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Ayesha Curry back running her mouth again....says she don't get male attention no mo'.

On the real though this shouldnt hurt their marriage bc she doesnt actually want any of these men.

The real outrage is that she sees men as nothing more than rejection punching bags. Beings whos emotions are dismissed to uplift her own.

This is definitely something that needs to be bullet pointed at the next #MGTOW meet & greet
What gets me is aren't women complaining about getting too much attention from men right now?

So which one is it?

She needs to work on her insecurity and jealousy. Any woman secure in herself doesn't seek male attention because they already know most dudes are looking to stick their dicks in pretty much anything. So in the end male attention really doesn't say anything special about you.

Same with us men when it comes to women. You got some dough in your pockets you look like a meal to these women out here. Ppl really invest their thoughts in the wrong shit man
1 vote....out of 35

i dont care who you are, that shit'll sting a lil bit

and you HAVE to ask yourself the question.....did I just get that one off gp? lol
Chick tried to have our site shut down off of that....

Everyone ain't built the same. We all have our flaws. Being insecure and feeling some kinda way cuz you may feel a little inadequate to the chicks who throw ass at your husband all the time ain't that big of a flaw to me.

But I definitely agree she should say much less, cuz it clearly was taken out of context.
What gets me is aren't women complaining about getting too much attention from men right now?

So which one is it?

She needs to work on her insecurity and jealousy. Any woman secure in herself doesn't seek male attention because they already know most dudes are looking to stick their dicks in pretty much anything. So in the end male attention really doesn't say anything special about you.

Same with us men when it comes to women. You got some dough in your pockets you look like a meal to these women out here. Ppl really invest their thoughts in the wrong shit man
Women can be fickle and insecure about their appearance sometimes....

They spend mad time in the mirror to look their best. It's not uncommon to want to be able to compete with the field.

Especially after 3 kids
Women can be fickle and insecure about their appearance sometimes....

They spend mad time in the mirror to look their best. It's not uncommon to want to be able to compete with the field.

Especially after 3 kids

I get that. In the end, my knock against her is not so much her feeling that way as much as it is her saying in the public.

Feeling that way is one thing. Thats when you check yourself cuz we all get off our square sometimea.

But to put that out there like she did is tmi and invites disrespect to her marriage and husband.
Women can be fickle and insecure about their appearance sometimes....

They spend mad time in the mirror to look their best. It's not uncommon to want to be able to compete with the field.

Especially after 3 kids

The bold is divorce worthy thinking.

A married religious mother of 3 wants to compete with whores.
the more i think about this the more i smdh.

something aint adding up.....most of our women get looked at everyday....but they crave it from the one they love.
a few get tired of the looks.

i heard chicks say they crossed street to not be hollered at because of the sundress they wearing.

i could even be on her side if she gave steph props first then said it.

nah......a chick put anything in front of me...even her need for attention....she needs to go,.
I feel sorry for Curry.
I'm just mad we ain't gotta disrespekful dude like kg in the nba to tell curry bout his wife on the court like garnett did to melo.
now that i think about it....didnt stephs mom dance on some dude while her husband was there?

timestamped for ya
