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❗️Where Do You Rank Them? @Love (Vol 29)

where does she fall?

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I feel the way I feel because they act like me playing games about a picture is a reason to disrespect me.
who disrespected you Love? or let me ask, who disrespected who first?
I feel the way I feel because they act like me playing games about a picture is a reason to disrespect me.
I know boo, I mean life experiences. We can all experience the exact same thing and read it differently because our life experiences shape how we see things.
who disrespected you Love? or let me ask, who disrespected who first?

I’m sure I told them about it so it’s over. I don’t want you thinking Im just making shit up.

I know boo, I mean life experiences. We can all experience the exact same thing and read it differently because our life experiences shape how we see things.

This is true.
but this my last post about it b/c i dont want to give the appearance I am antagonizing her. I was just trying to get some more understanding about the situation and how it came to be b/c I saw things from a different lens.

Love is entitled to feel how she feels. You cant control how people are going to react to something as Lea put it
brah, stop this shit

this corny

how tf you got that out of all of this
Man look, you can waste ya time being arm chair psychiatrist trying to figure out "her" emotions but like @Whis Khalifa already mentioned, niggas come from if there ain't a proof pic that's a Dude until further notice. Yall act as if Danty gate taught you nothing.
speak on it son

What’s “off”?

What's up with alla the false narratives and cognitive dissonance? You've stated repeatedly that you don't care about the rankings or the site that much for that matter. But, you're still here arguing and helped pushed this thread to 30 pages........

In other words, 1+1 =/= 3. There's either some fuckery afoot or you need to see a shrink.
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