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Thanks and I quit because it cost too much and I did something stupid regarding a guy lol
Not even gonna try to make u elaborate again but uh...u still get props lmao

The way chain smoking cigs was beginning to affect me physically didnt make me quit

Sitting down and adding up how much money from my hard work was spent on poisoning my own body did tho

Keep it up!
U got over a month in fam ur good

Try that with weed one day tho

nah you saw that thread

went 18 days and bout lost my fucking mind

I gotta take off work and go on a month long vacation or some shit to completely quit smoking

crazy how you can get stuck in shit like that....i feel like thats the reason most functional addicts dont try rehab....the whole part of being "functional" is that you still have work and responsibilities to deal with.....cant just quit life and go sit in a circle to tell druggie stories lol
Not even gonna try to make u elaborate again but uh...u still get props lmao

The way chain smoking cigs was beginning to affect me physically didnt make me quit

Sitting down and adding up how much money from my hard work was spent on poisoning my own body did tho

Keep it up!

Thanks and good job! :)
nah you saw that thread

went 18 days and bout lost my fucking mind

I gotta take off work and go on a month long vacation or some shit to completely quit smoking

crazy how you can get stuck in shit like that....i feel like thats the reason most functional addicts dont try rehab....the whole part of being "functional" is that you still have work and responsibilities to deal with.....cant just quit life and go sit in a circle to tell druggie stories lol
I hear u man ive seen some bad addictions and what they can do to ppls lives and what it takes to recover.

Not tryna impose anything on u but maybe try 'fasting' from weed for a certain short amount of time...then 'fast' for longer and longer amounts til u can either quit cold turkey or at least know u have more control over ur habit than u previously thought.

Thats only if u feel u have a problem cuz if u dont then fuck all that live your life

But never think theres only one way to quit. Do it your way if u have to, even if it takes longer.
i think its a problem but not for the reasons other people would

and thats what lets me know im not really ready to quit
I hear u man ive seen some bad addictions and what they can do to ppls lives and what it takes to recover.

Not tryna impose anything on u but maybe try 'fasting' from weed for a certain short amount of time...then 'fast' for longer and longer amounts til u can either quit cold turkey or at least know u have more control over ur habit than u previously thought.

Thats only if u feel u have a problem cuz if u dont then fuck all that live your life

But never think theres only one way to quit. Do it your way if u have to, even if it takes longer.

My experience when i used to smoke/drink was that I would chill a while, abstain for a week/two then be like "alright cool, I can quit when I want, let me roll something up"

Then come back like 2/3x harder lmao
Not a drinker so this is a walk in the park. No weed? For what purpose? Just grabbed a half quarter 10 min ago.
I moved to a place where I didn't have any connects and went cold turkey

As for drinking, I just got tired of it. I decided one day I was done and that was it
Did u move for the sole purpose of getting sober?

And did u have to 'pause' your life...work. fam, friends, etc...in the process? Or were u able to carry on smoothly with things that were already productive in your life?