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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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Is it? I mean people have been saying that the Texas rule has the cutoff so early that a lot of women wouldn't even know they are pregnant in that time. The heartbeat starts around 6.5-7 months. Do a lot of women really not know they are pregnant after more than a month an a half?

Do you know if and when the cutoff for getting an abortion is in in England?

And a lot of things get debated to death in America that doesn't happen in most countries. It's largely because our political debates are disingenuous and not meant to be resolved.

I think the heartbeat starts well before then. There's a period where you can hear a beat, but doctors said that's not really a functioning heart, but instead pulses being sent out by cells that will become your heart. That's around 6 weeks. But I think most people agree on it being a heartbeat by around 10 weeks.
It seems to be fuzzy as to when the heartbeat actually starts, but if doctors agree that by 10 weeks, there is a real heartbeat, that's still better than waiting until the baby is damn near fully formed to kill it off.
As far as I understand it pregnancy can terminated before 12 weeks because the cerebral cortex isn't yet developed. Meaning no thoughts, feelings, consciousness etc, all the things science has deemed makes us "human" and sacred.
As far as I understand it pregnancy can terminated before 12 weeks because the cerebral cortex isn't yet developed. Meaning no thoughts, feelings, consciousness etc, all the things science has deemed makes us "human" and sacred.

The interesting counter to that is if someone went into a coma, and we knew they were going to come out of it and be fine...would we be OK with pulling the plug on them?
So yes I feel the government does not belong in the doctor's office. I don't think there is a one size fits all answer though. Women seek abortions for various reasons. Aside from rape, disease or known possible complications if pregnancy continued, it's really up to the woman. I do think women should tell the man and try to come to a conclusion together. If that can't happen then unfortunately I feel it's the woman's decision to keep or abort the fetus.

I do think after 11 weeks imo is too late. Most woman know by 10 weeks that they are pregnant or something is wrong. But there are alot who don't have symptoms, still have a cycle and everything. But specifically addressing those who know. You usually won't know definitively until at the earliest 5 weeks.

I do think a therapy class and educational class should be made mandatory after the abortion. Kinda like a anger management class lol. But really educating people on different ways to track ovulation to avoid pregnancy. Yeah condom education is cool but people going to go raw...especially if they in some type of relationship.

Like everyone wants the same thing. The woman don't want to be pregnant, other people don't want abortions...just need to focus on the real issue. Having unprotected sex during ovulation which is a few days out the month( 4-6 days). Alot of ppl be acting like they don't know...caught up in the moment. This could be great for men too. It's just as much responsibility for the man to know if he can get pregnant as it is hers.
The interesting counter to that is if someone went into a coma, and we knew they were going to come out of it and be fine...would we be OK with pulling the plug on them?
They have a developed cerebral cortex*, therefore sacred.
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As far as I understand it pregnancy can terminated before 12 weeks because the cerebral cortex isn't yet developed. Meaning no thoughts, feelings, consciousness etc, all the things science has deemed makes us "human" and sacred.
if these old white men were using this logic, maybe, just maybe i could be like...thats a point i had not considered, but they not
How can anybody really be pro life tho lol that’s the most conservative thing. Let me concern myself with a kid im not having or plan to raise. That shit is crazy
How often do you see fit? I’m asking honestly. I’ve never sat around with friends or family and discussed abortion in length. I always hear people say how abortion is such a big issue. I always wonder to who?

And the people who say abortion is a big deal are always politicians and news anchors.
Uhh. I guess just when it's the flavor of the month. Like the chat I was just telling you about. Most of them live in Texas by way of hurricane Katrina.

One of them texted how the new no permit carry law was gonna make shit wild out there then I mentioned the abortion thing. His brother chimed in who's pro life and the exchange started
that’a all I was saying..on average most people don’t give a fuck who’s having a abortion and who’s not..we only discuss it when our politicians want us to. I’m against abortion, but I can see why having access to abortion makes sense..I don’t know to many people who don’t think similar to that.
I'm not against abortion at all so, yeah
How often do you see fit? I’m asking honestly. I’ve never sat around with friends or family and discussed abortion in length. I always hear people say how abortion is such a big issue. I always wonder to who?

And the people who say abortion is a big deal are always politicians and news anchors.

Fair point but some people feel it's taboo to discuss things that may cause a rift. I wish more families and friends would talk about it amongst each other. Buy it's hard when friends & families will disown you for your own choices in life. I honestly like these discussions but don't like having them with friends and family because people are so tied to their beliefs and if your values or what you would do isn't the same as them...the relationship is done.

Growing up in the south I feel abortions in the black community are looked down on and discouraged. Now obviously it's black females in the south ....but I do think the society and family stigma and backlash that women get for having an abortion detours some.
So question if a woman has an abortion. Do you automatically assume she made the final decision? For those that support a pro life stance, are you questioning the woman or man? I definitely feel like the abortion topic is often only looking at the woman. I get it she is carrying the baby. But the it takes two to have a child adage is very true.
How can anybody really be pro life tho lol that’s the most conservative thing. Let me concern myself with a kid im not having or plan to raise. That shit is crazy

Easy... it's viewed as taking a life. Would you concern yourself with a child that isn't yours and you don't plan to raise? Do you think child abuse laws are crazy?

Or if that's different because the child has been born - If you're out at a bar and you see a clearly pregnant woman smoking a blunt and drinking liquor, then someone says something to her for doing that while pregnant. Would you say the person that made the comment was trippin and acting crazy?
Easy... it's viewed as taking a life. Would you concern yourself with a child that isn't yours and you don't plan to raise? Do you think child abuse laws are crazy?

Or if that's different because the child has been born - If you're out at a bar and you see a clearly pregnant woman smoking a blunt and drinking liquor, then someone says something to her for doing that while pregnant. Would you say the person that made the comment was trippin and acting crazy?

If she like 7 months pregnant or something obvious yea I have no problem with folks saying something. But trying to decide if someone else should be able to terminate their pregnancy or not is wild to me.