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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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Slavery was what it was until....

Murder was what it was until....

Voting rights, rape, theft, so on and so forth.

I respect ya stance folks gotta pay irregardless, I just don't agree

Bro do you gotta use some over the top examples I complete get you point without comparing it to slavery and voting rights. Don’t need another deadeye lol
If women get to make unilateral decisions when it comes to keeping a child, they should be prepared to full accept the consequences of those decisions.

That's only fair.

When have they not accepted the consequences? Unless you count being able to drop the baby a fire department.
If I gave you a car you didn't want, expressed vehemently you didn't want, and it's currently sitting in a drive way half way across town would you still make payments on it?


Giving up parental rights should also absolve them of child support

Lol. My nigga @Mos Chi on one this morning. Nigga said ‘…GAVE you a car you didn’t want.’. Cut the bullshit. Lol.

‘If you and I go to the dealership and each put down half of the down payment on a car. Then when the first payment is due, you say ‘I know I put down half the down payment for this car, but I don’t wanna actually own this care and maintain it and put gas in it. That’s YOUR car now. Good luck!’, you still making payments on it?’

^^^^^^There. Fixed that for you. Stop acting like the other party wasn’t an active participant in that car existing.
When have they not accepted the consequences? Unless you count being able to drop the baby a fire department.

Whenever they fight for child support, they are arguably not accepting the consequences. If a woman chooses to have a baby knowing her partner is not in agreement, she should also have to accept the responsibility of raising that child without that partner or his finances.

If a man is always obligated to support a child he creates, then he should always have some say in whether or not that child is carried to term.

Those are the only two fair options as I see it. It makes no sense to fight for a woman's right to abort children they don't want but then act like men are devils for walking away from children they didn't want.
Lol. My nigga @Mos Chi on one this morning. Nigga said ‘…GAVE you a car you didn’t want.’. Cut the bullshit. Lol.

‘If you and I go to the dealership and each put down half of the down payment on a car. Then when the first payment is due, you say ‘I know I put down half the down payment for this car, but I don’t wanna actually own this care and maintain it and put gas in it. That’s YOUR car now. Good luck!’, you still making payments on it?’

^^^^^^There. Fixed that for you. Stop acting like the other party wasn’t an active participant in that car existing.
No no no no lol. I vehemently reject busting a nut is equal to a down payment. More appropriately its equal to a test...with a fender bender

NOW that I've driven it I don't wanna own it etc etc etc. I'll pay to have the bumper fixed. But don't hit me with well you put miles on it so it's yours.

Nah buddy. I ain't got time today but I'll find it for this convo
No no no no lol. I vehemently reject busting a nut is equal to a down payment. More appropriately its equal to a test...with a fender bender

NOW that I've driven it I don't wanna own it etc etc etc. I'll pay to have the bumper fixed. But don't hit me with well you put miles on it so it's yours.

Nah buddy. I ain't got time today but I'll find it for this convo

You're right, Ubusting a nut isn't equal do a down payment. I never said that. Busting a nut...IN A WOMAN...when we all know how pregnancy works...is the equal down payment.

That makes everything else you said in the above post irrelevant. But we can agree to disagree on this one. I can see where it's going.
Whenever they fight for child support, they are arguably not accepting the consequences. If a woman chooses to have a baby knowing her partner is not in agreement, she should also have to accept the responsibility of raising that child without that partner or his finances.

If a man is always obligated to support a child he creates, then he should always have some say in whether or not that child is carried to term.

Those are the only two fair options as I see it. It makes no sense to fight for a woman's right to abort children they don't want but then act like men are devils for walking away from children they didn't want.

Neither one of those options are fair, B. And we both know it. That's y'all niggas problems. Y'all don't seem top recognize that there ARE NO FAIR OPTIONS with this topic. None at all. The sooner we let go of the myth that a 'fair' arrangement can be come to, the better everybody will be.
Neither one of those options are fair, B. And we both know it. That's y'all niggas problems. Y'all don't seem top recognize that there ARE NO FAIR OPTIONS with this topic. None at all. The sooner we let go of the myth that a 'fair' arrangement can be come to, the better everybody will be.

Fair is subjective so sure we can debate what fair is, but the shit nowadays is just blatantly onesided.

If a man gets put through the ringer, you always get responses like "Well if he can lay down and make a baby, he should be able to take care of a baby."

But when it comes to abortion, suddenly that same logic no longer applies? We can't say "Well if you can lay down and make a baby, you should be able to give birth to the baby."

It's not impossible for us to simply be consistent with our logic. It's just that niggas like you seem to think it's ok to just accept the bullshit.
Fair is subjective so sure we can debate what fair is, but the shit nowadays is just blatantly onesided.

If a man gets put through the ringer, you always get responses like "Well if he can lay down and make a baby, he should be able to take care of a baby."

But when it comes to abortion, suddenly that same logic no longer applies? We can't say "Well if you can lay down and make a baby, you should be able to give birth to the baby."

It's not impossible for us to simply be consistent with our logic. It's just that niggas like you seem to think it's ok to just accept the bullshit.

You keep using words like 'consistency', which leads me to believe that you still don't accept what I'm saying. There will never be any consistency. Ever. Because it's not possible to have any consistency. And that's because there is nothing equitable about that situation, itself. And that's because only one sex carries the baby. In order for things to be 'consistent' and 'fair', that can't be the case.

But..since it IS the case...there has to be some system for all this shit. And the best option out of all the bad options is to allow the person who is actually going to be carrying the child decide what to do with her own body.

And in that situation, if the man doesn't want that baby, that doesn't change the fact that he laid down and provided half the ingredients for that meal and deposited them in the oven. Actions have consequences. When you fuck, it might result in a child. Both of y'all know that before you lay down.

I'm kinda done talking about this cuz it's pointless.

Whenever they fight for child support, they are arguably not accepting the consequences. If a woman chooses to have a baby knowing her partner is not in agreement, she should also have to accept the responsibility of raising that child without that partner or his finances.

If a man is always obligated to support a child he creates, then he should always have some say in whether or not that child is carried to term.

Those are the only two fair options as I see it. It makes no sense to fight for a woman's right to abort children they don't want but then act like men are devils for walking away from children they didn't want.

Your first sentence literally started out with bs and I did not take the time to read further. Y’all live in a world where y’all want to make somebody carry or not carry the baby you out in them. It’s weird to me bro

being called a deadbeat dad ain’t that serious.
Your first sentence literally started out with bs and I did not take the time to read further. Y’all live in a world where y’all want to make somebody carry or not carry the baby you out in them. It’s weird to me bro

being called a deadbeat dad ain’t that serious.

Ya'll niggas just be typing. Nowhere did I say women have to carry anything. I don't like the concept of abortion, but I can't rule it out for society and have no desire to do so. I'm not telling any woman what to do with her body. I'm just saying that if women insist on having unilateral decision making power over whether a baby is brought into the world or not, she should have full responsibility over that child's welfare unless the man agrees to split that responsibility.

It's not just about being called a deadbeat. There are niggas out here being crushed by child support bills for kids they didn't want. Why should a woman be able to take stock of her situation and decide that it would be better for her to not have a baby at that moment, but a man not be able to do the same thing. Ya'll sound silly.

Also, almost all the arguments for abortion are stupid. Nobody is advocating against the rights of the women. Most pro-lifers are advocating for the rights of the child. Not everyone believes that a woman's desire to avoid the burden of pregnancy should override another human being's chance at life.
Ya'll niggas just be typing. Nowhere did I say women have to carry anything. I don't like the concept of abortion, but I can't rule it out for society and have no desire to do so. I'm not telling any woman what to do with her body. I'm just saying that if women insist on having unilateral decision making power over whether a baby is brought into the world or not, she should have full responsibility over that child's welfare unless the man agrees to split that responsibility.

It's not just about being called a deadbeat. There are niggas out here being crushed by child support bills for kids they didn't want. Why should a woman be able to take stock of her situation and decide that it would be better for her to not have a baby at that moment, but a man not be able to do the same thing. Ya'll sound silly.

Also, almost all the arguments for abortion are stupid. Nobody is advocating against the rights of the women. Most pro-lifers are advocating for the rights of the child. Not everyone believes that a woman's desire to avoid the burden of pregnancy should override another human being's chance at life.

Once you nut in her you put it her hands bro. That what I’m trying to tell y’all. This argument you have stating that if you don’t want to be responsible as the father you should have the option to just opt out is not on the same level as abortion. Signing my rights away isn’t an operation.
we all die but many of us at different intervals. the biggest gripe I may have with this is on the side of people and their absent compassion for their humanity
Ya'll niggas just be typing. Nowhere did I say women have to carry anything. I don't like the concept of abortion, but I can't rule it out for society and have no desire to do so. I'm not telling any woman what to do with her body. I'm just saying that if women insist on having unilateral decision making power over whether a baby is brought into the world or not, she should have full responsibility over that child's welfare unless the man agrees to split that responsibility.

It's not just about being called a deadbeat. There are niggas out here being crushed by child support bills for kids they didn't want. Why should a woman be able to take stock of her situation and decide that it would be better for her to not have a baby at that moment, but a man not be able to do the same thing. Ya'll sound silly.

Also, almost all the arguments for abortion are stupid. Nobody is advocating against the rights of the women. Most pro-lifers are advocating for the rights of the child. Not everyone believes that a woman's desire to avoid the burden of pregnancy should override another human being's chance at life.

That last part would actually mean something if the people making these decisions, and society in general,gave a fuck but they don't. If they were then they wouldn't actively be trying to restrict people's access to not only sex education but contraceptives as well. Also getting an abortion isn't about avoiding the burden of pregnancy but avoiding an actual child. Which again if more people actually cared about then there would be much better options for children of parents who wanted to sign over their rights that doesn't involve a fucked up foster care system that serves very few well. That "we care about the life of the child" shit is just virtue signaling