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lemme guess, you couldn't stay awake for this episode...something about knowing she was going to be the focus???
Nah fuck all that german polka whatever they was doin.

Im not dressin up and dancing w/ the crazy white ppl either.

But Earn was being a real bitch when he started cryin about gettin his ass whooped in ping pong.

Nah even though this ep isn't direct there's a lot going on.

I think of that ping pong game as a metaphor for the game or a relationship.

See before this Earn was the jobless/low paying job one and she was the responsible one with career.

Now shit has been flipped and even though she doesn't respect what he does,it's making money.

Van is competitive and used to being the one in financial control.

Other than earn just being a dick there has to be an underlying reason why he doesn't want to make shit official.

She was pretty shitty in season 1 and made him go to that other uncomfortable event.

But what urban dude would want to do some dumb as shit like that.

She knew damn well Earn wouldn't want to do that shit.

The issue is that what earn takes her to do is some normal cool shit.Going to a hip hop show,strip club, etc

women always wanna do some old dumb ass shit they know damn well you don't wanna do

Nah I'm doing no dumb ass dance for these passive aggressive pseudo nazis.
I dont think the majority of women consider going to a tiddy bar "normal cool shit"

I live in Atlanta and we don't have tiddy bars.these bitches bust it open

A strip club is a normal urban night.it's more normal than some weird ass German festival with weird games I don't get and I'm the only black person there.

A lot of women here do like to go to strip clubs.
I live in Atlanta and we don't have tiddy bars.these bitches bust it open

A strip club is a normal urban night.it's more normal than some weird ass German festival with weird games I don't get and I'm the only black person there.

A lot of women here do like to go to strip clubs.

I know hoes that like going to strip clubs too.

But most women dont.

As far as that German shit goes it looks like it was part of her upbringing. So she was tryn share that w/ him
I know hoes that like going to strip clubs too.

But most women dont.

As far as that German shit goes it looks like it was part of her upbringing. So she was tryn share that w/ him

I can't say that most women in my age group and younger don't in ATL

The strip club is so ingrained in the culture here.

but even if not a strip club, I'd rather play mini golf,or go to eat somewhere nice,I might even go to a wack rom/com or the aquarium or some dumb ass play.

but please don't make me be the only black person in the room at no weird shit.

I been in this situation. I'm like "bitch you know I'm a hip hop black,urban dude who likes a certain type of vibe.Don't force me to do something you know is mad opposite to my taste"

And white folks always think every nigga wanna dance.

If she hates my shows and the club or whatever I do, don't go,but don't make me do no weird,embarrassing shit out of my character

I feel like she can enjoy going to a hip hop show or a strip club more than I will enjoy that old weird shit she wanna do.

I specifically hate most of the things women want to do.
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But it did tho.

They are on the outs now arnt they?

Plus Earn homeless ass now really dont have a place to stay

They were on the outs last season. He ended last season and started this season living out of a storage unit. Then we don't see van the first 3 episodes then she back then they basically do a weak re-tread of the episode last season where van takes him to her rich friends party.
At least that episode had movement, purpose and was funny.

Not trying to nitpick, no show can hit every single episode but Ive watched season 1 at least 3 times every episode. I'm definitely skipping this one when I eventually sitdown and rewatch this season. I was actually looking forward to more episodes involving van. I fux with character. Just wasn't feeling this ep.
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I dont think they were on the outs last season.

They just have a strange relationship. But last season she offered for him to stay at her crib before he declined and walked to his storage unit.

In last nights ep they basically broke up from wudever their semi-relationship was.
I dont think they were on the outs last season.

They just have a strange relationship. But last season she offered for him to stay at her crib before he declined and walked to his storage unit.

In last nights ep they basically broke up from wudever their semi-relationship was.

she was dating/fucking other niggas on the 1st couple eps

They never really been good this whole show.

We just don't have enough backstory to know why earn don't wanna fuck with her other than he just never wanted to get her pregnant and never wanted a relationship with her or anybody rt now.
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All that speaking in German and keke'ing in front of me shyt...


"Bitch you got 3secs to speak English or else it's WWII all over again in this muthafucca!"

I thought that was uncool and showed a lack of respect.

I understood how Earn felt not wanting to be there. Been there. I also understood why she wanted to share that with him as well. He could've just tough that out.

I never understood why would wanna bring your s/o to something you know they wouldn't enjoy. So when she brought up the whole "I went with you plenty of shyt...", my rebuttal would'v been "But you didn't have to." At any time you could've passed. I rather you not go, then you going and being unhappy. B/c if you did go to an event you didn't want to go, I know you're only doing it just to say you did. Then end up throwing that back in my face. Naw.

But I would'v fought for that relationship. Told her "Look...i wasn't comfortable in this type of environment. That's all. We don't need to do no Love Of Basketball play for your heart tupe deal shyt man. Stop."

Muthafucca speaking German to my girl keke'ing...Naw. Lemme lock this down. For now, it's English around me muthafucca. But Earn didn't know what he want...or cared much. Lol
Van is obviously half German so idk why yall calling that girl weird, that's what she came up on. But ol girl should understand why Earn ain't want no part of that shit. Good episode in regards of studying Earn and Van's relationship, with that said this episode is no where near as good as the previous episodes of the season.
Van is obviously half German so idk why yall calling that girl weird, that's what she came up on. But ol girl should understand why Earn ain't want no part of that shit. Good episode in regards of studying Earn and Van's relationship, with that said this episode is no where near as good as the previous episodes of the season.

That's why I don't hold it against her for wanting to show Earn that side of her.

But if yall been dealing for that long, at some point yall gotta know what the other does and does not like.
True, I wonder if the actress that plays Van is actually half German. She spoke it good as fuck.

It's just such a culture clash and then it's some shit where she wants him to participate and dance and be the only black dude there.

That's a lot of pressure.Earn ain't the most social person really for a manager.

Funny how they had the Get Out Reference w/ the pig eating and then a weird party.

The undertone I got from Earn was that maybe she wants a German speaking white guy like that bartender.

Also funny how her apt number is B4(before)