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Breaking News ‘Multiple Casualties’ In Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue. Update: 11 people confirmed dead

Aye, I'm not tryna go off on a tangent

but I really don't wanna hear "this is the worst attack on the Jewish community in Amerikkkan history"

Ok, be that as it may, we gonna act like what has & still is happenin to my people of the sun didn't happen?

the Charleston church shooting didn't happen?

Black wall street?

Yall kno I could go on, what I'm sayin is

If this situation affects you but you feel nothin bout the plight of my people in this country

any nigga that don't think we #2 on a Neo-Nazi terrorist hit list is fucking crazy tho

You can talk that "Let them sort this out amongst themselves" shit, but your black ass better be strapped n ready for whoever survive that fight lol

2? Bruh, they said this was the worst attack on Jews in American history. This shit don't even make the top 15 for the shit done to Black people in this country. We're #1 on the hit list.
2? Bruh, they said this was the worst attack on Jews in American history. This shit don't even make the top 15 for the shit done to Black people in this country. We're #1 on the hit list.

I'm sayin

so 11 Jews got killed, were they all Jewish?

nonetheless, 9 brothers & sisters was murdered in a place of worship & it's not even a blip on the radar of the atrocities committed against black folk in Amerikkka

I'm empathetic, but got no sympathy

What Is Gab? Social Media Platform Used by Robert Bowers Part of Growing 'Alt-Tech' Movement

By Jen Glennon On 10/27/18 at 3:30 PM

In the wake of Saturday morning's shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, which left 10 confirmed dead, the social media footprint of suspect Robert Bowers has been the focus of media scrutiny. Roughly an hour before the shooting took place, Bowers made a post referencing the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society on the social media site Gab: “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics. I’m going in.”

Gab launched in 2016 as an alternative to Twitter, dedicated to the principle of free speech. The homepage describes the platform as "a social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome." Founder Andrew Torba cited reports that Facebook had suppressed conservative news and "the entirely left-leaning Big Social monopoly" as reasons for launching the service.

Gab has responded vociferously to criticism in the aftermath of the shooting, releasing a statement via Medium on Saturday which said, "We refuse to be defined by the media’s narratives about Gab and our community. Gab’s mission is very simple: to defend free expression and individual liberty online for all people."

Gab later issued a tweet reaffirming its intent to cooperate with law enforcement investigating the Tree of Life shooting, while seizing the moment as an opportunity to once again critique "Big Tech."

SMH @ the phrases “Alt-Tech”, ”Big Tech” & “Big Social monopoly".. Alt Reich has such a persecution complex when they feel like there not allowed to spew bullshit view points ...

On Gab, an Extremist-Friendly Site, Pittsburgh Shooting Suspect Aired His Hatred in Full

Early Saturday, moments before the police say he barged into a Pittsburgh synagogue and opened fire, Robert D. Bowers’s anti-Semitic rage finally boiled over and he posted one last message online.

But he didn’t turn to Facebook or Twitter. Instead, the man accused of killing at least 11 people went to Gab, a two-year-old social network that bills itself as a “free speech” alternative to those platforms, and that has become a haven for white nationalists, neo-Nazis and other extremists. There, he posted a signoff to his followers.

“I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered,” Mr. Bowers wrote. “Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

[A man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagoguewhere three congregations worshiped.]

Gab’s affiliation with Mr. Bowers has already cost the company dearly. On Saturday, the company’s web hosting provider, Joyent, moved to shut the site down, according to an email posted by Gab on Twitter. The payment processing platform Stripe, which Gab has used to receive fees for its paid Gab Pro membership level, and which froze Gab’s account this month for violating its terms of service, said it was suspending transfers to the company’s bank account pending an investigation, according to another email posted to Twitter by Gab. PayPal, another payment processor, canceled Gab’s account, saying that it had been closely monitoring the site since before Saturday’s massacre.

“When a site is allowing the perpetuation of hate, violence or discriminatory intolerance, we take immediate and decisive action,” a PayPal spokesman said. Representatives for Joyent and Stripe did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Gab, which was started in 2016 by a conservative programmer, Andrew Torba, who was fed up with what he saw as Silicon Valley’s left-wing censorship, was a controversial project from the start. Its launch announcement doubled as a broadside against political correctness, which the company said had “become a cancer on discourse and culture.” Gab, its creator said, would be a social network where all speech would be welcome, no matter how noxious or offensive.

In an email interview on Saturday, Mr. Torba, Gab’s chief executive, said that he had not reviewed all of Mr. Bowers’s posts, but that the company had turned over information about his account to law enforcement agencies and was cooperating with the investigation.

“Because he was on Gab, law enforcement now have definitive evidence for a motive,” Mr. Torba wrote. “They would not have had this evidence without Gab. We are proud to work with and support law enforcement in order to bring justice to this alleged terrorist.”

Technically, there was nothing special about Gab at the start — its interface was buggy and unattractive, and it lacked the features of more established social networks. But the platform’s intentionally slim rule book attracted a crowd of extremists, including white nationalists and neo-Nazis, who had been banned from other social platforms. Milo Yiannopoulos, the former Breitbart writer whose harassment campaigns got him kicked off Twitter, signed up for an account. So did Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi publication Daily Stormer, and Richard Spencer, the well-known white nationalist.

Within months, Gab had become a last refuge for internet scoundrels — a place where those with views considered too toxic for the mainstream could congregate and converse freely. The site’s guidelines prohibit threats of violence, but not hateful speech.

Gab’s reputation for accommodating extremism may have been what drew Mr. Bowers to the site. In January, he signed up for an account, and began sharing anti-Jewish images, conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world, and criticism of President Trump — whom, he implied, was too accommodating of Jewish influence. He appeared to have other social media accounts, but Gab was where he aired his hatred in full. His bio on the site read, “Jews are the children of Satan,” and a photo on his profile included the number 1488, a winking reference that is popular among white supremacists.

After Mr. Bowers was named as a suspect in the mass shooting, Gab released a statement saying that it “unequivocally disavows and condemns all acts of terrorism and violence.” The company spent much of Saturday replying to its critics on Twitter, and deflecting blame by pointing out that Mr. Bowers also had accounts on other social networks. The company boasted that its website was getting a million views per hour in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shootings.

This is not Gab’s first run-in with controversy. Last year, Google banned the company’s app for failing to moderate hateful content. (The app was rejected by Apple.) In August, Microsoft threatened to cut off Gab’s access to its Azure cloud service after posts surfaced on the site advocating genocidal violence against Jews. The posts were ultimately taken down.

Mr. Torba insisted that the shooting had not changed his mind about Gab’s core mission of promoting free speech.

“Twitter and other platforms police ‘hate speech’ as long as it isn’t against President Trump, white people, Christians, or minorities who have walked away from the Democratic Party,” he wrote. “This double standard does not exist on Gab.”

What did exist on Gab, as of Saturday night, was a flurry of posts made by people who appeared to share Mr. Bowers’s hatred for Jews.

The site, which functions like a combination of Twitter and Reddit, is not exclusively for bigots. It has areas for various interest groups, including cryptocurrency traders, doomsday preppers and fans of Japanese-style animated pornography. In recent days, it has attracted a crowd of Brazilians who are fans of the presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, after Facebook and Twitter took down a number of accounts that were pushing misinformation and hate speech in the country. Gab recently boasted of having 700,000 members, although it is not clear how many of those people actively use the site.

Despite its claims of pan-partisan appeal, Gab’s most popular posts espouse far-right ideology. A video about Nazi Germany appeared on the site’s “trending” section on Saturday, along with videos posted by Infowars, the conspiracy-riddled news site started by Alex Jones. Posts by the site’s members in recent days include a torrent of anti-Semitic cartoons, conspiracy theories, and denunciations of liberal censorship.

“Gab became their safe haven because it was actively recruiting the worst of the worst,” said Joan Donovan, a media manipulation researcher with the nonprofit organization Data and Society. “Gab’s users have complained of a global Jewish conspiracy to control the internet, where Gab is the only place online where they can network with one another.”

In the past several years, as Twitter and Facebook have stepped up their enforcement of policies to prevent hate speech and abuse, an “alt-tech” movement has tried to replace popular internet services with more lenient ones of its own design. None of these efforts have succeeded, and hardened white nationalists and neo-Nazis have been forced into an increasingly precarious corner of the internet, hopping between mainstream platforms as they are discovered and banned.
Discord, a chat app built for video gamers, became a haven of white nationalistslast year, who used the service to plan and execute the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va. The company subsequently shut down several large far-right groups, but many have since reappeared.

On Saturday, a Discord channel populated by neo-Nazis filled with chatter and gossip about Mr. Bowers’s possible involvement in a mass shooting of Jews. Several members praised Mr. Bowers, while others criticized him for jeopardizing the neo-Nazi movement’s long-term prospects by resorting to violence.

“This guy just blew out the kneecaps of the movement in order to kill some no name Jews,” one member wrote.

Representatives from Discord did not respond to a request for comment.

On Gab, however, the talk was less about Mr. Bowers and the anti-Jewish movement, and more about what was happening to the platform itself. On Saturday, as Gab’s service providers began to cut ties, one of the most popular posts on the site speculated that the company was being unfairly targeted because “Gab is the free speech platform Jews want to destroy.”

Asked if Gab would be changing any of its policies in response to the mass shooting, Mr. Torba gave an unequivocal answer.

“Absolutely not.”

Pittsburgh Victims’ Names Announced, Married Couple And Brothers Among Dead

The names and ages of victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre were announced Sunday morning. They include two brothers, one married couple and a 96-year-old woman. The 11 victims ranged in age from 54 years old to 97 years old.

Dr. Karl Williams, the chief medical examiner of Allegheny County, said in a press conference Sunday that “we are doing everything in our power to complete the process in a way that honors both civil and religious law.” WPVI and USA Todayconfirmed the names, ages and relations of the victims:

– Joyce Fineberg, 75
– Richard Gottfried, 65
– Rose Mallinger, 97
– Jerry Rabinowitz, 66
– Cecil Rosenthal, 59
– David Rosenthal, 54, (brother of Cecil)
– Bernice Simon, 84
– Sylvan Simon, 86, (husband of Bernice)
– Daniel Stein, 71
– Melvin Wax, 88
– Irving Younger, 69

U.S. Attorney Scott Brady said his office was treating the shooting “as a hate crime,” and not as terrorism, for the time being.

“The distinction between a hate crime and domestic terrorism is, a hate crime is where an individual is animated by a hatred or certain animus toward a person of a certain ethnicity or religious faith, and it becomes domestic terrorism where there’s an ideology that that person is also trying to propagate through violence,” Brady said.

The shooter “moved through the building, and there were three separate congregations at the same time,” said Robert Jones, the FBI special agent in charge of the investigation.

Jewish Leaders to Trump: You are Not Welcome in Pittsburgh Until ‘You Fully Denounce White Nationalism’

On Saturday, President Donald Trump said that he plans to visit Pittsburgh in wake of the mass shooting that took 11 lives at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill.

Trump made the announcement while speaking to reporters before a rally on the same day as the shooting, but did not offer details about when his visit may take place.

However, in an open letter to Trump, a group of Pittsburgh Jewish leaders –under the auspices of Bend the Arc — said Trump is not welcome unless he fully denounces white nationalism.

“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism,” the leader read.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the open letter continues on. ” You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”

The letter also calls on Trump to “stop targeting and endangering all minorities” and “cease your assault on immigrants and refugees.”

The letter then concludes, “President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us.”

‘Muslims Unite For Pittsburgh Synagogue’ Fundraiser Hits $70k

Matt Shuham

A Muslim-led fundraising campaign to benefit survivors of Saturday’s Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, in addition to the families of the 11 who were killed, had raised $70,000 as of Sunday afternoon. Two groups, MPower Change and CelebrateMercy, launched the fundraiser Saturday “to send a united message from the Jewish and Muslim communities that there is no place for this type of hate and violence in America,” according to the fundraising page on LaunchGood.com.
"Armed" guards? At this point the snake is eating itself. Is it blue lives matter or is it white lives matter? This country makes my blood boil with the blatent hypocrisy and double standards man. I know it's nothing new but it doesn't make it any easier

Trump Lied About 9/11 To Justify Speech Schedule Post-Synagogue Shooting

Justifying his decision to attend a political rally and address the Future Farmers of America convention on Saturday — both just hours after a gunman opened fire in a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 — President Donald Trump lied about the aftermath of September 11, 2001.

“I remember when we had the attack in Manhattan, we opened the stock exchange the next day,” Trump told FFA. “People were shocked.”

He added Saturday night, at the political rally: “With what happened early today, that horrible, horrible attack in Pittsburgh, I was saying maybe I should cancel both this and that. And then I said to myself, I remembered Dick Russell, a friend of mine, great guy, he headed up the New York Stock Exchange on September 11th, and the New York Stock Exchange was open the following day. He said — and what they had to do to open it you wouldn’t believe, we won’t even talk to you about it. But he got that exchange open. We can’t make these sick, demented, evil people important.”

As the Washington Post’s Fact Checker pointed out Saturday night: “This will be a very short fact check.”

In fact, the New York Stock Exchange was closed for several days after Sept. 11. It opened on Sept. 17.

WH Attacks WaPo For Highlighting Connections Between Trump Rhetoric And Recent Violence

Kate Riga

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacked the Washington Post Sunday for pointing out the connections between President Donald Trump’s rhetoric and the recent outbursts of violence at the Pittsburgh synagogue and through multiple potential pipe bombs sent to Trump’s critics.

"Armed" guards? At this point the snake is eating itself. Is it blue lives matter or is it white lives matter? This country makes my blood boil with the blatent hypocrisy and double standards man. I know it's nothing new but it doesn't make it any easier

I agree

McCarthy Denounces Synagogue Shooting Days After Anti-Semitic Post

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who this week posted a tweet attacking Jewish Democratic donors, is now unselfconsciously denouncing anti-Semitism and calling for peace in the wake of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

According to a Sunday CNN report, McCarthy tweeted “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election! Get out and vote Republican November 6th. #MAGA,” with a grainy black and white picture of billionaire George Soros. McCarthy posted the tweet after a potential explosive device addressed to Soros was found at a home owned by his company.

Soros, billionaire Tom Steyer and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg are all Jewish and active in Democratic politics.

McCarthy has since removed the tweet and changed his tone, denouncing this weekend’s shooting.
