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Ayanna Jackson Details Meeting 2Pac (part 5in Thread)

Well, I'm confused. She said she was looking into pac's eyes and then said she don't know when he left. This nigga just vanished from underneath her?...side note. This shit just seems like a train gon bad. Seems like Pac was used to this type of scenario. What I can't understand is how them other dudes ain't get time and Pac did. You need to have a "gang" for a gang rape. She said she was raped a group of men. How Pac the only one that did time?
Well, I'm confused. She said she was looking into pac's eyes and then said she don't know when he left. This nigga just vanished from underneath her?...side note. This shit just seems like a train gon bad. Seems like Pac was used to this type of scenario. What I can't understand is how them other dudes ain't get time and Pac did. You need to have a "gang" for a gang rape. She said she was raped a group of men. How Pac the only one that did time?

She previously said he forced her head down on his dick. Now she was looking in his eyes. Her story aint consistent at all and she knew them dudes. She almost spilled the beans on that.
I don't think she's telling the complete truth but I also don't think she's making anything up. Her countenance was very off kilter, that much I can tell without ever seeing her before.

We can't jump on a hate bandwagon just because we love Pac. He's the GOAT to me too but that doesn't put him above wrongdoing. More than that, we can't be so quick to dismiss the fact that this was a traumatic event for a woman to have to relive, even if it is 20 years later. Most of us will never be in that position.

I think she was a groupie who got in way over her head and found herself as a piece of meat in a den of wolves. There's really no reason to pick sides here.
I don't think she's telling the complete truth but I also don't think she's making anything up. Her countenance was very off kilter, that much I can tell without ever seeing her before.

We can't jump on a hate bandwagon just because we love Pac. He's the GOAT to me too but that doesn't put him above wrongdoing. More than that, we can't be so quick to dismiss the fact that this was a traumatic event for a woman to have to relive, even if it is 20 years later. Most of us will never be in that position.

I think she was a groupie who got in way over her head and found herself as a piece of meat in a den of wolves. There's really no reason to pick sides here.

You got a point, but it goes both ways. We can't jump on the bandwagon and believe her because of the current climate either. I've read both of their accounts several times. What she said in the source interview, is different from what she says here and not just in small details. Had that been the case, I may have given her the benefit of the doubt.

The one thing that is very telling, is that Pac he froze up more than she did, and she herself said she didn't think anything of it when they came in the room. Pac said he left because he felt uncomfortable, but also that had she said something, he woulda said something. The thing is from both accounts, it's reasonable to assume she felt comfortable which led to Pac thinking ok, this is how they get down. I ain't with it so I'ma leave. I know he ain't above wrongdoing, but this whole situation sparked a lotta deaths. I think that's why people are passionate about it.
How did this chick spark the death of pac and biggie, you niggas just throwing shit out there.

This incident led to Pac and them gettting arrested and falling out over it. It's possible Pac was going to stop fucking with them anyway, but this pissed him off and that led to his big mouth going off. That led to him getting shot up which led to him feeling like Puffy and Big knew it was going to happen. He was wrong about Big knowing, but Puff knew for sure. He ends up signing with Deathrow out of desperation. He said before Suge had been trying to get him on the label, but he refused.

The rest is history bruh.
He's not guilty in the traditional sense because what they did originally was consensual but her saying no to the homeboys and him leaving legally made pac guilty because she was in his company in his household under his supervision. For example if you lend your car to someone with a suspended license and they get into an accident and someone dies you're held legally responsible.

I know it's not right and is kinda confusing but that's the law.... Legally Pac was guilty....

I see what you're saying, but I would think that a) it being a hotel room and not his house and b.) she was already there with a group of men before Pac got there, are strong enough arguments that any halfway decent lawyer could've used to keep from being found guilty.
He's not guilty in the traditional sense because what they did originally was consensual but her saying no to the homeboys and him leaving legally made pac guilty because she was in his company in his household under his supervision. For example if you lend your car to someone with a suspended license and they get into an accident and someone dies you're held legally responsible.

I know it's not right and is kinda confusing but that's the law.... Legally Pac was guilty....

But nobody was found guilty of rape. Pac was found guilty of "forcibly touching the buttocks".

They did a rape kit and she herself even said they wanted to jam Pac. So how come he didn't get convicted of actual rape?

"How can I forcibly do anything to a girl after she did it to me consensually?"

Whether Pac raped or assaulted her or not, this kind of mentality would have gotten him in front of a judge eventually.

Imagine you fucking a bitch, then BOOM 5 of her homegirls come out the closet running at you with dildos and strap ons. NH but my point is, consensual can turn unconsensual at a moment's notice. That's not a modern sensibility, that's what goes along with accepting sex as a casual encounter. We asked for this.
In the video she said SHE was straddling and holding down Pac and was ON TOP of pac. If she was truly uncomfortable she could've GOT OFF of Pac and .......... walked away. It would've made more sense if HE was on top of her and holdin her down, but it was the other way around.
In the video she said SHE was straddling and holding down Pac and was ON TOP of pac. If she was truly uncomfortable she could've GOT OFF of Pac and .......... walked away. It would've made more sense if HE was on top of her and holdin her down, but it was the other way around.
That's not your call bro.

That's easy for you to say 1. As a man, 2. In retrospect, and 3. As someone whose never been in that type of situation (I assume).
Under his supervision or whatever you wanna call it. Point is she was there to see Pac.

Guys I love Pac too but he made a fatal mistake with this one just like Stomping out Orlando Anderson was also a fatal mistake, if he didn't get shot he would have done time.

So if I was supposed to meet a chick at the club and she gets raped there, I'm held responsible? That makes no sense.

That's not your call bro.

That's easy for you to say 1. As a man, 2. In retrospect, and 3. As someone whose never been in that type of situation (I assume).

When you're dealing with someone's freedom, those questions have to be asked and both logic and common sense has to be used. There's nothing so far that's been stated that makes Pac responsible.

She wen't there on here own. She was there before pac. She was holding HIM down. He was not even there when the alleged rape happened. The man is innocent.
When you're dealing with someone's freedom, those questions have to be asked and both logic and common sense has to be used. There's nothing so far that's been stated that makes Pac responsible.

She wen't there on here own. She was there before pac. She was holding HIM down. He was not even there when the alleged rape happened. The man is innocent.
Judicial courts take trauma into account.

If things were as black and white as you're making it seem, the "I feared for my life" defense would never work for policemen.

I'm not suggesting that the man is not innocent. I'm suggesting the woman is still a victim.