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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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Absolutely but it's kinda tricky so let me explain

In MY world for example: a woman wants an abortion but the man doesn't right. He should be able do all the things necessary to ensure she had a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery, then he's fully responsible for the child thereafter. No give backs. No child support. Simply him and his kid. Woman goes about her life

Woman wants a baby but the father doesn't? Again, ensure she has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. After that she's fully responsible. No give backs. No child support. Simply her and her kid. Man goes about his life.

In both instances, the man should be forced to take a DNA test for the record. And a man who had abandoned a set number of babies, should be forced to have a vasectomy.

Problem solved

Problem is pregnant women change they mind every 35 min
Depends on the complications but ultimately I'd treat it just like a surrogate

When you say long lasting physical effects I hope you mean something more than weight gain my g 😕

Lol you know it’s more than weight gain right I mean you got like three kids
I wasn't even talking about weight and the fact that your mind went there and not the numerous other after effects of pregnancy shows you didnt really think this out before typing "problem solved". There's tremendous hormone and physical changes that women's bodies go through during pregnancy. Some result in life long medical conditions afterwards. So who is responsible for that? In the instance where the mother wants to keep the kid I'm sure most would agree that responsibility would fall on her. But what about in the reverse? Should a man be responsible for making sure that that woman's medical needs related to that pregnancy are taken care of for the rest of her life or until the issue is resolved? That's a huge responsibility to add on.
You wrote all this and didn't mention a single 'life long medical condition' 😐

But I'll play along with this course in generalities to circle back to my opening remarks about it being a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery. So much so that I said it 2x.

So let's say their medical team determines she's in that high risk category and may potentially have any of these life long conditions you failed to mention, then no the man shouldn't have a say in if she decides to abort or terminate. He outta luck.

Let's say she wasn't high risk but something happened, out of the control of the hospital care right. Then yes, I'd say the man would have to front that bill. As long as it takes. Again, wanting a child should bear those kind of responsibilities.

So to answer your question, you put these facts out in that first pre-natal visit and continue the conversation with that man based off the recommendations of their team. Would it surprise you if he says, you know what, I don't want ALL that responsibility, go head with the abortion?

Problem, wait for it.........solved
Lol you know it’s more than weight gain right I mean you got like three kids
I have 5 kids b

Now educate me on these life long conditions. As we go down the list I'll let you know which one the man should be responsible for
And why does you theory take child support out the equation?
If I gave you a car you didn't want, expressed vehemently you didn't want, and it's currently sitting in a drive way half way across town would you still make payments on it?


Giving up parental rights should also absolve them of child support

Sit back and cosign BlackRain and others. You not ready or capable of having these kinda conversations son

Lol why so feisty? This ain’t that deep. And I’m not getting why you using life long condition Vs life changing condition. Does post partum depression need to last for 20 years now? I mean that something only the person carrying the baby has to deal with. In your example if the father wants the baby does he have to pay for her therapy after she has the baby?
If I gave you a car you didn't want, expressed vehemently you didn't want, and it's currently sitting in a drive way half way across town would you still make payments on it?


Giving up parental rights should also absolve them of child support

Cars ain’t people. If you nut in somebody you technically don’t control what happens after that which is something you knew before you did it right? But not wanting to deal with decisions don’t mean you ain’t responsible. You wernt deceived into busting a nut not like buying a lemon.

And I don’t think absolving somebody from child support helps anything not like kids are free
Lol why so feisty? This ain’t that deep. And I’m not getting why you using life long condition Vs life changing condition. Does post partum depression need to last for 20 years now? I mean that something only the person carrying the baby has to deal with. In your example if the father wants the baby does he have to pay for her therapy after she has the baby?1
You haven't seen feisty son. I'm using the term that stated to me....life long....

But let's go with your life changing scenario. Absolutely a man should pay for ppd therapy. It works in absolute favor of that woman who didn't want a child to begin with. Now a man gotta pay for a child and his BM therapy??? Shit maybe, idk, just maybe he weighs all these responsibilities and says ya know what...I no longer want this pregnancy either. Both parents now want an abortion, albeit for different reasons

Problem....wait for it.... solved
Cars ain’t people. If you nut in somebody you technically don’t control what happens after that which is something you knew before you did it right? But not wanting to deal with decisions don’t mean you ain’t responsible. You wernt deceived into busting a nut not like buying a lemon.

And I don’t think absolving somebody from child support helps anything not like kids are free
It helps everything because if a person knows upfront they the sole person financially responsible *via the courts* for such said child they may go a different route in keeping such said child
You haven't seen feisty son. I'm using the term that stated to me....life long....

But let's go with your life changing scenario. Absolutely a man should pay for ppd therapy. It works in absolute favor of that woman who didn't want a child to begin with. Now a man gotta pay for a child and his BM therapy??? Shit maybe, idk, just maybe he weighs all these responsibilities and says ya know what...I no longer want this pregnancy either. Both parents now want an abortion, albeit for different reasons

Problem....wait for it.... solved

Problem solved if we lived in a perfect world but we don’t. But this ain’t realistic I’m more on the absolving responsibility part of it and why it can’t work
It helps everything because if a person knows upfront they the sole person financially responsible *via the courts* for such said child they may go a different route in keeping such said child

Which happens now all the time. Just cuz an order isssued don’t mean it’s paid
Problem solved if we lived in a perfect world but we don’t. But this ain’t realistic I’m more on the absolving responsibility part of it and why it can’t work
Let's agree that our definition of perfect will vary from person to person

And no, the courts aren't set up to absolve financial responsibility. Its the exact opposite. In fact, in some states you are financially responsible for a child that isn't even biologically yours if you're with their mom long enough. Make that make sense.

Not today tho
You wrote all this and didn't mention a single 'life long medical condition' 😐

But I'll play along with this course in generalities to circle back to my opening remarks about it being a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery. So much so that I said it 2x.

So let's say their medical team determines she's in that high risk category and may potentially have any of these life long conditions you failed to mention, then no the man shouldn't have a say in if she decides to abort or terminate. He outta luck.

Let's say she wasn't high risk but something happened, out of the control of the hospital care right. Then yes, I'd say the man would have to front that bill. As long as it takes. Again, wanting a child should bear those kind of responsibilities.

So to answer your question, you put these facts out in that first pre-natal visit and continue the conversation with that man based off the recommendations of their team. Would it surprise you if he says, you know what, I don't want ALL that responsibility, go head with the abortion?

Problem, wait for it.........solved

You can mention safe and healthy all you want the reality is that your initial idea failed to mention any sort of plan should it not be safe and healthy. So pretending to be shocked that someone would ask if you have thought about what happens in the event things don't go as planned isn't really a good thing.

As for what some of them may be I can name one common one which is diabetes or anemia which we all know can be a life long things people deal with. Or even something like post partum back issues some women suffer from. Let's say the woman giving birth has to have a c section and is left scarred. Should the father then foot the bill if she wants something done to cover that scar?

You did actually answer the question though so whether someone agrees or disagrees at least you actually attempted to flesh out your idea...cuz that 1st post was just short sighted as hell and seemed to miss alot.
Let's agree that our definition of perfect will vary from person to person

And no, the courts aren't set up to absolve financial responsibility. Its the exact opposite. In fact, in some states you are financially responsible for a child that isn't even biologically yours if you're with their mom long enough. Make that make sense.

Not today tho

I don’t agree with being financially responsible for something your dna did not make that’s crazy. I do think whether you wanted the kid or not you gotta pay for it. Sucks men can’t dictate abortions but it is what is
You can mention safe and healthy all you want the reality is that your initial idea failed to mention any sort of plan should it not be safe and healthy. So pretending to be shocked that someone would ask if you have thought about what happens in the event things don't go as planned isn't really a good thing.

As for what some of them may be I can name one common one which is diabetes or anemia which we all know can be a life long things people deal with. Or even something like post partum back issues some women suffer from. Let's say the woman giving birth has to have a c section and is left scarred. Should the father then foot the bill if she wants something done to cover that scar?

You did actually answer the question though so whether someone agrees or disagrees at least you actually attempted to flesh out your idea...cuz that 1st post was just short sighted as hell and seemed to miss alot.
My initial post was a short answer to a complicated question hence me perfacing it with 'it's kinda tricky'. There was no pretending on my part. I wasn't shocked at all
I don’t agree with being financially responsible for something your dna did not make that’s crazy. I do think whether you wanted the kid or not you gotta pay for it. Sucks men can’t dictate abortions but it is what is
Slavery was what it was until....

Murder was what it was until....

Voting rights, rape, theft, so on and so forth.

I respect ya stance folks gotta pay irregardless, I just don't agree
If women get to make unilateral decisions when it comes to keeping a child, they should be prepared to full accept the consequences of those decisions.

That's only fair.