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A Black man dies after being shot by Atlanta pigs at Wendy's drive-thru. Update: special prosecutor dropped charges against the pig

He was asleep...IN the drive-thru, which forced other people to drive around. Which is why Wendy's called the cops, which is why people felt the need to burn it down. They gave him a sobriety test and he failed it, he wasn't just parked in his car sleeping some shit off. He passed out while driving under the influence.
He was fuck'n up the money, Wendy's didn't need to burn in this case.
Golan money looking funny in the light
I just spoke my mind, man...

Watchin CNN, Atlanta police aint taking the burning of the Wendys lying down. CNN said there is a 10K reward for the person who turns them in. And they showed the clip of the white broad lighting a fire. And claim the police are looking a "enhanced footage"

Shit, durin these covid times. 10K aint no small money.

That wendys slow as fuck.I hate that Wendys.

I see how he fell asleep.

he was wilding,but they weren't in danger when he ran away.

Plus you would think they wouldn't want this type of action in the middle of police brutality protests and riots.

These cops are out of control.