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ABW Court: Should Lucien Remain Banned?

What Should Be Lucien's Verdict?

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Not all of us sit on our phones while being paid to work nor do I sit here watching my phone refreshing it every minute to see who commented.
I have a life and things to entertain myself with other than the internet.

If I said I hadn’t really seen the threads you talking about then ISWIS.

Unless I seen it on the forum page and someone commenting on it then yes I never seen it.

I don’t need your approval on what I seen or haven’t seen. :)

You having a life sounds wonderful. Didn’t think I needed to know ALL of that but if you felt it was necessary. Who are me to judge?

You haven’t seen the threads, cool. I hear you.

Don’t quite understand the needing approval statement but hey, ok.

Thanks for your time and response.
But I'm not fully white either. So racially where does that put me? If only there was some word that meant someone was a combination of things. Something with an M... Hmmm

Couldn't give a fuck. You know you not black, you not mixed with black so stop faking the funk.
Using the one shining example to condemn the rest of the hundreds of attempts to at freedom by everyone taped by the west is intellectually weak at best, supremacist at worst

The same could be said of mesoamerica. The Aztecs were better prepared and thriving and the Taino are gone.
Yall deserve this muthafucka lmao. Let him stay. Fuck it.
The same could be said of mesoamerica. The Aztecs were better prepared and thriving and the Taino are gone.

Once again an extremely weak argument. Comparing a thriving hundreds of years old civilization to a group of nomadic tribes is stupid.

No amount of "trying harder" would bridge that gap.

Theres way more nuance to all this shit. Which is why these simplified statements are so dumb
Once again an extremely weak argument. Comparing a thriving hundreds of years old civilization to a group of nomadic tribes is stupid.

No amount of "trying harder" would bridge that gap.

Theres way more nuance to all this shit. Which is why these simplified statements are so dumb

The Maya were established and fared poorly. Nuance about what, ability? Yeah it's on a spectrum. Nomadacism was poorly suited for dealing with those threats. Just like the Dominican Republic was poorly suited for dealing with American imperialism when you invaded the island. Or every other country the US has steamrolled
You having a life sounds wonderful. Didn’t think I needed to know ALL of that but if you felt it was necessary. Who are me to judge?

You haven’t seen the threads, cool. I hear you.

Don’t quite understand the needing approval statement but hey, ok.

Thanks for your time and response.
The approval statement was made because you clearly said you didn’t believe it... thassit
What's the metric for trying in that context bro? It's a loaded sentence that implies the superior hardworking white people (who harnessed millions of slaves and raped most of the planet to get to that point) put forth the hardwork to imperially subject our people to what they did. It implys that our ancestors were simply lying down waiting for their fate.

It's one that is constantly used on websites like stormfront.

Is that what you want to endorse?

I took it more as him simply saying not losing would mean not being enslaved. And seeing how prior to this situation hes never said anything questionable (as far as i know) that it wasnt meant maliciously.
I check all the boxes that apply. So, you're asking how I identify? That's troubling. What if I say Black? Dolezal tried that and it didn't work that way. Race apparently isn't just how you see yourself. If i say I'm one thing and nobody accepts it then am I still that thing?

I'm racially ambiguous. People have asked me if I'm Arab, Mexican, Brazilian, South American, Filipino, Portuguese, and even Chinese. I see myself as mixed.


I took it more as him simply saying not losing would mean not being enslaved. And seeing how prior to this situation hes never said anything questionable (as far as i know) that it wasnt meant maliciously.

Nah dude felt unsafe and shot his weapon.

Fuck some of yall for real.
I took it more as him simply saying not losing would mean not being enslaved. And seeing how prior to this situation hes never said anything questionable (as far as i know) that it wasnt meant maliciously.

This was my first interaction with homie...either way...as a non black in a black space saying something that could be deemed as offensive...just be ready for the consequences...like I said before...you have the right to say whatever you want...just use wisdom.
So now niggas about to be in their feelings because the votes not going their way
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