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COMMUNITY Biden to officially nominates Kentanji Brown Jackson for US Supreme Court. Update: KBJ becomes 1st Blk woman Confirmed to the SCOTUS

since when was calling out blatant racism objectification?

I don’t want to see any more headlines calling her “a black woman” without using her name at all

That’s how you get “what’s her face Jackson, you know the black one” in every conversation, shit feel gross at this point
The fact that folks are SURPRISED he voted against her nomination...shame on them.

Once a coon...always a coon.

Oh I know that...but I remember debating someone here a few months back who swore up and down he's out here tying to push things forward for Black people as was Trump...and he was dead serious
Tim Scott is getting lit the fuck up over voting against confirmation. Crazy some still think he's out here "fighting for us"

Making conservative YT feel more comfortable(In believing there not truly racist because vote for and like him cause he’s one of there’s ) & getting a nice pat on the head.. Plus being told he’s one of the real “good ones” is what’s most important to someone like him…