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A picture speaks 1000 words

The man is holdin' up the planet (workin') the woman is holdin' him up (takin' care of home).

Seems like you understand what the pic is about but are choosin' to look at it literally. Like I said to Cain, if you see it that way why not be mystified that a man can hold a planet at all? Why not note that the pic isn't to scale

This is silly man and as Mister said, it says more about the individual who thinks this pic depicts the woman doin' everything

You're the one being silly. You disagree with us about how the pic should be interpreted, that's fine. We can agree to disagree, but for you to act like there is something wrong with us saying the pic is showing the woman doing everything when that's what it's actually showing. She's holding the man and his burden, nurturing the child, and protecting everyone from danger. That's not interpretation like what you're doing with the bold. That's a rundown of what is actually happening in the picture. It's crazy you two are trying act like there is something wrong with us because we're taking the picture at face value.
Yes, it does. What the fuck are ya'll looking at? Both of his arms are occupied and he can't even stand on his own, he has to sit on the woman's shoulders. He literally can't do anything else in the picture. Whereas she is depicted as holding all his weight and burden and caring for a child and stomping out the threat posed by the snake. Again, this isn't interpretation. It's literally what is being depicted. That can't be argued.

Does the bold mean that he isn't strong enough though? Or that that's his focus? Can't stand on his own? Or is he choosing not to? Is holding a massive amount of weight on your shoulders easier while sitting or standing?

And yes, this is all interpretation. What every single one of us is doing is interpreting the art based on how we see things. That's usually the point in pieces like this and why it was made a thread. Your interpretation is no more fact than anyone else's.
Ain't that what a woman should do, hold on to the man's burden so he can go out and conquer the world. You dudes taking the pic literally and not seeing the meaning.

First of all, ya'll need to stop saying that we are taking the pic literally. No one in this discussion believes that a man or woman can hold the literal weight of the world.

What some of us are doing is taking the pic at face value. Meaning we're looking at the way the relationships are portrayed and basing our interpretation solely on that portrayal. We are saying the picture is showing the woman doing everything because that's what it is actually showing. That's not interpretation that is what is actually happening in the picture.
this thread is like dude saying "dont say happy father day. but want to celebrate mothers day"


stop lessen the role of males in the family and society.

more importantly....stop lessening yourselves as men in the roles of family and society.
and thats doesnt need to take away from women to celebrate your role.

but i guess only a few of us see the encouragement of diminishing the role and attack on black men.

yall got it

The bold has no correlation at all to either the pic or the interpretations.

I'd say you seem to take the magnifying of a black woman's strength as an attack on your manhood/strength.
Does the bold mean that he isn't strong enough though? Or that that's his focus? Can't stand on his own? Or is he choosing not to? Is holding a massive amount of weight on your shoulders easier while sitting or standing?

And yes, this is all interpretation. What every single one of us is doing is interpreting the art based on how we see things. That's usually the point in pieces like this and why it was made a thread. Your interpretation is no more fact than anyone else's.

No, what you're doing is interpretation. To me, none of those questions matter. Why the fuck would you feel the need to look at a picture and go to that level of speculation? It doesn't matter. Whether he can or can't hold more weight than the world, that's all he's being shown to do. Whether he can or can't stand on his own, he's not. The woman is bearing him. Whether it is literally easier to hold weight while standing or sitting is irrelevant. What's important is that symbolically being able to stand in spite of being burdened is a display of fortitude. He's not being shown to do that though. He's being carried, which lessens his accomplishment not from a literal standpoint but from a symbolic one.

And you're ignoring that I've explained how everything you claim this pic is doing could have been shown without actually making it seem like the woman is capable of doing everything on her own.
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No, what you're doing is interpretation. To me, none of those questions matter. Why the fuck would you feel the need to look at a picture and go to that level of speculation? It doesn't matter. Whether he can or can't hold more weight than the world, that's all he's being shown to do. Whether he can or can't stand on his own, he's not the woman is bearing him. Whether it is literally easier to hold weight while standing or sitting is irrelevant. What's important is that symbolically being able to stand in spite of being burdened is a display of fortitude. He's not being shown to do that though. He's being carried, which lessens his accomplishment not from a literal standpoint but from a symbolic one.

Why do you feel the need to cuss? Am I cussing at you?

This thread was literally started for us to interpret and discuss the picture. That's why I felt the need to "go to that level of speculation" along with everyone else who is participating in the thread. Except you I guess.

How many things do you carry in a lunge position? Him being carried is your interpretation. I see her as his foundation.

And you made whether it's easier to hold the weight, while sitting or standing relevant, when you made it seem like he "can't stand on his own"(speculation?) and needed to sit on the woman's shoulders.

You brought up symbolism twice but I thought you were taking it at face value.
Why do you feel the need to cuss? Am I cussing at you?

This thread was literally started for us to interpret and discuss the picture. That's why I felt the need to "go to that level of speculation" along edith everyone else who is participating in the thread. Except you I guess.

How many things do you carry in a lunge position? Him being carried is your interpretation. I see her as his foundation.

And you made whether it's easier to hold the weight, while sitting or standing relevant, when you made it seem like he "can't stand on his own"(speculation?) and needed to sit on the woman's shoulders.

You brought up symbolism twice but I thought you were taking it at face value.

Are you a grown man whining about someone using a cuss world when talking to you on the internet? I can't discuss this with you anymore man. You got it. lol
Are you a grown man whining about someone using a cuss world when talking to you on the internet? I can't discuss this with you anymore man. You got it. lol

I asked why you felt the need to cuss. I'm grown enough to have a discussion with other adults without using profanity.

Have a blessed day though.
I asked why you felt the need to cuss. I'm grown enough to have a discussion with other adults without using profanity.

Have a blessed day though.

Cuss words are just words to me man. I used that particular one for emphasis. If you think your word selection is somehow representative of you being grown, I don't know what to tell you other than you have a blessed day too.
Cuss words are just words to me man. I used that particular one for emphasis. If you think your word selection is somehow representative of you being grown, I don't know what to tell you other than you have a blessed day too.

You brought up my being grown but I can dig it.
The bold has no correlation at all to either the pic or the interpretations.

I'd say you seem to take the magnifying of a black woman's strength as an attack on your manhood/strength.
removed the woman from the pic.
what do you see?

remove the woman and what do you see?

dont seem like the dude can hold the world AND a baby.... and shit...the baby wont be there cuz the woman aint there.

but we sill see a woman that already proven she can hold the world, man and baby.

but let me pull back off that

as for the bolded....

like why cant she be helping him hold up the world NEXT to him.
both of them with one arm while holding their child together with the other?
how dare i want two black people next to each other taking on shit together...anything else is a strike to my manhood.

not sure how you came up......
but if you want to say the woman is the foundation.....cool.
but the man is supposed to lay the damn concrete for that foundation to form to build the home and life they will live.

but i guess you see what you see.

interesting what art says about people and what people think art says about someone else.
No. The man has the world on his shoulders and the woman has her man on hers.

I mean if you wanna get scientific then yeah in this pic the woman would be doin' the heavy liftin' but of course its not possible for a man to hold up a planet, its not to scale, no woman could lift a man like that etc
so only the women do heavy lifting in the family?

i can not argue this about society..now.
but do we not see how ....allowing a woman to do this alone is not healthy?

the pic is basically saying dude is not needed.

hows that working out for us?
removed the woman from the pic.
what do you see?

remove the woman and what do you see?

dont seem like the dude can hold the world AND a baby.... and shit...the baby wont be there cuz the woman aint there.

but we sill see a woman that already proven she can hold the world, man and baby.

but let me pull back off that

as for the bolded....

how dare i want two black people next to each other taking on shit together...anything else is a strike to my manhood.

not sure how you came up......
but if you want to say the woman is the foundation.....cool.
but the man is supposed to lay the damn concrete for that foundation to form to build the home and life they will live.

but i guess you see what you see.

interesting what art says about people and what people think art says about someone else.

This was a word salad to be honest. I got the gist but you could have said all that in probably three sentences.

To me the piece is magnifying the strength of the black woman while not taking away from the strength of the man. You view it as magnification at the cost of the man being diminished.
so only the women do heavy lifting in the family?

i can not argue this about society..now.

but do we not see how ....allowing a woman to do this alone is not healthy?

the pic is basically saying dude is not needed.

hows that working out for us?

If you truly believe the bold, then your argument would be against the current state of the community and not the art. If the bold is true then you see the representation as accurate but have a problem with the reality it portrays.
This was a word salad to be honest. I got the gist but you could have said all that in probably three sentences.

To me the piece is magnifying the strength of the black woman while not taking away from the strength of the man. You view it as magnification at the cost of the man being diminished.
this and why cant they do it together......

it shows division to me.
Yes, because I don't know any grown men that get bent out of shape because someone uses a cuss word not because I think your choice of words is somehow indicative of your maturity level.

Who got bent out of shape? I simply asked your need to cuss during what I view to be a civil discussion. Instead of answering you decided the route of personal attack. It is what it is.