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At what point does hate turn into confused admiration?... AKA We don't take returns with no receipts!!

And this is where you're wrong, I started calling chicity threads wack before I said the whole damn sub forum is wack. You made it about you when I said that for whatever reason. I don't care about your ban powers right now, you let another nigga fight your battle back then and that's facts
Again with the lies. So you got PTSD because a nigga chose to ban you based off some shit dealing with me.

You stay fighting mfs battles. You stay inserting yourself in people shit. Wasnt you fighting for Azlyn and Love at one point. But you mad at me because a nigga chose to ban you over what you did to me.

make it make sense?
Before you push that button, I want an honest answer.

If I say the whole cool table trash am I singling out anyone? Why would anyone be offended like I am singling them out. It would seem to me that this person was just waiting for any opportunity to interact with me.
Being as objective as I can be

This is a multi layered question

There technically isn't a mod of the cool table but let's say there was and it was Kandy. And let's face it, a majority of people probably assumes she does anyway.

With that being said, if you know or assumes she mods that section and make those comments, that can be perceived as you singling her out

If she makes the bulk of the threads in there and you indirectly mention how that section has what you deem to be trash, that can be perceived as you singling her out

If others are influenced by her threads and makes similar themed/titled threads and you go in their threads telling them they are continuing a trend of what you deem to be trash, then I would be lead to feel you were indirectly singling her out.

So, in summary, your comments are quacking and waddling so I'm left to conclude it's a duck b
Yea, I'm taking credit for that
How did you run me off? Because you made some heavy allegations.

For the record I only chased one off and it was for the good of the site, you other niggas gotta hold the L on the other chicks that stopped posting
I didn't run females off, just one and until today the site been peaceful because of it so you should be thanking me for making your mod job that much easier
I ran off one and then everyone started getting along so tell me how that's a bad thing.
Again with the lies. So you got PTSD because a nigga chose to ban you based off some shit dealing with me.

You stay fighting mfs battles. You stay inserting yourself in people shit. Wasnt you fighting for Azlyn and Love at one point. But you mad at me because a nigga chose to ban you over what you did to me.

make it make sense?
Oh and you skipped this one too @Chi-town B
Again with the lies. So you got PTSD because a nigga chose to ban you based off some shit dealing with me.

You stay fighting mfs battles. You stay inserting yourself in people shit. Wasnt you fighting for Azlyn and Love at one point. But you mad at me because a nigga chose to ban you over what you did to me.

make it make sense?
Just calling you out that you're with the tough mod talk now that you wasn't popping back then
You just needed a break from all the disrespect being thrown your way, I get it. You had to recharge.
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Just calling you out that you're with the tough mod talk now that you wasn't popping back then
Lmao your responses get dustier each time. what does this have to do with the fact that YOU are mad at ME because a nigga decided to step in(as you’ve done for females on this site) and ban you?
You just needed a break from all the disrespect being thrown your way, I get. You had to recharge.
What disrespect did you throw my way because you weren’t saying shit to me. last time I checked, there was no communication between you and I around that time because I wasn’t online. Sooooo again, how did you run me off?
Here's the facts, anything about me on this site you find a way to insert yourself into so who's admiring who. Before yesterday when is the last time I spoke your name that didn't have to do with you bringing me up. I get it things are boring, it's down right wack around here so you need me to fight with you to drum up views for your threads
Here's the facts, anything about me on this site you find a way to insert yourself into so who's admiring who. Before yesterday when is the last time I spoke your name that didn't have to do with you bringing me up. I get it things are boring, it's down right wack around here so you need me to fight with you to drum up views for your threads
Let me break your post down sentence by sentence.

1) I have been on this site ignoring the fuck outta you for a long time. Don’t hype yourself up thinking I’ve ever admired you. You have been in hella shit that I ain’t had shit to do with or inserted my delete in.

2) Before yesterday, you were in a whole thread about me claiming you ran me off. Did I bring you up? No. I was GONE. Not to mention the subliminals you throw out AND you was called out on it. Then you tucked your tail.

3) I’ve already come to the conclusion that you really think you’re big shit around here and you’re not.

But let’s say, hypothetically, you ran me off. You’re proud to have ran off the mf who kept you here? You do realize you could’ve been gone years ago, but I said nah. Do I need to go find the receipts for that only for you to deflect?