Welcome To aBlackWeb

ABW Presents: Dear White People...

This is called “A BLACK WEB”

it is a safe space for us to talk about whatever we wish to talk about and we DONT HAVE TO BE NUANCED ABOUT IT.

get over yourself
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Non-Blacks should be happy they are even allowed up here. If it were my site it would consist of nothing but Blacks to avoid this dumb ass convo right here.
I was trying to stay out of this thread, but this might be post of the month lol

I got a question brotha cuz I think a few of us black members are confused.

The name of the website....

What exactly does it mean?

I don't want to go hard on these non black folks if the website name doesn't mean what I think it means.
The absolute audacity of the non blacks in this thread/website trying to tell us how to be on A BLACK Web.

Is there no place where we as a people can be without the interference and unnecessary opinion of non black people?

Shit is crazy, what would I look like joining An Aryan Web talking bout Fred Hampton and why the majority of posters talk shit bout non whites?!

If you're not black and don't like us talking shit, log the fuck off and join a different forum! Lawd yall people trip me out.

@Goldie I need some clarification on what you intended with the name ABlackWeb...

Is it supposed to be a place for black people to chill and talk shop?

Is it named that because you're a fan of the character Venom?

Or is it a cover for the actual dark web and after a poster reaches 1 billion dollars, they gain access hence the reason you have to reset everyone's money?

If you ever got an email from this site or google "ablackweb" etc, you're gonna see the full title of the site is "ablackweb: Hip Hop & Black Culture". I wanted it to be the black internet. Basically a place where black people can talk about and/or find information about anything related to black culture.

It's definitely not an anti (insert other race) site, but it is a black space.
You also have to be realistic. White people aren't out here getting police called on them for swimming at their apt complex's pool, or stopped at gates of their communities and asked for identification from regular cilvilians, or for sitting in coffee shops. White people aren't comfortable with our freedom of the world and open opportunities for betterment. They still think they are superior. We are forced to teach our young children things that white kids won't ever have to deal with in life.
Your speaking to me as if we don’t go through the same when speaking of them feeling superior to Latinos.

That’s why trump insisted on putting a wall up on the border of Mexico.

Just last weekend ICE was at the Spokane hoop fest trying to round up Latinos to throw back over that wall...

Not saying what you say isn’t true but it’s not just black people who live in this injustice world.
Non-Blacks should be happy they are even allowed up here. If it were my site it would consist of nothing but Blacks to avoid this dumb ass convo right here.

Now now Race...that kinda attitude would be considered racist...no prejudice...wait which of the two is worse again? Lol
Your speaking to me as if we don’t go through the same when speaking of them feeling superior to Latinos.

That’s why trump insisted on putting a wall up on the border of Mexico.

Just last weekend ICE was at the Spokane hoop fest trying to round up Latinos to throw back over that wall...

Not saying what you say isn’t true but it’s not just black people who live in this injustice world.
So why are you in here rallying for them?
This is a great thread. I'm so proud y'all was able to do this without me
Your speaking to me as if we don’t go through the same when speaking of them feeling superior to Latinos.

That’s why trump insisted on putting a wall up on the border of Mexico.

Just last weekend ICE was at the Spokane hoop fest trying to round up Latinos to throw back over that wall...

Not saying what you say isn’t true but it’s not just black people who live in this injustice world.
So then you understand why blk ppl feel the way they feel, but yet you're telling them how they should feel or behave.

It's not a #MeToo thing mane. I don't think you can fully understand so I will bow out.