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are you happy with biden currently?

Are you satisfied with Bidens presidency?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Still waiting to see whats in store

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
saying “fuck biden” is rather lazy

if it was truly fuck biden they would have boycotted his presidency

instead they in here going hard at those that actively opposed him
Once again, you missed the point. I go hard at EVERYONE, Dem or GOP, that comes out with the bullshit. I don't support anyone; but given the choices we had for the White House, I choose the human who wasn't a raging, dumbass lunatic that was OPENLY championing White Supremacy, appointing muhfuckas to positions that were ruining those fields (once again, FUCK Betsy DeVos), and generally making America the laughing stock of the planet.

Just cause YOU never left the city you live in during Donnie's horrible tenure doesn't mean we all were in those bubbles.
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Never voted...never will

ALL politicians eventually become corrupt and tha higher you get tha higher tha corruption ...so if tha president is tha highest level of politics theeeen yeah well...you get tha point

Lmao@ playing a game (politics in America) that me as a black man couldn’t even cheat and win at?!?! This country and their laws not for us....I got enough stress as is to be worrying about some shit I can’t control

Fuck’em all....

Exactly this
Once again, you missed the point. I go hard at EVERYONE, Dem or GOP, that comes to me with the bullshit. I don't support anyone; but given the choice we had in the White House, I could the human who's NOT a raging, dumbass lunatic that was OPENLY championing White Supremacy, appointing muhfuckas to position that were ruining those field (once again, FUCK Betsy DeVos), and generally making America the laughing stock of the planet.

Just cause YOU never left the city you live in over Donnie's horrible tenure doesn't mean we all were in those bubbles.

you said all this to say what? you didn't actively oppose him. a vote is an endorsement

you also arent aganist white supremacy too many of your stances both socially and economically are right in line

i see right thru you bubba

and i left my city during trumps tenure

have 0 clue on what youre talking about
I just want them to be on code

I thought you grew up in a trailer park?
You know people don't come out of the womb at 10, right? And I said I've lived in trailer parks, not raised in them.

All irrelevant though, if you want to piece together the puzzle of my life make sure you have the right pieces.
all those critiques and yall still in here going this hard??!?

why are yall still in support of dems? serious question.

I can't speak for a collective "y'all" as I don't know other people reasons. I've said repeatedly I don't support Democrats but again because I don't litter my posts with a bunch of "fuck yous" and "coon you stuck on the plantations" that doesn't seem to register.

What I do support is calling out people who try to prop up racist right wing talking points under the guise of being critical of Democrats. Some of those who are anti Democrats seem to fall too easily into believing they're the same thing when they're not. It's not an exaggeration to say that alot of what gets spewed on here is also the same shit you hear on Fox News, OANN, and other racist places. That's how your boy got caught using that racist article he claimed to have "stumbled" upon.
@Disanthrope do not apologize to these people

Here's how I know you're a wishy washy character... in threads where dude is vocally raging about some shit that you would normally be diametrically opposed to you are conspicuously silent ever since he started actively kissing your ass.

This tells me you're an egoist and your "convictions" are basically a costume that you're wearing. You thrive on praise and glory which kinda makes you no different than a lot of the people you rail against (politicians, blm founders, tariq, etc...).

Dude will call your irl friend a faggot about 100 times in a row and you don't have shit to say as long as he keeps hitting that like button for you. The shit is a drug and you can't get enough. LMAO.
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I can't speak for a collective "y'all" as I don't know other people reasons. I've said repeatedly I don't support Democrats but again because I don't litter my posts with a bunch of "fuck yous" and "coon you stuck on the plantations" that doesn't seem to register.

What I do support is calling out people who try to prop up racist right wing talking points under the guise of being critical of Democrats. Some of those who are anti Democrats seem to fall too easily into believing they're the same thing when they're not. It's not an exaggeration to say that alot of what gets spewed on here is also the same shit you hear on Fox News, OANN, and other racist places. That's how your boy got caught using that racist article he claimed to have "stumbled" upon.
This dense ass nigga is still accusing me of being a trumpsucker because of a tweet.

Rain, i need you to understand that you accusing me of being right wing is out of loyalty to the left, period.

You can't fathom someone being black first and not beholden to a party...like you are

If you can pin trump supporter on me it discredits everything I say and it allows you to stay nestled in Biden's bosom
Here's how I know you're a wishy washy character... in threads where dude is vocally raging about some shit that you would normally be diametrically opposed to you are conspicuously silent ever since she started actively kissing your ass.

This tells me you're an egoist and your "convictions" are basically a costume that you're wearing. You thrive on praise and glory which kinda makes you no different than a lot of the people you rail against (politicians, blm founders, tariq, etc...).

Dude will call your irl friend a faggot about 100 times in a row and you don't have shit to say as long as he keeps hitting that like button for you. The shit is a drug and you can't get enough. LMAO.
Here's how I know you're a wishy washy character... in threads where dude is vocally raging about some shit that you would normally be diametrically opposed to you are conspicuously silent ever since she started actively kissing your ass.

This tells me you're an egoist and your "convictions" are basically a costume that you're wearing. You thrive on praise and glory which kinda makes you no different than a lot of the people you rail against (politicians, blm founders, tariq, etc...).

Dude will call your irl friend a faggot about 100 times in a row and you don't have shit to say as long as he keeps hitting that like button for you. The shit is a drug and you can't get enough. LMAO.
As long as you get off the treadmill...