right. I never said I was moved by what Booker said. It was something that needed to be said because clearly Jackson needed to hear some form of encouragement after those long days so im not gonna completely down Booker for what he did. Also knowing all the bullshit microagressions Black folk in general buy particularly Black woman face literally seeing it play out for the world to see was also a trigger for many other Black women. So in that moment for him to do that I can appreciate it in that context. But I also agree that the idea of representation and just being there being seen as good enough is an idea that has long been needed to be revamped.

And you know what's even crazier?

Cory Booker is one of 11 Black Senators in US history!!!!!!!!!!

The only current black Senators right now are Cory Booker, Ralphael Warnock, and Tim Scott's bitch ass. Kamala no longer counts since she is sitting as the VP.

Warnock is also up for re-election in the fall so we might be back down to two. So this whole idea of a seat at the table never made sense in the bigger scheme of things.
Even if Jackson isn't like your mom or your wife, she probably still has more in common with them than the white chick that could be the alternative.

Actually she probably doesn't have more in common with my wife or mom because for most Black people to even have the opportunity to get in that predominately white space they have to receive the "acceptance" of white people which someone like my wife or mom probably would not.

Kentaji has more in common with ACB than she does with my wife.