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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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I think the point is the folks who are pro life don’t care about the kids after it’s here most are Republican and republicans look down in welfare and shit like that. Once it’s born it’s a full human being. A two week old fetus ain’t the same to me

I get your point, and it's a valid one. I'm asking when your concern starts?
How do y’all feel about this being the thought process behind an abortion?

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What does this have to do with abortion though? Unless I'm missing some context that she'd have an abortion unless she gets all of that?

I read it that she's not getting pregnant unless she has all of that

On the topic though I don't mind what she said 🤷‍♂️ Unless she's talking about paid leave...
What does this have to do with abortion though? Unless I'm missing some context that she'd have an abortion unless she gets all of that?

I would say the missing context is there is a difference between saying I don’t plan to have a child and I refuse. We all know that accidents happen but she is taking a hard stance.

If she is just saying she refuses to get pregnant on accident….ok….we’ll check in again a few yrs down the road.
How do y’all feel about this being the thought process behind an abortion?

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Meh...I can't be mad at that.
My only critique is the respect part.

Gotta earn that respect. If you outchea treating the brotha like shyt, then respect aint coming. Other than that, I get what she's saying.
I would say the missing context is there is a difference between saying I don’t plan to have a child and I refuse. We all know that accidents happen but she is taking a hard stance.

If she is just saying she refuses to get pregnant on accident….ok….we’ll check in again a few yrs down the road.

If she is saying she will have an abortion if she finds herself pregnant by a man who doesn't love, adore, or take care of her, then I have no issue with that. Whatever.

If she is saying she will have an abortion if she finds herself pregnant and isn't in a position to be able to take a year off of work, then I have no issue with that. Whatever.
Better question would be how do those that are anti abortion feel about laws like the one that just passed in Idaho where someone can sue a woman for up to 4 years after an abortion...and yes that even includes family members of someone who rapes a woman who ends up pregnant and has an abortion as well.
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So you think the man should have some legal say-so?
Absolutely but it's kinda tricky so let me explain

In MY world for example: a woman wants an abortion but the man doesn't right. He should be able do all the things necessary to ensure she had a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery, then he's fully responsible for the child thereafter. No give backs. No child support. Simply him and his kid. Woman goes about her life

Woman wants a baby but the father doesn't? Again, ensure she has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. After that she's fully responsible. No give backs. No child support. Simply her and her kid. Man goes about his life.

In both instances, the man should be forced to take a DNA test for the record. And a man who had abandoned a set number of babies, should be forced to have a vasectomy.

Problem solved
Absolutely but it's kinda tricky so let me explain

In MY world for example: a woman wants an abortion but the man doesn't right. He should be able do all the things necessary to ensure she had a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery, then he's fully responsible for the child thereafter. No give backs. No child support. Simply him and his kid. Woman goes about her life

Woman wants a baby but the father doesn't? Again, ensure she has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. After that she's fully responsible. No give backs. No child support. Simply her and her kid. Man goes about his life.

In both instances, the man should be forced to take a DNA test for the record. And a man who had abandoned a set number of babies, should be forced to have a vasectomy.

Problem solved

And if there are complications? Who foots the medical bills if there are complications that require either surgery or long lasting physical effects on the woman? Is the single parent still responsible solely for those?
And if there are complications? Who foots the medical bills if there are complications that require either surgery or long lasting physical effects on the woman? Is the single parent still responsible solely for those?
Depends on the complications but ultimately I'd treat it just like a surrogate

When you say long lasting physical effects I hope you mean something more than weight gain my g 😕
Depends on the complications but ultimately I'd treat it just like a surrogate

When you say long lasting physical effects I hope you mean something more than weight gain my g 😕

I wasn't even talking about weight and the fact that your mind went there and not the numerous other after effects of pregnancy shows you didnt really think this out before typing "problem solved". There's tremendous hormone and physical changes that women's bodies go through during pregnancy. Some result in life long medical conditions afterwards. So who is responsible for that? In the instance where the mother wants to keep the kid I'm sure most would agree that responsibility would fall on her. But what about in the reverse? Should a man be responsible for making sure that that woman's medical needs related to that pregnancy are taken care of for the rest of her life or until the issue is resolved? That's a huge responsibility to add on.
Better question would be how do those that are pro abortion feel about laws like the one that just passed in Idaho where someone can sue a woman for up to 4 years after an abortion...and yes that even includes family members of someone who rapes a woman who ends up pregnant and has an abortion as well.

Fixed. And I think that’s a bullshit law. Fuck outta here.
Absolutely but it's kinda tricky so let me explain

In MY world for example: a woman wants an abortion but the man doesn't right. He should be able do all the things necessary to ensure she had a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery, then he's fully responsible for the child thereafter. No give backs. No child support. Simply him and his kid. Woman goes about her life

Woman wants a baby but the father doesn't? Again, ensure she has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. After that she's fully responsible. No give backs. No child support. Simply her and her kid. Man goes about his life.

In both instances, the man should be forced to take a DNA test for the record. And a man who had abandoned a set number of babies, should be forced to have a vasectomy.

Problem solved

Jesus Herbert Christ. This is an awful idea.