In closing I'd just like to send a message to the people of abw:
I've laughed, shared stories, and feuded with yall. I've even come to care about the people behind the avi's and screen names, and I think that's because of the quality of people here. We may not have the most members, the most power users, or threads doing crazy numbers, but we do have some of if not the best conversations on race, sex, every day life, etc of any forum I've been on. The abw mk threads are funny and competitive besides the crying and riggery from
goldie and chicity the hosts. A great majority of the posters are exactly that posters and not a fake internet personality made up to get clicks and internet points. In many ways, the way we can joke, laugh, and confide with each other makes us a legit family, the abw family.
Now with all of that nice shit being said, don't other vote for these other mfs, they'd fuck all of that nice stuff up in a heartbeat.
Sanchez out