Welcome To aBlackWeb

At what point does hate turn into confused admiration?... AKA We don't take returns with no receipts!!

A person don't have to have a farewell either for them to not be active. Y'all can kill that narrative too
I'm not

That was a lie the good brotha Elzo could've told to get out a ticket or something.

The fact of the matter is, he, like a lot of people don't wanna make threads because shitting on other people's is good for their brand.
Who are these other people?
Y’all like receipts. This is from that thread But you ain’t know I was gone
Goldie made AP21 goof ass his ABW number 2 over Kandi .....Kandi decided she could not live w that and left for greener pastures

That’s the original story
She pulled a Norbes and went to AHH
She Prolly thought it was some sexism going on here...at least she was slanging shirts in the name of ABW
Kandi has these niggas under her thumb.... I miss her though
lol Kandy loved me.....some females just expect niggas to never have a different opinion .... u know bout that shit

This one stuck out to me.
U don’t go out of ur way to interact w ppl u hate.... never forget that
It be the same ones running up to get sonned every time. Now that I look back on that thread. The niggas who claim to not like me the most was the heaviest contributors.

Get @'d in here and then when I respond it's confused admiration. Keep quoting me and it's confused admiration.

Is it that when you make a thread dedicated to a nigga you can't stand
Oh so you assumed. Aaaah.

I don’t make mfs come to my rescue. They do that on their own. Just like you did for some people on here. They don’t ask you to come help them but you see your way in. However, I do wanna set this record straight that I don’t have to ask anybody to ban you, I can just do it. I don’t have to “cry” or any of that. I can just do it. I always could. Literally since 2017. I’m the reason you’re still posting here because I told him no.

do you wanna see? I got the same tab as #2. Always have.
You skipped this one too @Chi-town B