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Kanye supports Trump. Koonye says slavery was a choice. Update: Koonye On Support For Trump in New Interview: ‘I’m Definitely Voting This Time’

All this with us or against us is ridiculous. Nobody is one dimensional. Everybody should have different levels. Kanye's mom didn't die almost ten years ago because of Trump being president. Get a grip.

Us or Else

Fuck anybody to the fullest that promotes white supremacy.

These same ppl just killed a couple black ppl. Them ppl is from the same cloth as the president.
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Kanye West Designs Shirts Encouraging Black People to ‘Blexit’ from the Democratic Party

Rap artist, Oval Office pontificator and now t-shirt designer Kanye West is hoping his new shirts will encourage black people to leave the Democratic Party.

West’s designs made their debut at Turning Point USA’s Young Black Leadership Summit. West wasn’t there.

TPUSA’s Communications Director Candace Owens, though, gushed about the conversation-starting designs and “fellow superhero” West

“Blexit is a renaissance and I am blessed to say that this logo, these colors, were created by my dear friend and fellow superhero Kanye West,” she said, according to Page Six.

She added: “[West] has taken one of the boldest steps in America to open a conversation we have needed to have.”

The t-shirts come in various colors, including bright orange and teal, and sport the slogan “Blexit” and “We Free.”

The shirts are also the beginning of what Owens says will include a multi-city tour to raise Blexit awareness.

“The Blexit movement will spend 2019 holding rallies in every major city in America that the Democrats have destroyed,” Owens said.

There is also a website, Blexit.com, which features stories of those who have left the Democratic party.


I was just telling my girl that a serious conversation needs to be had in the black community and establish black leaders. The whole Candace owenes and black Trump supporters I believe is more about black individuals who was never accepted by the black the community because they talked or acted a certain way and their "blackness" was in question so they are doing this out of spite. The real conversation needs to be had in the black community instead of calling them coons....what they are ATM
Telling black people to stop being slaves to the Democratic Party (particularly the corporate democrats) isn't a bad message, but that nigga is out of his retarded ass mind if he thinks the answer is running towards the Republican Party.

I been sayin' this.

I feel that nuanced conversations are too difficult tho', especially in this current climate