Welcome To aBlackWeb

At what point does hate turn into confused admiration?... AKA We don't take returns with no receipts!!

if a mod don’t want u posting in a section, why would u make threads there ....

But It didn’t I shined elsewhere....* shrugs*
You weren’t banned from the section. Just my threads. Other mfs was making threads and you heavy in the off topic thread. This logic ain’t making sense. Usually Geminis good with logic.

so basically a mod got power to make you not post threads in one section?

If y'all was making better content then we wouldn't be in this thread. No other sub forum suffering like this one. Y'all can't keep blaming the mega posters for the way it is
Looks like its prospering to me

You cant stay away so it must be hitting on some level
Still stands that you were banned TWICE, not by me, nor did I say ban you. Yet you go around talking about how when I’m in my feelings, I run and tell and you get banned. I never asked for you to be banned, ever. I even told the nigga not to ban you.

so what’s this narrative you painting that I’m so scared of you. If I wanted to ban you, I could literally just ban you. I don’t have to ask anyone. You wanna see?
This was skipped.

You weren’t banned from the section. Just my threads. Other mfs was making threads and you heavy in the off topic thread. This logic ain’t making sense. Usually Geminis good with logic.

so basically a mod got power to make you not post threads in one section?

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Yep didn’t know if u d lock or sink my threads ( we know how vindictive y’all can get lol ) so I let others lead the way
Don't matter what you're saying cause I think you did. Dude didn't come to the rescue of anyone else. You saying otherwise is doing nothing
Oh so you assumed. Aaaah.

I don’t make mfs come to my rescue. They do that on their own. Just like you did for some people on here. They don’t ask you to come help them but you see your way in. However, I do wanna set this record straight that I don’t have to ask anybody to ban you, I can just do it. I don’t have to “cry” or any of that. I can just do it. I always could. Literally since 2017. I’m the reason you’re still posting here because I told him no.

do you wanna see? I got the same tab as #2. Always have.
Stop instigating
I'm not

That was a lie the good brotha Elzo could've told to get out a ticket or something.

The fact of the matter is, he, like a lot of people don't wanna make threads because shitting on other people's is good for their brand.