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ABW Court: Ohmars vs AP

as exhausting as this is trying to not get trolled by you

i'ma keep it going for as long as i can

your point is stupid

ok...so what should've been your punishment when you posted anon to avoid using the screen name chosen for you?

There was no rule for doing that
And nigga that name ain't worse then to be going thread to thread with the name pedophile and having subway jared in your avi for multiple weeks. I just asked Goldie how long it lasts and kept it moving. Nigga you saw it happen to me and as a person in some authoritative role here you wasn't crying about a rule then but now you pull one up when it's happening to you

so you circumvented the process by posting anon right?

yes or no

furthermore, if you didnt like the name pedophile but in the spirit of going with the name change rule, why didnt you protest instead of posting anon?

You could've easily said "aye ya'll, i dont like that name, pick something else", but YOU chose to not say anything

whose fault is that??
This nigga act like I slapped his mom, its just a name and picture change my guy. Get over yourself

nigga please...you are the one hellbent on keeping this going after i tried to compromise on page 2 that i would concede to a name change, but no avi change

i'll get over myself when you get over me
nigga please...you are the one hellbent on keeping this going after i tried to compromise on page 2 that i would concede to a name change, but no avi change

i'll get over myself when you get over me
Fuck a compromise. You you trying to skate on the rules because your a mod. Get that weak shit outta here
Why don't yall just split the difference..

1 - All rules should be clear for the ABW store... Which ones are set in stone.. and which ones are at Goldies discretion as the site-owner
2 - AP gotta have his name and avi changed for the week as per the original request since the rule was not clearly defined in the rulebook

so you circumvented the process by posting anon right?

yes or no

furthermore, if you didnt like the name pedophile but in the spirit of going with the name change rule, why didnt you protest instead of posting anon?

You could've easily said "aye ya'll, i dont like that name, pick something else", but YOU chose to not say anything

who's fault is that??

Don't get upset because I found a loophole and if it was breaking a rule why not say something then. You making this bigger than what it has to be
Fuck a compromise. You you trying to skate on the rules because your a mod. Get that weak shit outta here
this has nothing to do with me being a mod lol

you can gtfo outta here with this

i never said i should be treated differently

we are on page 5 now

remember this was over on page 2...or was it 3? i dont remember
Why don't yall just split the difference..

1 - All rules should be clear for the ABW store... Which ones are set in stone.. and which ones are at Goldies discretion as the site-owner
2 - AP gotta have his name and avi changed for the week as per the original request since the rule was not clearly defined in the rulebook

View attachment 62881

yes to no. 1
yes to part of no. 2

im not changing my avi