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Used to sprinkle red rock opium on my blunts jr yr of hs

Had the blunt burn slow last like a whole hour.

Felt like my head was in my shoes tho
I smoked opium exactly once

More than anything, it was the feeling of not giving a damn about anything that I loved

Knew I needed to never do it again or I'd be doing it all the time lmao

see you been a little further down that road then I've been lol

i cant say i've lost any love but that no fear/no inhibitions feeling is just as close.....cuz you dont give a shit about dying or nothing

Used to sprinkle red rock opium on my blunts jr yr of hs

Had the blunt burn slow last like a whole hour.

Felt like my head was in my shoes tho

yeah, never even heard of that

we keep it pretty plain w/ the drugs down here lmao
Could never get past weed. It’s a good thing I overthink things and feel extremely guilty.
see you been a little further down that road then I've been lol

i cant say i've lost any love but that no fear/no inhibitions feeling is just as close.....cuz you dont give a shit about dying or nothing

yeah, never even heard of that

we keep it pretty plain w/ the drugs down here lmao

Sometimes you just need to go straight to the essence

I never messed with coke/base, or meth, or H/pills... But anything natural or any kind of hallucinogen was fair game to me
Good job to those who stuck it out...

... Anyone doing No nut November?

No climaxing for a whole month...
i have started to loose my shit, liver is important i an a drink away from cihrossis...age 37 they said it aint worth it trust me it never fills that void it just blahhhhhhh
Used to sprinkle red rock opium on my blunts jr yr of hs

Had the blunt burn slow last like a whole hour.

Felt like my head was in my shoes tho

I did this shit too when i was in 9th grade. Only to find out the red rock opium isnt opium at all. I swore it made me feel different than smoking regular weed though until i learned what opium really is lmao. When Opium is extracted from the poppy it comes out as a white/pink goo. After sitting around it turns into a very dark brown almost black tarry substance.

We used to crush up percocets and pour it in the blunt and that shit would fuck you up. Started using harder prescriptions later too. One time we dipped the blunt wrap in codeine syrup and smoked it but that shit wasnt too crazy and was kind of messy. Probably didnt have a very high strength syrup though.

I did this shit too when i was in 9th grade. Only to find out the red rock opium isnt opium at all. I swore it made me feel different than smoking regular weed though until i learned what opium really is lmao. When Opium is extracted from the poppy it comes out as a white/pink goo. After sitting around it turns into a very dark brown almost black tarry substance.

We used to crush up percocets and pour it in the blunt and that shit would fuck you up. Started using harder prescriptions later too. One time we dipped the blunt wrap in codeine syrup and smoked it but that shit wasnt too crazy and was kind of messy. Probably didnt have a very high strength syrup though.


Cats used to throw shrooms and Vicodan in the blunt

I was cool with the first and cool off the second
Cats used to throw shrooms and Vicodan in the blunt

I was cool with the first and cool off the second

Ive always heard of people smoking shrooms. Ive never done it myself as someone told me it could be dangerous having the spores get into your lungs but i dunno how true that shit is lmao. Just drug myths from when we were kids.

Im well overdo for a Shroom trip though, im gonna have to find some soon. Sucks cuz we only seem to have shrooms during a certain time of the year. I hear the shits grow crazy in Florida though to where people go and pick baskets full after it rains. This is northern florida. I hear Farmers will constantly chase people off of their fields cuz people hop their fences at night to pick the shrooms haha.
Ive always heard of people smoking shrooms. Ive never done it myself as someone told me it could be dangerous having the spores get into your lungs but i dunno how true that shit is lmao. Just drug myths from when we were kids.

Im well overdo for a Shroom trip though, im gonna have to find some soon. Sucks cuz we only seem to have shrooms during a certain time of the year. I hear the shits grow crazy in Florida though to where people go and pick baskets full after it rains. This is northern florida. I hear Farmers will constantly chase people off of their fields cuz people hop their fences at night to pick the shrooms haha.

San Francisco has trash weather and when it's not in a drought it rains a lot. Ironically enough shrooms grow in the park hippies kick it in. Folks go there at like 5 am a couple of days after it rains to swoop them up

Smoking them gives you a strong buzz, but you don't hallucinate. You're just high as hell lmao
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