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are you happy with biden currently?

Are you satisfied with Bidens presidency?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Still waiting to see whats in store

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
Im not ready to point out the real mvps who voted this man in and was celebrated.

not ready for that yet. I’m not.
im just watching for now.

just remember, a certain demographic was shit on for going against Biden and called sellouts.

andat this point ...,,i can admit....i just wanted trump out. He helped out my money a fucking lot. But i felt he was too direct with saying fuck black folk......yet here we are...Asians getting protected.....kinda bothers me that they got a law passed so fast. It’s a lot to say now. But smdh.....we gotta do better.

regardless of what y’all think of cube he tried...and was attacked.
I appreciate this thread and we need to get things done early and stop being last minute Larry.

I know you were born and raised in the UK innit?

You ain't fled the islands... did you?

Not relevant at all. Race and Dis have realised their "you're a coon if you vote" doesn't get as much traction as it used to so now they just resortin' to personal attacks.

Stupid personal attacks.

Race tellin' me I shouldn't post in this thread but she up in the Palestine thread and nuff other global political threads.

Dis claims to be anti white supremacy but he keeps insultin' my black family for no reason

They both dumb AF to be fair

It's only annoyin' coz they are very convincin' to other ignorant posters.
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Im not ready to point out the real mvps who voted this man in and was celebrated.

not ready for that yet. I’m not.
im just watching for now.

just remember, a certain demographic was shit on for going against Biden and called sellouts.

andat this point ...,,i can admit....i just wanted trump out. He helped out my money a fucking lot. But i felt he was too direct with saying fuck black folk......yet here we are...Asians getting protected.....kinda bothers me that they got a law passed so fast. It’s a lot to say now. But smdh.....we gotta do better.

regardless of what y’all think of cube he tried...and was attacked.
I feel you on all of that, but people are blaming Joe and democrats when it’s not them that’s keeping laws for blacks from being passed.

Of course an Asian bill is getting passed, those republicans don’t hate them like they do us. They’ve been grafted in to fortify the republicans and white political base as demographics shift against them.

People just need to take that rage to the right people’s doorsteps instead of here where we all pretty much want the same things. We just have different opinions on methods. I’ll respect all this vitriol when they screenshot their posts from Stormfront or any other republican/racist forum.
The fact many people refuse to acknowledge this is a form exploitation as in his later life Malcolm's opinions and positions have changed
Its one thing for an inherently docile foreigner to disrespect the Brother's legacy but for an American its fucking treasonous

Your niggas are literally saying Malcolm would've softened up on white supremacy because you have. 100% projection

How low do you have to be to misuppropriate this man's legacy to benefit fucking democrats? Aka WHITE PEOPLE

How is this stance ANY different from these???

Not relevant at all. Race and Dis have realised their "you're a coon if you vote" doesn't get as much traction as it used to so now they just resortin' to personal attacks.

Stupid personal attacks.

Race tellin' me I shouldn't post in this thread but she up in the Palestine thread and nuff other global political threads.

Dis claims to be anti white supremacy but he keeps insultin' my black family for no reason

They both dumb AF to be fair

It's only annoyin' coz they are very convincin' to other ignorant posters.
Fact: You FLED an all black country.. to a white one.

Of course righteous black people intimidate you fuckboy
Cellar doors rhetoric in particular says "shut up and bow down to the nicer white people, because the alternative is the meaner white people"

That's the only message he has ever conveyed on this forum
Lol you're not righteous @Disanthrope you're dumb. Trump literally took white supremacy into the White House and you're chastisin' black people for votin' them away.

People like you who were happy to allow another 4 years of KKK rule are the ones who are ok with white supremacy.


Right on mf cue