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OPINION What's your position on illegal immigration?

Im not threatened by immigrants, legal or not. I try not to make generalizations, but I sense a lot of the posters in this thread are. I feel some of y’all are grouping all of these folks as illegal immigrants and want them to enter the country legally, when truth is the shit happening at the border are happening to people trying to enter this country legally.

America is doing whatever they can to prevent legal and illegal immigrants from coming here. And they’re not doing this to protect americans, especially not our black asses. They’re taking out any threats to white supremacy. We know this country has never gave a fuck about us. If they could find a way to kick us out, they would. Instead they’ve made our stay as shitty as possible. Hell, the tactics they’re using against hispanics they’ve used against us (still are). Y’all seriously think shit will be sweet for us if all the illegals were wiped from this country with a thanos snap? Shit wasn’t sweet for us BEFORE they came here.

I understand not all of these immigrants are our friends, but we all have the common enemy. And if i have to stand side by side with someone, it damn sure won’t be them.

“So I can’t shed blood on any battlefield of yours...”
Im not threatened by immigrants, legal or not. I try not to make generalizations, but I sense a lot of the posters in this thread are. I feel some of y’all are grouping all of these folks as illegal immigrants and want them to enter the country legally, when truth is the shit happening at the border are happening to people trying to enter this country legally.

America is doing whatever they can to prevent legal and illegal immigrants from coming here. And they’re not doing this to protect americans, especially not our black asses. They’re taking out any threats to white supremacy. We know this country has never gave a fuck about us. If they could find a way to kick us out, they would. Instead they’ve made our stay as shitty as possible. Hell, the tactics they’re using against hispanics they’ve used against us (still are). Y’all seriously think shit will be sweet for us if all the illegals were wiped from this country with a thanos snap? Shit wasn’t sweet for us BEFORE they came here.

I understand not all of these immigrants are our friends, but we all have the common enemy. And if i have to stand side by side with someone, it damn sure won’t be them.

“So I can’t shed blood on any battlefield of yours...”

Who is your common enemy, white people? There are a lot of White Hispanics that benefit and perpetuate those systems. If you're going to have a cest la view attitude towards every one, on those grounds, it's gonna also bolster white supremacy. A lot of Hispanics identify as white and view white people in a better light than they view black folks.
Who is your common enemy, white people? There are a lot of White Hispanics that benefit and perpetuate those systems. If you're going to have a cest la view attitude towards every one, on those grounds, it's gonna also bolster white supremacy. A lot of Hispanics identify as white and view white people in a better light than they view black folks.

I clearly said not all of these immigrants are our friends, so i’m not entirely sure what you’re arguing.

If you wanna stop talking about immigrants and focus on hispanic americans in general, my point still stands. Not all of them are our friends. Not all of them are our enemies. Some ride with us, some don’t.

I support those who support us, but i’m not putting their fight over ours. And I don’t expect them to do the same.
I clearly said not all of these immigrants are our friends, so i’m not entirely sure what you’re arguing.

If you wanna stop talking about immigrants and focus on hispanic americans in general, my point still stands. Not all of them are our friends. Not all of them are our enemies. Some ride with us, some don’t.

I support those who support us, but i’m not putting their fight over ours. And I don’t expect them to do the same.

My point is you say you have a common enemy, but don't outright specify who. You also say you're not threatened, but acknowledge the threat some Hispanics pose to Black lives and Black issues. These are weird contrasts which don't appear to add up. But then again, you never flesh out an explicit position. Are you pro or con?
America MO is talking outa both sides of its mouth.

People can be mad about illegals and the economy but a) won't do none of the jobs they do and especially not for the pay and b) won't direct that anger to the businesses/companies that hire them. Trump out here wilin but had undocumented workers in his hotels.

Like....I hear all the complaints. I'm from cali so I'm familiar. But I can't muster up blaming them for conditions America created.

But we will do those jobs. That's the point, the employers are flat out lying when they say they can't find Americans to do the work. We have the same problem in the tech sector: Companies are claiming they can't find Americans for Tech jobs and need to bring in H1B's in order to get enough people to do the work, when the very well documented reality is that those same companies ain't trying to see you if you're a citizen or naturalized citizen, they WANT H1B's because they work for cheap.


There are Americans that will do construction, farming work, fast food, landscaping, etc. I've seen Black and White men at Home Depot and there was even a bit about it on the news some years ago back in AZ; they don't want American workers so if you're Black or White you don't get hired. When my Uncle (RIP) lived in Dallas he told me that between jobs he would go out there for day work and the only thing that caught him a break was that he looked borderline Mexican. It wasn't until they spoke to him that they realized that he was not only American, but Black at that but by then it was too late; he was either at the job site or on the back of the truck heading there.

There's enough blame to go around here.
Im not threatened by immigrants, legal or not. I try not to make generalizations, but I sense a lot of the posters in this thread are. I feel some of y’all are grouping all of these folks as illegal immigrants and want them to enter the country legally, when truth is the shit happening at the border are happening to people trying to enter this country legally.

America is doing whatever they can to prevent legal and illegal immigrants from coming here. And they’re not doing this to protect americans, especially not our black asses. They’re taking out any threats to white supremacy. We know this country has never gave a fuck about us. If they could find a way to kick us out, they would. Instead they’ve made our stay as shitty as possible. Hell, the tactics they’re using against hispanics they’ve used against us (still are). Y’all seriously think shit will be sweet for us if all the illegals were wiped from this country with a thanos snap? Shit wasn’t sweet for us BEFORE they came here.

I understand not all of these immigrants are our friends, but we all have the common enemy. And if i have to stand side by side with someone, it damn sure won’t be them.

“So I can’t shed blood on any battlefield of yours...”

Great post.
My point is you say you have a common enemy, but don't outright specify who. You also say you're not threatened, but acknowledge the threat some Hispanics pose to Black lives and Black issues. These are weird contrasts which don't appear to add up. But then again, you never flesh out an explicit position. Are you pro or con?

White supremacy and those who enforce/support it are the enemy in my eyes.

Acknowledging that not all hispanics are our friends is not the same as calling them a threat.

Pro or Con what? Illegal Immigration? I feel people should find ways to enter this country legally to avoid days like this. But people entering this country legally are getting hemmed up too.

Shit ain’t as black and white as some try to make it out to be.
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Im not threatened by immigrants, legal or not. I try not to make generalizations, but I sense a lot of the posters in this thread are. I feel some of y’all are grouping all of these folks as illegal immigrants and want them to enter the country legally, when truth is the shit happening at the border are happening to people trying to enter this country legally.

America is doing whatever they can to prevent legal and illegal immigrants from coming here. And they’re not doing this to protect americans, especially not our black asses. They’re taking out any threats to white supremacy. We know this country has never gave a fuck about us. If they could find a way to kick us out, they would. Instead they’ve made our stay as shitty as possible. Hell, the tactics they’re using against hispanics they’ve used against us (still are). Y’all seriously think shit will be sweet for us if all the illegals were wiped from this country with a thanos snap? Shit wasn’t sweet for us BEFORE they came here.

I understand not all of these immigrants are our friends, but we all have the common enemy. And if i have to stand side by side with someone, it damn sure won’t be them.

“So I can’t shed blood on any battlefield of yours...”
You'd think it was white supremacists writing a few of the posts in this thread
so we're really gonna act like they aint putting toddlers in cages and babies in shelters?

others right to humanity doesn't take away from yours. this is what white supremacists want.
so we're really gonna act like they aint putting toddlers in cages and babies in shelters?

others right to humanity doesn't take away from yours. this is what white supremacists want.

You're carpet bombing toddlers and putting embargoes on nations to prevent basic medications so babies die of dysentary, too. You're a horrible nation. But what does your claim mean? Illegal immigrants should be allowed to do whatever they want? Criminalizing illegal entry is wrong? But people can get hemmed up on nonviolent drug charges and get their family broken up and it's all good? They're just black and Hispanic tax payers, so fuck them?

It's easy to criticize but if you don't have a detailed alternative at the ready the criticism is shallow
so we're really gonna act like they aint putting toddlers in cages and babies in shelters?

others right to humanity doesn't take away from yours. this is what white supremacists want.

Are we really gonna act like this is new? Are we really gonna act like this doesn't happen to Americans when they commit crimes with their children in tow?

Are we really so dense that we can't read WHY this happened in the first place?

This shit happened as a TEMPORARY response to a huge surge in unaccompanied minors being caught at the border trying to sneak in to be reunited with their parents that had come across before they did. It happened in 2014, under the Obama Administration because we simply ran out of room for all these kids.

"... It’s important to understand the context of the photograph which shows two children laying facedown on the floor behind chain-link. The image was part of an Arizona newspaper report exposing conditions in a temporary family detention facility run by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in the Arizona border town of Nogales. The area had experienced an unprecedented surge of unaccompanied alien minors, with some 900 kids and teens apprehended at the border in a short amount of time. In order to deal with the flood of kids, ad-hoc accommodations were created. They were objectively awful.

The detention centers featured chain link enclosures where kids were left with sleeping mats, muted televisions, porta-potties and little else to occupy them. Although they received medical treatment, food, and water, and were finally safe from the Sonoran desert, the facilities were shockingly sparse, smelly, and reminiscent of animal shelters. Again, this all occurred on the Obama administration’s watch. And it wasn’t the only failed attempt to receive immigrant children. In fact, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) received a legal smackdown in 2015 after a judge ruled they were violating a contract mandating their family detention facilities be licensed and unsecured, giving children oversight and freedom of movement. The judge even called the ICE facility conditions 'deplorable'...

So we take a picture of one facility in one city during a time of crisis where makeshift accommodations had to be thrown together and try to paint a picture as if this is happening to ALL kids coming here? That's intellectually dishonest to say the least. Was it bad? Yeah, you get no argument from me there. But it happened under extenuating circumstances and that's the part of this that no one seems to get.

Your child can wind up in a juvenile detention facility if they're with you and you're arrested on as little as an outstanding traffic warrant.
Is it really that easy for kids to end up in the system.? I had this debate with someone else and they told me, from their experience with their Bm, that it takes a lot for CPS to get involved.
I clearly said not all of these immigrants are our friends, so i’m not entirely sure what you’re arguing.

If you wanna stop talking about immigrants and focus on hispanic americans in general, my point still stands. Not all of them are our friends. Not all of them are our enemies. Some ride with us, some don’t.

I support those who support us, but i’m not putting their fight over ours. And I don’t expect them to do the same.

Name one group that actually rides with us.
America isn't the only one to blame though. Shouldn't you hold other NATO members and IMF / World Bank members accountable?
Yes you should. But will most people see it like? No. We gon be walking the dog on this "they're taking our jobs!" narrative til the end of time.
Is it really that easy for kids to end up in the system.? I had this debate with someone else and they told me, from their experience with their Bm, that it takes a lot for CPS to get involved.

CPS doesn't have to get involved at all. If the cops can't locate anyone to take your kid, they get locked up or put into foster care.