Welcome To aBlackWeb

ABW Presents: Dear White People...

I just wanna let all of you know that I been told y'all about that little bitch ass peckerwood, @freethewave. He was a habitual line stepper on the ic as well.

Good riddance.
@Goldie I need some clarification on what you intended with the name ABlackWeb...

Is it supposed to be a place for black people to chill and talk shop?

Is it named that because you're a fan of the character Venom?

Or is it a cover for the actual dark web and after a poster reaches 1 billion dollars, they gain access hence the reason you have to reset everyone's money?
I ain't going lie when I came here I thought this was an edgy theblackweb name for a message board. I was wrong.

it has come to my attention that you are a white member here trying to infiltrate the site to cause dissention and chaos

you have 24 hours to provide evidence that you are in fact black

post a pic with today's date and your screen name or face a ban

it has come to my attention that you are a white member here trying to infiltrate the site to cause dissention and chaos

you have 24 hours to provide evidence that you are in fact black

post a pic with today's date and your screen name or face a ban
Who accusing him?