Welcome To aBlackWeb

“if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or trump, then you ain’t black.”

We are 13-15% of the overall population and approximately 10% of the voting public...this shit ain’t on us....we are only here to tip the scales
I always feel like Britain points to America to say look it could be worse.

As for us @CeLLar-DooR is right black British is culturally is Jamaican more recently added with some of African culture. We are just immigrants and not really British in that sense.

While black Americans have their own culture.

I think black British people have more in common culturally with black Canadians for obvious reasons

The thing is yeah everyone in these threads is aware of the situation.

Both parties are wack. All agree.
One party is worse than the other. All agree
The 'better' party is more than happy to maintain the status quo. All agree.

So I don't understand why every time this comes up we need to go over it.
Dude just confirmed a talking point that these fucking Republicans have been pushing heavily for the past 8 years.

Time to write your vote in.

Two man race my ass.

You write your vote in and its neither a vote for trump or biden.
Isn't it too late to write in votes?
Black folks will turn out to vote for biden, like
lambs to the slaughter, their undying loyalty to the democratic party will once again fail them because hes going to lose and they will blame ppl like me for it, instead of the system.

wash. rinse. repeat
yall more mad at the ones that take issue with the system, than the system itself lmaooo again, embarrassing

riddle me this, how do you nig nogs expect to beat trump when voter suppression is extensive and far reaching???!
yall love toting around these individual cases as proof that diversity in politics and policing WORKS, when theres centuries and centuries of proof, it does not

and thats why yall will never be free