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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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Good thing this isn't the United States of Race Jones, and our laws aren't based on your whims.

No I would not adopt all the babies brought to term. I would support more regulation of and money put into the foster, adoption, and public childcare systems so that children who are given up by their parents can have a shot at good and healthy upbringings too. See that's kinda how a society works. No one person has to bear the burden for all of its decisions.

Lol you know and I know Americans don’t wanna pay more in taxes to help foster kids white folks don’t even like paying for welfare. Why can’t a mom abort after 2 months? Because what she carrying has a soul? Her body changes whole life changes you got kids and you know this. Millions of kids born into struggle why do we want more of that in a country that rationalizes not helping people?
i mean what are we arguing here? who cares whether you agree or not, women should have access to safe abortion options and care.

this is where i get mad because often times abortions are deeper than “i just dont want my baby” a lot of my friends had an abortion because their baby had no heartbeat or their skull wasnt fully formed or other birth defects. termination of pregnancy because of fetal anomalies is a real thing.

so when you argue that abortions shouldnt exist, you leave a lot of room for women to suffer in silence for various reasons

i dont think any of you have the range to discuss this no shade. yall all can kindly stfu

Who the fuck has "a lot" of friends that had abortions due to birth defects? Isn't that one of the least common reasons? You hang out with a bunch of junkies or some shit?
Good thing this isn't the United States of Race Jones, and our laws aren't based on your whims.

No I would not adopt all the babies brought to term. I would support more regulation of and money put into the foster, adoption, and public childcare systems so that children who are given up by their parents can have a shot at good and healthy upbringings too. See that's kinda how a society works. No one person has to bear the burden for all of its decisions.

😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you live in a fantasy world. childcare system is shit. adoption/foster care system is shit. how do you plan on reforming it captain save a kid??? tf

voting/reform aint gon do it
That’s cute bro but let’s talk about reality. Stealing and murder always been wrong and women have always found ways to get rid of unwanted pregnancies long before abortion our society or at least half of it said maybe we shouldn’t let them use clothes hangers and do this in a way with less death overall. Cuz it seem like y’all care if the kid is born and that’s it. Don’t care about the stability or the mom or how this kid gonna eat and be provided for. To me yea you can say you pro life but unless you about to raise all these unwanted kids what’s the point. Why should you get to decide if somebody else wants to carry a pregnancy full term? Why do you get to make that choice?

Who is ya'll bruh? Like I've said, I support helping low income households and investing in initiatives to assist with children that are given up. I'm also not saying that I should get to make any choice. Again, I'm not on here saying abortion should be outlawed wholesale. I just believe that if we should be able to have a real discussion about where a reasonable line can be drawn without one side calling everyone they disagree with "baby killers" and the other side acting like everyone they disagree with is against women.

Lol you know and I know Americans don’t wanna pay more in taxes to help foster kids white folks don’t even like paying for welfare. Why can’t a mom abort after 2 months? Because what she carrying has a soul? Her body changes whole life changes you got kids and you know this. Millions of kids born into struggle why do we want more of that in a country that rationalizes not helping people?

Americans don't want to do a lot of shit that is right, so we agree that this problem will probably never be handled in a reasonable way.

And your argument is basically that a child's life is expendable because pregnancy is tough. If that's what you believe, that's fine, but we disagree on that point. Supporting a child for a couple decades or more is hard too, but even if my children weren't planned, I wouldn't have demanded that society give me an option to give up that responsibility. To me that's weak.
😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you live in a fantasy world. childcare system is shit. adoption/foster care system is shit. how do you plan on reforming it captain save a kid??? tf

voting/reform aint gon do it

Really Race? You're the biggest advocate in the world for radical change in systems that do poor jobs of serving the public, but in this case, expecting that change means living in a fantasy world? The criminal justice system, military industrial complex, and healthcare systems in this country are all just as fucked up as the childcare system. You're ready to burn down cities to push for change there, but because you like abortion, reforming the childcare system is impossible? Come on.

The U.S. ranks like 36th in the world when it comes to childcare and safety. If we can take inspiration from other countries that do a better job for all these other issues, why can't the same be done for children too?
no shithead. birth defects are common tf
do you read or watch anything outside of kevin samuel interviews???

Not talkin birth defects biiiiiitch. Talking abortions due to birth defects. That's what... around 2% of abortions?

Stop lying about having friends. It's corny.
Really Race? You're the biggest advocate in the world for radical change in systems that do poor jobs of serving the public, but in this case, expecting that change means living in a fantasy world? The criminal justice system, military industrial complex, and healthcare systems in this country are all just as fucked up as the childcare system. You're ready to burn down cities to push for change there, but because you like abortion, reforming the childcare system is impossible? Come on.

The U.S. ranks like 36th in the world when it comes to childcare and safety. If we can take inspiration from other countries that do a better job for all these other issues, why can't the same be done for children too?

because i dont give af about your “ethical” hooplah

😂😂😂😂🤣 her body, her choice
Who the fuck has "a lot" of friends that had abortions due to birth defects? Isn't that one of the least common reasons? You hang out with a bunch of junkies or some shit?

Damn bro you gotta relax it’s documented black women have a lot of health issues with birth in hospitals. Nigga just ran with the trump shit
Who is ya'll bruh? Like I've said, I support helping low income households and investing in initiatives to assist with children that are given up. I'm also not saying that I should get to make any choice. Again, I'm not on here saying abortion should be outlawed wholesale. I just believe that if we should be able to have a real discussion about where a reasonable line can be drawn without one side calling everyone they disagree with "baby killers" and the other side acting like everyone they disagree with is against women.

Americans don't want to do a lot of shit that is right, so we agree that this problem will probably never be handled in a reasonable way.

And your argument is basically that a child's life is expendable because pregnancy is tough. If that's what you believe, that's fine, but we disagree on that point. Supporting a child for a couple decades or more is hard too, but even if my children weren't planned, I wouldn't have demanded that society give me an option to give up that responsibility. To me that's weak.

Society didn’t give the option the option for women was already there it was just extremely dangerous
Damn bro you gotta relax it’s documented black women have a lot of health issues with birth in hospitals. Nigga just ran with the trump shit

What Trump shit and what are you talking about? We're talking about abortions...not births in hospitals. So around 2 out of every 100 women that have abortions do it because of the baby's health. So ya... if "a lot of your friends" had abortions due to the baby's health... something is weird in your friend circle, or you have hundreds of friends that got abortions. Or you're just lying.

Not talkin birth defects biiiiiitch. Talking abortions due to birth defects. That's what... around 2% of abortions?

Stop lying about having friends. It's corny.

You can't get on Race for bringing up birth defects even if it is a small percentage when you brought up late term abortions when that's barely 1%
What Trump shit and what are you talking about? We're talking about abortions...not births in hospitals. So around 2 out of every 100 women that have abortions do it because of the baby's health. So ya... if "a lot of your friends" had abortions due to the baby's health... something is weird in your friend circle, or you have hundreds of friends that got abortions. Or you're just lying.

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You can’t find an article from the past 5 years man. I’m say it like this. We all know black women face a certain type of treatment at hospitals and when they are pregnant we also know black people overall ain’t the most wealthy not have access to a lot of shit. Low income communities have a slew of health problems. As difficult as pregnancy is in general I don’t think it’s hard to see a lot of black so em getting an abortion for health reasons over the past few years.

I know you gonna turn this into a me and race Jones thing because that’s what you do but I’m not saying anything illogical. Making it seem like they junkies is definitely trump shit.
You can’t find an article from the past 5 years man. I’m say it like this. We all know black women face a certain type of treatment at hospitals and when they are pregnant we also know black people overall ain’t the most wealthy not have access to a lot of shit. Low income communities have a slew of health problems. As difficult as pregnancy is in general I don’t think it’s hard to see a lot of black so em getting an abortion for health reasons over the past few years.

I know you gonna turn this into a me and race Jones thing because that’s what you do but I’m not saying anything illogical. Making it seem like they junkies is definitely trump shit.

The FL numbers are from 2018.

The point is these are uncommon. Therefore the odds of you being friends with a lot of these people is very low. I'm saying she's lying.
You can't get on Race for bringing up birth defects even if it is a small percentage when you brought up late term abortions when that's barely 1%

I don't think you've read the conversation. I'm not saying it's a significant number. I'm saying I think she's lying. Just like if she said "a lot of my friends had late term abortions" that'd sound suspicious since they're so uncommon.

That's why my first response was

Who the fuck has "a lot" of friends that had abortions due to birth defects? Isn't that one of the least common reasons? You hang out with a bunch of junkies or some shit?