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5 Love Languages

now i got to get personal, and i was trying to avoid that, but instead of letting me watch the flash in peace, ya'll wanna be obtuse on friday of all days...arrrgghhhh

My primary love language is words of affirmation. I like hearing from my spouse that i'm doing a good job with things around the house. I like to hear praise and appreciation when it comes to my position in the relationship. Do i like things from a material standpoint? Absolutely, but if she is going to choose b/t how she shows that appreciation, a really nice card and her actions that enforce the words on the card mean a lot more to me vs a shirt from the gap. This will satisfy me most, if not all the time.

Should she choose to give me a gift card to the spa to show her appreciation, i'm not gon say "well baby, idk about this...you know i like to be verbally told how much you appreciate me"...no...besides, that sounds stupid af...

Stop reducing my posts to some trivial shit
Never said you had to be great at all 5, I said you have to atleast attempt to do all 5.

If you're mediocre at sex, what you gonna do, not do it? "you know baby, being that I excel at giving gifts, Ima just skip this whole sex/touch thing" nahhh b

answer my question about your shoes
my got damn face is hurting from all the palming i've had to do reading these responses
See, I'm stuck on number one. I think both are equally meaningful. I would get the same joy if i got either of those. I can't just choose one.
See, I'm stuck on number one. I think both are equally meaningful. I would get the same joy if i got either of those. I can't just choose one.

thats fine as well, but did you take the test? it might surprise you based on your responses

again, no one is saying that you cant desire to have the other languages in your relationship

but you have to acknowledge that more often than not, they will most likely appear in spurts and not always simultaneously
I can only choose one answer to each question. Which isn't fair to me because then I'd be lying to myself.
I took the test

Physical touch -10
Quality time- 7
Words of Affirmation- 7
Acts of Service- 4
Receiving Gifts- 2
I took the test

Physical touch -10
Quality time- 10
Words of Affirmation- 10
Acts of Service- 10
Receiving Gifts- 10
Yeah its spot on for the most part

I was surprised

I think i value quality time a bit more tho

i think you and I scored very similar when i took the quiz

i will say that quality time ranked that low is perfect for me as I like and value my me time, but that doesnt mean i dont get enjoyment out of spending time with my spouse...its just not as high on my list as it may be for her
I took the test

Physical touch -10
Quality time- 10
Words of Affirmation- 10
Acts of Service- 10
Receiving Gifts- 10
