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  • Chi-town B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IP360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sweet Pussie Saturday (smh)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Question 2:

This is a two part question.

Conflicts are going to happen. You are in an environment where personalities will clash from time to time. First part, as a mod, how would you respond to being relentlessly attacked by a member?

Second part, how would you respond to two members who are at odds to the point where its becoming a distraction to the board?
I don't argue with fools. I'm not about to keyboard a nigga to death either you can catch these hands or STFU period. St the most I'll give you a few post to talk yo shit and I'll hit you with a line or two after that fuck it let's fight. I'm not about to do that monkey ass shit @AP21 and @Chi-Town B did for 3mos. Fuck this internet shit I'm about violence real violence not ethers and keekeeking for my internet friends.

Two jackasses yipyapping on the internet is silly to me and if it's entertaining I usually let it ride. Long as they dont go at kids and family I don't give a fuck what you weirdo's are talking about because 98% of you faggots and bitches too heart's pump sugar and no real shit going to pop off so fuck you and your post. Normally Posters are laughing at you not with you.
Question: 4

What part of the site are you interesting in moderating?
Question: 3

Rules. Nobody likes them, but we need them in order to maintain some sense of decency. As a mod, one of the main rules is posting pictures of people without their permission, sans celebrities, is frowned upon. This is the scenario, "A regular, well liked poster makes a thread about a woman he's pursuing. The participants flood him with questions like "DSGDA?", jokingly asking for pics to see if it's worth the hassle. He drops a face picture, saying "I can trust y'all not to act a fool and track her down."

How do you respond to the situation?

"My lowest moments came from tryin' too hard To impress some niggas that couldn't care if I'm on"

"Always worried 'bout the critics who ain't ever fuckin' did it I write what's in my heart, don't give a fuck who fuckin' with it But in a sense I can relate, the need to be great Turns into an obsession and keeps a nigga up late"
there is one more question

gonna try to give everyone a fair opportunity to answer, but we can't wait around all day as I want to put the poll up this afternoon. I'm hopeful, by that time, the rest of the candidates will have responded. If they havent answered by 6pm CST, then I'm adding the poll and letting people vote.
Question: 4

What part of the site are you interesting in moderating?

"Okay, okay, ladies, now let's get in formation, 'cause I slay
Okay, ladies, now let's get in formation, 'cause I slay
Prove to me you got some coordination, 'cause I slay
Slay trick, or you get eliminated"
So are you gonna let @Cain @IP360 and whoever else answer first? Or just go based of those who are present?

How would you nominees handle this thread?
Simply put, half the nominees wouldn't have been put on the ballot. Sorry/NotSorry

The mod needs more activity, not less. Where the last 'people mod'? I'll wait

There's only a handful that care about real active duties. Some threw their name it cause it was funny. Others because they were nominated and said 'sure'. We even have a Trump that only wants it so he can say he won *look at his previous reactions in games played*.

The fact is, you wanted it you would have been here for it. You would have typed the titangraphs. You would have continued swinging even if everyone had walked out the arena

They washed and they outta here
Question: 3

Rules. Nobody likes them, but we need them in order to maintain some sense of decency. As a mod, one of the main rules is posting pictures of people without their permission, sans celebrities, is frowned upon. This is the scenario, "A regular, well liked poster makes a thread about a woman he's pursuing. The participants flood him with questions like "DSGDA?", jokingly asking for pics to see if it's worth the hassle. He drops a face picture, saying "I can trust y'all not to act a fool and track her down."

How do you respond to the situation?

Well for one DSGDA is a very valid question but I am for innocent people's rights. If you're going to post someone's pic I would hope you dumb niggas make it so that their face is blurred out or at the least that pic is doctored so a jackass like Dizz can't Google image search and find the person's FB, IG or other social media accounts.

Also I'm a mod not your daddy if we tell Ayo that fire is hot as fuck but your dumbass stick your hand in it and get burned that's your fault not ours. Grow up stop trying to impress your internet pals these niggas usually pussies who won't show their own face but expect you to show some one else's. Now I think about I hate you dumb niggas who fall for this shit
Question 5:

Some of ya'll are Day 1's, while others have found this site in other ways. The site has undergone a lot of changes in that short time, but is always looking for ways to improve. What is one thing that you would currently change about the site as it exists today and why?
Question: 4

What part of the site are you interesting in moderating?
I'm interested in modding the cool table, I feel like it's where most of the topics that bring us together are made and it's in those threads that I spend a good majority of my time posting here. That part of the forum allows a diverse range of topics/subjects to be discussed and it's where I feel most of get to really know each other.

I feel like it's that section where I can best serve the community, I feel like it's already in a good place and I think that it can be even better than it currently is.
Question: 4

What part of the site are you interesting in moderating?
What part???? Nigga the whole part fuck I look like a chain dog guarding a chair? I mod all parts of the forum BUT I don't step on other mods toes. If they set a rule I'll ride with it AS LONG AS ITS NOT SOMETHING STUPID like editing people's post to faggot shit or deleting post because a poster hurt your dumbass feelings. Lol at what section FOH nigga I'm me the forum is my section
In all fairness the other people's mod has a sick child so she can't be on here anymore so I can't hold that against her.
Question 5:

Some of ya'll are Day 1's, while others have found this site in other ways. The site has undergone a lot of changes in that short time, but is always looking for ways to improve. What is one thing that you would currently change about the site as it exists today and why?
I would change the money system up a bit, as one of the sites most wealthiest members, I think we need to make it easier for the little people to succeed. I know the current mods are already working on it but yeah, I think the current system needs a lil shaking up.

I think we should have brainstorm on ways to recruit or keep our members checking in. We had that chick sign up cause of goldie but she only posted once and that was that. She was one and done, if we want consistent growth, we need to find ways to encourage users to return and participate in the forum.
What part???? Nigga the whole part fuck I look like a chain dog guarding a chair? I mod all parts of the forum BUT I don't step on other mods toes. If they set a rule I'll ride with it AS LONG AS ITS NOT SOMETHING STUPID like editing people's post to faggot shit or deleting post because a poster hurt your dumbass feelings. Lol at what section FOH nigga I'm me the forum is my section
You say this, but I recall a poster on the ic name being changed from "aggyaf" to "faggyaf" and then there's also "beta" having his name changed and never changed back. All of this happened on your watch.

Must be 2 sides to this modship
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