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A picture speaks 1000 words

If you truly believe the bold, then your argument would be against the current state of the community and not the art. If the bold is true then you see the representation as accurate but have a problem with the reality it portrays.
all true.....

i have no problem with this post and i stand by it.
yet...it encourages something i am against and see as a bigger problem than the cable going out on a sinking ship.
Who got bent out of shape? I simply asked your need to cuss during what I view to be a civil discussion. Instead of answering you decided the route of personal attack. It is what it is.

You were on some "Why are you cussing at me? I'm not cussing at you" type stuff. That came off as whiney to me. I made no personal attack. Like I said, I don't really know of any grown men that would respond like that and I'm a church goer so I know plenty of dudes that would prefer you not cuss around them and they wouldn't handle it that way. It's all good though. If the civility of a conversation is broken for you by the use of a single cuss word, then your sensibilities are probably to fragile for a discussion between us to go on for too long. lol
This is mind boggling to me. Division? You got it. I've gone as deep into the Dos zone as I'm willing to. Be blessed.
we are supposed to work off the strength of each other....not place all the weight on the other. i mean life shit happens but thats another topic.

the sharing of weight even placing MORE on the man lessen the load for them both to move easier.

i wish the fuck i would place my balls on the back neck of a woman outside of sex and still call myself a man if im healthy and able bodied. even then ill be a proud cripple and cripple my own ass to the supermercado
You were on some "Why are you cussing at me? I'm not cussing at you" type stuff. That came off as whiney to me. I made no personal attack. Like I said, I don't really know of any grown men that would respond like that and I'm a church goer so I know plenty of dudes that would prefer you not cuss around them and they wouldn't handle it that way. It's all good though. If the civility of a conversation is broken for you by the use of a single cuss word, then your sensibilities are probably to fragile for a discussion between us to go on for too long. lol

I'm mean at least be honest. Even this post is a personal attack. And you never did answer the simple question that sent you on this mission. It's all Jesus though.

If it makes you feel better to believe I'm sensitive in order to bolster yourself on the internet, have fun with that.

Edit: also the bold would be an interpretation from someone who takes things at face value. Now that's irony.
I initially thought that @CeLLar-DooR 's point about scale was irrelevant. But...

Neither one of them could hold the world and ther family at the same time. Her holding the baby and the man allows for him to hold the weight of the world from crushing them all.

Before women were introduced to the workplace, they were entirely keepers of the home and family which allowed men to be the providers and breadwinners.

Let's look at the industries where women dominate employment: education, retail, clerical, healthcare, etc. Imagine if those jobs went to men and those men went home to women. Less "I dOnT nEeD nO mAn" rhetoric, less strippers, prostitutes, and scammers, more self preserved homes and families.
I initially thought that @CeLLar-DooR 's point about scale was irrelevant. But...

Neither one of them could hold the world and ther family at the same time. Her holding the baby and the man allows for him to hold the weight of the world from crushing them all.

Before women were introduced to the workplace, they were entirely keepers of the home and family which allowed men to be the providers and breadwinners.

Let's look at the industries where women dominate employment: education, retail, clerical, healthcare, etc. Imagine if those jobs went to men and those men went home to women. Less "I dOnT nEeD nO mAn" rhetoric, less strippers, prostitutes, and scammers, more self preserved homes and families.
Awww shit.

I'm not sure you want smoke or not.
I might be highed up on cheap weed contacts. Can you clarify a bit?
I'm mean at least be honest. Even this post is a personal attack. And you never did answer the simple question that sent you on this mission. It's all Jesus though.

If it makes you feel better to believe I'm sensitive in order to bolster yourself on the internet, have fun with that.

Edit: also the bold would be an interpretation from someone who takes things at face value. Now that's irony.

lol I did answer your question. I said cuss words are just words to me and that I used that particular one for emphasis. If you want some deeper explanation than that, none exists. And none of this is a personal attack IMO. It may be bluntly delivered, but the fact that you're taking it as me attacking you kinda proves my point.

As for your edit, here's what you said:

Why do you feel the need to cuss? Am I cussing at you?

I didn't quote you verbatim, but I also didn't change your meaning.
lol I did answer your question. I said cuss words are just words to me and that I used that particular one for emphasis. If you want some deeper explanation than that, none exists. And none of this is a personal attack IMO. It may be bluntly delivered, but the fact that you're taking it as me attacking you kinda proves my point.

As for your edit, here's what you said:

I didn't quote you verbatim, but I also didn't change your meaning.

So in your opinion, insinuating that I'm getting "bent out of shape", and stating that you don't know any grown men that would, aren't personal attacks? I can dig the hell out of that.

You did change the meaning if you interpreted a literal question as whining. Taken at face value, it's a simple question.

Also, you've continued to go back and forth with me after insinuating I was too sensitive for a discussion with you. You may as well respond to the rest of the post where I asked why you felt the need to cuss.
I initially thought that @CeLLar-DooR 's point about scale was irrelevant. But...

Neither one of them could hold the world and ther family at the same time. Her holding the baby and the man allows for him to hold the weight of the world from crushing them all.

Before women were introduced to the workplace, they were entirely keepers of the home and family which allowed men to be the providers and breadwinners.

Let's look at the industries where women dominate employment: education, retail, clerical, healthcare, etc. Imagine if those jobs went to men and those men went home to women. Less "I dOnT nEeD nO mAn" rhetoric, less strippers, prostitutes, and scammers, more self preserved homes and families.
Both are clearly physically capable of carrying the globe.

Both could easily carry the other plus the baby.

But the challenge is in the balancing act.

Because of the size of globe, it requires both arms. So he uses both arms to hold up the globe and rests on her shoulders so she can comfortably hold the baby.
you niggas arguing is why the man shouldnt be on the womans shoulders.

should be slapping yall right now.
Both are clearly physically capable of carrying the globe.

Both could easily carry the other plus the baby.

But the challenge is in the balancing act.

Because of the size of globe, it requires both arms. So he uses both arms to hold up the globe and rests on her shoulders so she can comfortably hold the baby.
f alladat.

ill hold the world over here......so no weight will be on her.....
ill be home to hold her up too.

whats the problem?
I dont see it as the woman is doing all the work. To me It shows the man is lifting/bearing the weight of the world off his family. So eventhough the woman has him on her shoulder he is bearing all the weight . She only has one shoulder helping to support him and is free to use other hand to nourish their child. Her face is at peace but you can clearly see the pain and struggle in his face so obviously he has the heavier load.
Describe how that would look in the picture (since that is the premise of this thread)
Like a man keeping the world from his family the best he could....tilted on his left of the pic....because his strength is on his right of the pic..his family.

And if he dropped it all. The world would roll away from his family. And he would still have them.

That's one way.

But I guess I'm a dreamer
So in your opinion, insinuating that I'm getting "bent out of shape", and stating that you don't know any grown men that would, aren't personal attacks? I can dig the hell out of that.

You did change the meaning if you interpreted a literal question as whining. Taken at face value, it's a simple question.

Also, you've continued to go back and forth with me after insinuating I was too sensitive for a discussion with you. You may as well respond to the rest of the post where I asked why you felt the need to cuss.

lol Are you serious? No, me saying that you were getting bent out of shape is not a personal attack. That's my honest opinion of the way you took what I said. It seemed to bother you. And no I don't feel like me saying I don't know any grown me that would act that way is an attack, it's the truth. I literally do not know any grown men that would have that reaction to a cuss word in a discussion.

We can agree to disagree about the whining comment. That's how I took it. If you don't think it was a whiney thing to ask, cool.

Bruh, I've answered the question about why I cussed twice now. Are you not reading my posts or something. For the third and last time. Cuss words are just words to me. I used that particular word for emphasis. That's it. There is no bigger reason than that. To me it wasn't a big deal, and I wasn't expecting you to come questioning me about my word choice as if it was.
I dont see it as the woman is doing all the work. To me It shows the man is lifting/bearing the weight of the world off his family. So eventhough the woman has him on her shoulder he is bearing all the weight . She only has one shoulder helping to support him and is free to use other hand to nourish their child. Her face is at peace but you can clearly see the pain and struggle in his face so obviously he has the heavier load.

I think the major dispute in this topic is the bold. Some of you interpret the picture as her giving the man support as he bears the weight of the world. That's cool. I don't think anyone in would have a problem with that statement about black women. Where the disagreement comes is that some of us don't believe the picture does a very good job of depicting that. She isn't just lending a shoulder to him. You said the man is lifting all the weight of the world off his family, but that's not really true in the pic. He's sitting on her shoulders, so she's effectively bearing all of his weight and the weight of the world.

I don't know what was in the artist's mind. It's just my opinion, that if he/she wanted to show the man bearing the weight of the world and the black women supporting him in doing that, there were better ways.
Yeah...y’all got too deep for me pause nh...I just saw it as a black man needs tha support from a strong woman to continue carrying tha weight of tha world on his shoulders...and in doing that tha Black woman is gonna have her own stress too...like supporting her strong black man as he’s carryin’ tha weight of tha world on his shoulders and bein’ a mother to our kids...point is we all need each other as a unit to beat tha system

Either way it’s just a picture so if you let it divide/alter/strain your mental state you prolly weren’t that stable to begin’ wit...
lol Are you serious? No, me saying that you were getting bent out of shape is not a personal attack. That's my honest opinion of the way you took what I said. It seemed to bother you. And no I don't feel like me saying I don't know any grown me that would act that way is an attack, it's the truth. I literally do not know any grown men that would have that reaction to a cuss word in a discussion.

We can agree to disagree about the whining comment. That's how I took it. If you don't think it was a whiney thing to ask, cool.

Bruh, I've answered the question about why I cussed twice now. Are you not reading my posts or something. For the third and last time. Cuss words are just words to me. I used that particular word for emphasis. That's it. There is no bigger reason than that. To me it wasn't a big deal, and I wasn't expecting you to come questioning me about my word choice as if it was.

I asked you to respond to the rest of the post that the cussing question was in. I did not ask that you answer the same question again.
This thread was literally started for us to interpret and discuss the picture. That's why I felt the need to "go to that level of speculation" along with everyone else who is participating in the thread. Except you I guess.

How many things do you carry in a lunge position? Him being carried is your interpretation. I see her as his foundation.
And you made whether it's easier to hold the weight, while sitting or standing relevant, when you made it seem like he "can't stand on his own"(speculation?) and needed to sit on the woman's shoulders.

You brought up symbolism twice but I thought you were taking it at face value.

Most of this post is just tit for tat stuff that I honestly don't feel like addressing. It will just take us down a rabbit hole. However, I will address your last statement.

Taking the picture at face value does not mean you can't recognize symbolism or the lack of a symbol in the pic. After all, the American flag being depicted as a snake is symbolic of the danger that this country has posed to black people. Me recognizing that doesn't mean I'm not taking the picture at face value.