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Are you still listening to R. Kelly?

His shit comes on xm radio a lot! I stopped listening and if his shit comes on I change the station. I scrubbed his music from my library. I grew up on kellz but the nigga foul!
I haven't listened to r kelly since that video. Didn't watch it but heard enough people say it was him. His music was completely banned in my house. Idgaf how talented he is. There are no passes for taking advantage of kids
i was all of 12 when i first heard allegations of r kelly being a pedo. i was 14 when dave chappelle dropped his infamous “piss on you” soundbyte lmaooooo

this idea “that niggas didnt care about him being sick until the white man dropped a doc” doesnt make much sense to me.

niggas was young as shit

i for one stopped listening to kellz way before the doc because as i got older, i started hearing more and more about how weird that nigga was

there were way too many people, mainly women, writing and speaking about r kelly and these articles spanned over 2 decades!!! there have been mad ppl that have spoken out aganist r kelly and tried to get that nigga the fuck up outta here way before “the white man” put that shit on lifetime

and honestly, its fucking sad that the BLACK men and women before me didnt do anything about it but tell the dj to “CRANK THAT SHIT UP” whenever he was played at clubs, cookouts, and/or dry humping somebody on their mommas good sheets

see thats the issue. niggas want to make excuses for their inability and downright unwillingness to protect Black women both in thought and practice

then want to blame the white man for bringing the abuse to the forefront prompting immediate change

you cant have it both ways yo
we as a community shouldve deaded the shit way before the white man swopped in.

kellz had a whole gang of mfers that allowed him to abuse women with impunity for decades and if niggas really cared about kellz and his victims they would have put a stop to that a long time ago.

everybody fails here.

when i watched portions of the doc, i kept saying to myself how did ppl allow this shit to go on for so long??

and after reading this thread its all starting to make sense
furthermore if you can listen to an artist knowing they have sexually abused mad girls without a care then more power to you.

anytime kellz is played i turn the station.

i dont want to hear shit that nigga gotta say

not now, not ever
I call it "manufactured morality."

Muhfuckas KNEW this shit about the R-uh for DECADES. Only till the doc came out that they decided that he was the world's worst human being.

Not when the marriage to Aaliyah happened.
Not when the DOZEN or so sex tapes came out.
Not when he beat the trial.

Nope. TV and Twitter told people to hate this man for the same shit he saw him do back in 1995.


R should be 15 years into a 25-to-30-year sentence, but that doesn't mean his music was/is timeless. I won't buy any new shit by him, but the 12 Play/Chocolate Factory shit I got on my phone ain't coming off. Bullshit-ass following hypocrites don't even realize their own hypocrisy/stupidity/cowardice.
Ex fucking zackly
So what y’all saying is we were supposed to cancel R Kelly when we were in high school and because we didn’t it’s fake outrage now? That’s retarded
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To everyone saying "listening to xxxx’s music is supporting them", I gots questions. TONS of them.

You or someone you know still bang to Dr. Dre's music, right...even after Dee Barnes and Michel'le came out and told you he beat their asses on the regular. If you went to see "Straight Outta Compton", you know you supported Dre (cause he definitely got a check for that movie), right? Hypocrite.

You still listen to the Temptations, right? You know David Ruffin damn near beat a tumor into Tammy Terrell, tho. You support them and play them at black cookouts knowing the fellow Temps knew too, right? Hypocrite.

Your parents love Miles Davis, don't they? Umm...didn't Miles cheat on and beat like three of his wives and like six of his girlfriends? Hypocrite.

Who supported (and still supports) knowingly the coke-addicted folk like Whitney, The Isleys, James Brown, compulsive gamblers (and asshole extraordinaire) like your basketball god Jordan, or porn-addicted cats like ya boy Kirk Franklin....yeah. EXACTLY.

I could go on and On, and ON...but you get the point. However, just in case you didn't, here it is:

You don't get to impose your MANUFACTURED MORALITY on the rest of us that chose art over life, just cause the TV told you to get outraged, especially when - once again - you KNEW how this Nasty-ass Nate named Robert moved around with that pedo shit for seemingly DECADES.

A group of wise men once told the chosen group of us almost 100 years ago that "Music is a universal language, and truly the greatest of the arts." So, I intend to enjoy as much art on this planet as I can, regardless of how the actual artists themselves act outside of the booth.

Besides, people have bought art from much worse people in humanity.

John Wayne Gacy STILL has art selling on the innanets to this very day. I'm sure people weren't supporting his murder spree of innocent boys and young men.

People collect Nazi art all the time. I don't consider those people (some of them) Hilter sympathizers or Holocaust deniers, either.

Point: NO one here has a clean life, and all of us are in agreement that Robert should have been LOCKED UP for his crimes....YEARS ago. If you wanna hate him. Fine. If you never want to listen to any song he made or makes ever again, that's cool too. You have that right.

But all that "you're just an enabler" shit....man, please. You can get THAT baboon shit 10000% the fuck outta here.

What are you, levitating over the rest of us? Every artist you EVER liked or like now is clean as a bean?

STOP it, fam. Grow up. And keep your manufactured morality over there with the rest of the 'holier than thou's.

Fuckin hypocrites.

Well damn.

I mean...Mister made some valid azzz points in this post.
So what y’all saying is we were supposed to cancel R Kelly when we were in high school and because we didn’t it’s fake outrage now? That’s retarded
Cancel him as a community.

why do you always do that?

as a community.

so yes the outrage to me is fake.
If what he already did was enough....why did a doc made to make him look bad get people angry?
He was already this person.