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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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Once you nut in her you put it her hands bro. That what I’m trying to tell y’all. This argument you have stating that if you don’t want to be responsible as the father you should have the option to just opt out is not on the same level as abortion. Signing my rights away isn’t an operation.

I don't understand your point. No one forces women to have that operation. It's what they are choosing to do, and functionally, it's the same. They are choosing not to be a parent. The only difference is that women can choose to kill the child before its born or abandon it after it's born, and men can only choose the latter.

And yes, I'm aware that currently if a man gets a woman pregnant, it's completely in her hands. My whole point is that it shouldn't be. Also, the body argument is largely a lie. Most women aren't having abortions because of their body. That might be part of it, but the bigger issue is that they simply aren't ready or willing to have children at that point. Women shouldn't be the only ones that get to choose what they want to do with their future.
That last part would actually mean something if the people making these decisions, and society in general,gave a fuck but they don't. If they were then they wouldn't actively be trying to restrict people's access to not only sex education but contraceptives as well. Also getting an abortion isn't about avoiding the burden of pregnancy but avoiding an actual child. Which again if more people actually cared about then there would be much better options for children of parents who wanted to sign over their rights that doesn't involve a fucked up foster care system that serves very few well. That "we care about the life of the child" shit is just virtue signaling

I agree with you. That's why I don't choose a side on the politics of this issue. I think both sides are wrong.
I don't understand your point. No one forces women to have that operation. It's what they are choosing to do, and functionally, it's the same. They are choosing not to be a parent. The only difference is that women can choose to kill the child before its born or abandon it after it's born, and men can only choose the latter.

And yes, I'm aware that currently if a man gets a woman pregnant, it's completely in her hands. My whole point is that it shouldn't be. Also, the body argument is largely a lie. Most women aren't having abortions because of their body. That might be part of it, but the bigger issue is that they simply aren't ready or willing to have children at that point. Women shouldn't be the only ones that get to choose what they want to do with their future.

I’m sorry but we just can’t agree here. Just will lead to nonsense on top of what we got among other reasons
Even if you consider an abortion an elective procedure, it's shouldn't be the governments business if a woman chooses to have one or not. People really downplay the mental and physical effects of pregnancy and motherhood.
Thats all good but abortion is not the top concern in our community, it should not be prioritized

Of course abortion is a priority for the party who is anti black though

I'm pro-choice but more black abortion means less black people and that's something the Democrats can support.

On the flip side, a specific anti black hate crime bill that we've been ASKING for can SAVE lives yet the Democrats aint so interested in pushing that forward
Even if you consider an abortion an elective procedure, it's shouldn't be the governments business if a woman chooses to have one or not. People really downplay the mental and physical effects of pregnancy and motherhood.

I don't think anyone downplays that. Some people just prioritize the life of the child. I get some people believe access to abortions should be a right, and that's fine. I just hate how people act like an abortion is the same thing as getting a BBL. You're talking about destroying a developing human life. It shouldn't be that hard to understand that some people don't believe anyone should have free reign to do that just because they don't like the consequences of their own actions.
I don't think anyone downplays that. Some people just prioritize the life of the child. I get some people believe access to abortions should be a right, and that's fine. I just hate how people act like an abortion is the same thing as getting a BBL. You're talking about destroying a developing human life. It shouldn't be that hard to understand that some people don't believe anyone should have free reign to do that just because they don't like the consequences of their own actions.
Yet the people who "prioritize" the life of the child pretty much gives families the middle finger once the baby is born. They want to get rid of safety net programs, no improvement of the current healthcare system, no investment in mental health programs, no early education programs, no help with daycare cost, no investment in child protection...I could go on.

I don't think most people feel like having an abortion should be a decision that one should take lightly, but if woman for whatever reason feels like she can't or shouldn't give birth is her business alone.
Most abortions are the result of irresponsible behavior, and that’s not fair to that unborn child. That’s my personal opinion.

However, I don’t think the government should legislate based on my personal opinion, especially since I’m a man and have no dog in the fight.

The other thing is, without the Roe protections, many women for whom the need isn’t from an irresponsible decision are impacted and that’s not fair to those women either.

So I’d defer to having the protections over not.
Yet the people who "prioritize" the life of the child pretty much gives families the middle finger once the baby is born. They want to get rid of safety net programs, no improvement of the current healthcare system, no investment in mental health programs, no early education programs, no help with daycare cost, no investment in child protection...I could go on.

I don't think most people feel like having an abortion should be a decision that one should take lightly, but if woman for whatever reason feels like she can't or shouldn't give birth is her business alone.


Why does it have to be her decision 'alone' when the man carries the seed?
Most abortions are the result of irresponsible behavior, and that’s not fair to that unborn child. That’s my personal opinion.

However, I don’t think the government should legislate based on my personal opinion, especially since I’m a man and have no dog in the fight.

The other thing is, without the Roe protections, many women for whom the need isn’t from an irresponsible decision are impacted and that’s not fair to those women either.

So I’d defer to having the protections over not.

Why is it that a man doesn't have a dog in the fight? Not you per say but a man period, Imo, a man holds just as much weight as the woman imo.

Didn't he create the baby??
Man don't run

Just intensifying the topic, we all just stating our opinions nothing is fact. I'm just asking questions to learn how folks view situations.

Lol, nigga running smh. Man speak your peace
We got a thread about this I think

Lemme see if I can find it