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At what point does hate turn into confused admiration?... AKA We don't take returns with no receipts!!

And @Chi-town B whenever you’re ready to answer how you ran me off, feel free. I really wanna know because I could’ve SWORE it was other reasons I left this site. That ain’t have shit to do with this site. I could be wrong tho.
I have a problem with sexuality based insults I mean you’re associated with being a creep and you hate that

Yet, you continue to call me one...........knowing how you think I feel about it.

You've got a problem with.........."sexuality based insults".........but you don't have a problem insulting other people?

You really don't see the hypocrisy here?

Or is it that you see it............but just don't care?
Being as objective as I can be

This is a multi layered question

There technically isn't a mod of the cool table but let's say there was and it was Kandy. And let's face it, a majority of people probably assumes she does anyway.

With that being said, if you know or assumes she mods that section and make those comments, that can be perceived as you singling her out

If she makes the bulk of the threads in there and you indirectly mention how that section has what you deem to be trash, that can be perceived as you singling her out

If others are influenced by her threads and makes similar themed/titled threads and you go in their threads telling them they are continuing a trend of what you deem to be trash, then I would be lead to feel you were indirectly singling her out.

So, in summary, your comments are quacking and waddling so I'm left to conclude it's a duck b
I actually am the mod of the cool table and your post makes it seem like I think he’s singling me out and that’s not what this is about.

it’s about the subliminals knowing they are for me and how consistently mentioning it turns into confused admiration.

Granted others been making threads too but those threads are HELLA similar to shit I make.
Let me break your post down sentence by sentence.

1) I have been on this site ignoring the fuck outta you for a long time. Don’t hype yourself up thinking I’ve ever admired you. You have been in hella shit that I ain’t had shit to do with or inserted my delete in.

2) Before yesterday, you were in a whole thread about me claiming you ran me off. Did I bring you up? No. I was GONE. Not to mention the subliminals you throw out AND you was called out on it. Then you tucked your tail.

3) I’ve already come to the conclusion that you really think you’re big shit around here and you’re not.

But let’s say, hypothetically, you ran me off. You’re proud to have ran off the mf who kept you here? You do realize you could’ve been gone but I said nah. Do I need to go find the receipts for that only for you to deflect?
1. No you were not, me and race had an issue and there you were speaking on me and also crying about old shit. I thought you moved on. Beta and AP told me I was on your lips on that stupid podcast so you can drop that bullshit

2. That thread was 2 years ago or some shit and I was @'d, I didn't go in there before the @

3. I must be you made a whole thread to get my intention, you even @'d me in here so I would interact with you.

So the last two years I've said nothing to or about you unless you started it, you always start it. You can't help yourself. You never see me in your threads, participating in them, I don't even go in there and call them duds like I do with Dos and chicity threads. You're not on my radar lady
I actually am the mod of the cool table and your post makes it seem like I think he’s singling me out and that’s not what this is about.

it’s about the subliminals knowing they are for me and how consistently mentioning it turns into confused admiration.

Granted others been making threads too but those threads are HELLA similar to shit I make.
1. No you were not, me and race had an issue and there you were speaking on me and also crying about old shit. I thought you moved on. Beta and AP told me I was on your lips on that stupid podcast so you can drop that bullshit

2. That thread was 2 years ago or some shit and I was @'d, I didn't go in there before the @

3. I must be you made a whole thread to get my intention, you even @'d me in here so I would interact with you.

So the last two years I've said nothing to or about you unless you started it, you always start it. You can't help yourself. You never see me in your threads, participating in them, I don't even go in there and call them duds like I do with Dos and chicity threads. You're not on my radar lady
All I said in that thread was it reminded me of something and you got madder at me than the screenshots that were posted.

@AP21 and @Gene Parmesan when did I have his nameon my lips. Was it before or after a question may have been asked about him?

2. The thread was last year. Whether you was tagged or not you was HEAVILY in there parading how you ran me off. I’m still tryna find out how and what you did to make me run off?

3. I made a thread about confused admiration which you display. I tag people to threads a lot. Only you think it’s something beyond that.

real question though, since lying about running me off is cool. Would it be okay for me to ban you and say I didn’t do it? If so, let me know.
All I said in that thread was it reminded me of something and you got madder at me than the screenshots that were posted.

@AP21 and @Gene Parmesan when did I have his nameon my lips. Was it before or after a question may have been asked about him?

2. The thread was last year. Whether you was tagged or not you was HEAVILY in there parading how you ran me off. I’m still tryna find out how and what you did to make me run off?

3. I made a thread about confused admiration which you display. I tag people to threads a lot. Only you think it’s something beyond that.

real question though, since lying about running me off is cool. Would it be okay for me to ban you and say I didn’t do it? If so, let me know.
I would have to go back to listen but I believe you were asked a question directly and you answered it. It wasn't like you just said his name all willy nilly
But you personally told him I spoke on him?
No, I'll have to go to that thread, but he was shitting on the pod and I think I mentioned he was mentioned on the pod so he should've listened or something like that
I don’t think people know what “name in your mouth or on they lips” mean.

If I’m asked about a mf. Ima speak on it. That’s not having your name in my mouth.

if I’m out here just saying your name just for the hell of it, that’s having your name in my mouth.