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Poll Abortion: Pro Life or Pro Choice

To kill or not to kill

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There was only 2 Billion ppl on earth in the 1920s

We are almost at 8 Billion now

We cant survive like this
Or more of these....


$10 for a pack of 12>>>>$300 or whatever it is for the procedure.

yeah, except in my case the Trojan broke on the last stroke.

Actually, that's the reason I stopped using Trojan all together. I had waaay too many of 'em break on the last stroke.
Pro choice although I hate the idea of an abortion and think you a piece of shit to abort a child cuz you "wasn't ready"
Situational.. I don't think if you're raped you should be made to keep a child or if you know your child wont live past a couple years due to some deformity.. But at the same time I dont believe in abortion as a form of birth control
I’m so tired of hearing these politicians and these fake pro-life folks telling women what they should do with their bodies.

When in reality they ain’t pro-life just pro-birth and if we really wanna go down the rabbit hole, it’s white folks just trying to keep their numbers up because they slowly dying out.

if a woman black or whatever feels the best decision is to get a abortion they should with no push back. A child can have irreversible strain on someone mental and in return the baby would suffer.

The stupid shit they say is insulting. Here’s just one video

Agreed but people should not get abortions like they are new shoes it should have a profound effect on you and shouldnt be taken lightly if you have more than one abortion and your life is not on or the line (or something similar)or the would be child has potentially tremendous issues you shouldn't have kids

The Republicans dont give a motherfuck about the children once they get here and grow into adults especially minorities..
As long as it's before the 12wk mark before the cerebral cortex develops idc what you do with your body.
I dislike the framing of calling it Pro Choice. Women that get pregnant had a choice (except in the case of rape). They chose to perform an action that they know could result in a pregnancy. Advocating for abortion isn't about giving women a choice. It's about women feeling entitled to having to a medical procedure to undo the consequences of the choice they made.

That said. I don't believe abortions should be illegal across the board. I think in the case of rape, a woman should be allowed to get an abortion if she desires because she truly didn't have a choice. I think the case of a woman whose health could be jeopardized by a pregnancy, she should be allow to get an abortion without restriction because her life should be prioritized over that of a fetus if that's what she desires. I personally believe that women shouldn't really get abortions outside of that. Find a better way to deal with it whether it be adoption or something like that.

All that said, I'm not so invested in that belief that I would fight against the legal right that already exists. I do think that women should have to have some kind of counseling where they are given options before an abortion especially if it's the first one. I don't think that counseling should be used as a deterrent. I just think women need to have all the information about what is available and about what the decision could mean for them before they go through with it.
Agreed but people should not get abortions like they are new shoes it should have a profound effect on you and shouldnt be taken lightly if you have more than one abortion and your life is not on or the line (or something similar)or the would be child has potentially tremendous issues you shouldn't have kids

The Republicans dont give a motherfuck about the children once they get here and grow into adults especially minorities..

The idea that women are out here having multiple abortions is part of the welfare queen myth tied to Black women and Black men not being able to control their sexual urges . Seldom do women have multiple abortions so the whole "using them like birth control" is a long held up lie.
Y’all really think folks out here having abortions all willy-nilly and shit?

cmon now. Stop it.
Like folks really okay with dropping 400+ on abortion like it ain’t nothing.

Shit just not real.
The idea that women are out here having multiple abortions is part of the welfare queen myth tied to Black women and Black men not being able to control their sexual urges . Seldom do women have multiple abortions so the whole "using them like birth control" is a long held up lie.

That shit ain't a myth. It may not be as common as some imply, but it's not a myth. There are women out there who have had multiple abortions just like there are reckless niggas out there who have paid for multiple chicks to get abortions.
That shit ain't a myth. It may not be as common as some imply, but it's not a myth. There are women out there who have had multiple abortions just like there are reckless niggas out there who have paid for multiple chicks to get abortions.

I’m legit curious

What’s wrong with having mutiple abortions?
I’m legit curious

What’s wrong with having mutiple abortions?

Nothing if you see nothing wrong with abortion I suppose.

However, if you have any moral objections at all to the destruction of burgeoning human life, you'd probably prefer that people find a better way to avoid having kids.