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OPINION What's your position on illegal immigration?

Nah b, kick 'em out and send them back to the end of the immigration line. Like I said, my stepfather and the godparents of my two younger sisters and all of their relatives came here legally from Guyana. I can't rock with that line of thinking that allows people to stay here when so many worked hard to get here the right way.

It's like being in one of those hour long lines for rides at Cedar Point or Six Flags, and 45 minutes into it you watch a nigga just walk up and cut in line in front of you. You gonna let that fly?

Send them people back.
that nigga getting stomped out
I know a lot of people keep saying it, but this shit really ain't the truth.

In my example, the McDonalds that got raided reopened the following week. The whole staff flipped from 100% Mexican to a mix of Black and White with one Asian cat thrown in. Those were all jobs being taken from Americans that wanted those jobs.

There's a shitload of folks with degrees busing tables, flipping burgers, and the like. That's the main reason there's been that whole push for a $15/hr minimum wage. Those people are demanding it because they're unable to sustain their previous lifestyle they had or want to have while flippin burgers.

There are Americans for those jobs. There are Americans that will do those jobs if that's what's available to them. The myth here is that we'll refuse to take them. On the contrary, many Americans are desperate enough to take those jobs but they're being offered to immigrants who minimum wage employers believe won't quit if a better opportunity comes their way.

Maybe that's just certain stores or something because I live in Gwinnett GA and everybody knows from here south Gwinnett is filled and swarmed with hispanics...all the McDs in this area has a Hispanic dishwasher and a few in the back preparing or whatnot but most the store is blacks and whites from Pleasant hill to Jimmy Carter(all my GA people know this is area is little Mexico) and yet any Mcds I walk into is still mostly blacks and suprisingly whites with a few hipanics in the back. So your point is probably good for specific stores but the belly of the beast with high Hispanic population in GA says otherwise.
If Colonists owe the natives so much why they fuck doesn't anyone hold Spain accountable? They are way more to blame than America
Maybe that's just certain stores or something because I live in Gwinnett GA and everybody knows from here south Gwinnett is filled and swarmed with hispanics...all the McDs in this area has a Hispanic dishwasher and a few in the back preparing or whatnot but most the store is blacks and whites from Pleasant hill to Jimmy Carter(all my GA people know this is area is little Mexico) and yet any Mcds I walk into is still mostly blacks and suprisingly whites with a few hipanics in the back. So your point is probably good for specific stores but the belly of the beast with high Hispanic population in GA says otherwise.

From Texas to SoCal you have a shitload of illegals because each of these states (TX, NM, AZ, and CA) all share a border with Mexico. While Gwinnett may have a lot of Mexicans, it pales to the number of them sittin off across the 4 border states.
Think about this too:

We have 100% legal weed in 9 states and medical weed in the rest of the country with the exception of 4 states. It's still illegal on the federal level so banks refuse to allow money to be deposited from the sale of weed, making it a largely cash business.

Sneaking into this country and working here is illegal across the board, yet many large banks actively court illegal immigrants by making the process for getting a bank account painless. BoA only requires two forms of ID (one of which can be a foreign drivers license) and a utility bill.

How the fuck can they knowingly allow illegal immigrants access to their banks but not legitimate businesses that sell weed?
Both my parents and my grandparents on my mothers side got here legally. Took years to help get other relatives here legally.

Now i know mfs who were here illegally or their parents were. A friend i grew up with had the fake social and name. Whenever we were around his coworkers we had to call him by his fake name shit was funny at the time. He eventually got caught up and had to go back to mexico but meeting his fiancee here made him do it the legal way he just started his family a few yrs ago after getting back in legally.

Its not like illegals are bad ppl but i dont inderstand why, if u know the laws, ppl go into outrage when they get caught. Cuz they were cool laying low.

Its a lotta mfs on a waiting list, if u find a way to illegaly bypass that good on u, but dont cry when u get sent back.
Both my parents and my grandparents on my mothers side got here legally. Took years to help get other relatives here legally.

Now i know mfs who were here illegally or their parents were. A friend i grew up with had the fake social and name. Whenever we were around his coworkers we had to call him by his fake name shit was funny at the time. He eventually got caught up and had to go back to mexico but meeting his fiancee here made him do it the legal way he just started his family a few yrs ago after getting back in legally.

Its not like illegals are bad ppl but i dont inderstand why, if u know the laws, ppl go into outrage when they get caught. Cuz they were cool laying low.

Its a lotta mfs on a waiting list, if u find a way to illegaly bypass that good on u, but dont cry when u get sent back.

That's the other shit, and this affects me personally. I spoke on it on the IC but back in 2015 I found out my identity had been stolen. Muhfucka filed taxes in my name and everything. We found out when we tried to file and the IRS kicked it back like "you already filed". Had to put a freeze on my shit, call the SEC and all credit agencies and everything. Some Mexican was outchea using my identity and working with it. The investigation is still ongoing 'cause I'm sure when he went to collect that tax refund he thought he was owed and it wasn't there his ass prolly dropped my shit.

Fuck an illegal.
That's the other shit, and this affects me personally. I spoke on it on the IC but back in 2015 I found out my identity had been stolen. Muhfucka filed taxes in my name and everything. We found out when we tried to file and the IRS kicked it back like "you already filed". Had to put a freeze on my shit, call the SEC and all credit agencies and everything. Some Mexican was outchea using my identity and working with it. The investigation is still ongoing 'cause I'm sure when he went to collect that tax refund he thought he was owed and it wasn't there his ass prolly dropped my shit.

Fuck an illegal.


That shit happens a lot
That's the other shit, and this affects me personally. I spoke on it on the IC but back in 2015 I found out my identity had been stolen. Muhfucka filed taxes in my name and everything. We found out when we tried to file and the IRS kicked it back like "you already filed". Had to put a freeze on my shit, call the SEC and all credit agencies and everything. Some Mexican was outchea using my identity and working with it. The investigation is still ongoing 'cause I'm sure when he went to collect that tax refund he thought he was owed and it wasn't there his ass prolly dropped my shit.

Fuck an illegal.

Niggas get id stolen everyday b. If dude was mexican i can see your frustration but id theft is done by everybody lol
While true that it's a minor inconvenience, when you look at the big picture and do a little thinking you realize it's something that wouldn't be happening at all if it wasn't for all the Spanish speaking illegal immigrants being here.

We have illegal immigrants here from many other countries but they at least make an effort to learn the language and blend in so you don't really know if Rajesh, Abaeze, Dmytri, Li Wei, or Kristoffer is here illegally or not. Mexicans and other Spanish speaking illegals are the only group that basically say "Fuck you" and refuse to do this and got companies bending over backwards to cater to a group of people that really shouldn't be here in the first place.

Because Mexico is right there. If you live in the Southwest they spoke Spanish before English. They said fuck anglos. But nobody is addressing these companies doing the shady shit. Why? Because Americans will eadily accept a corporation working against their interest vs a poor person trying to improve their life. We fighting for scraps man dont you see?
Because Mexico is right there. If you live in the Southwest they spoke Spanish before English. They said fuck anglos. But nobody is addressing these companies doing the shady shit. Why? Because Americans will eadily accept a corporation working against their interest vs a poor person trying to improve their life. We fighting for scraps man dont you see?


It’s wasnt Spanish as the first language. (Spanish is white ppl btw)
Because Mexico is right there. If you live in the Southwest they spoke Spanish before English. They said fuck anglos. But nobody is addressing these companies doing the shady shit. Why? Because Americans will eadily accept a corporation working against their interest vs a poor person trying to improve their life. We fighting for scraps man dont you see?

Arizona actually has a law on the books that passed back in 2007 and upheld by the SCOTUS in 2011 that has harsh penalties for any company found knowingly hiring illegals.

I'm all for people improving their lives, but do it the right way. Don't break the law and expect me to have some sort of sympathy for you 'cause you were just "trying to improve your life".

Speaking of laws... Know how everyone always says that they're law abiding citizens when they get here? That's a lie. La Raza, The ACLU, the IRS, the SSA, League of United Latin American Citizens, Migrant Farmworker Justice Project, Vice, USA Today, and the New York Times have ALL stated at one time or another that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly committing serious felonies, with some stating the number is as high as 80% of them engaged in it. What crimes are they committing? Identity Theft, Social Security Fraud, Bank Fraud, Forgery, Perjury, and Income Tax Fraud. Every one of these is a Federal-level felony with Bank Fraud carrying the harshest penalty of all of them: 30 years in prison, up to $1M in fines, or both for a single count of Bank Fraud. The Mexican that stole my identity, filed taxes under my name, and prolly other shit committed a minimum of three of those: Identity Theft, Income Tax Fraud, and when he filled out the I-9 form he committed Perjury. Ran consecutively he'd be looking at 25 years in a Federal prison (15 years for ID Theft, 5 years for Perjury, and 5 years for Tax Fraud).

Nah b, I can't rock with these people being here like this. I'm all for folks rising up out of poverty and all, but do the shit right.
That's the other shit, and this affects me personally. I spoke on it on the IC but back in 2015 I found out my identity had been stolen. Muhfucka filed taxes in my name and everything. We found out when we tried to file and the IRS kicked it back like "you already filed". Had to put a freeze on my shit, call the SEC and all credit agencies and everything. Some Mexican was outchea using my identity and working with it. The investigation is still ongoing 'cause I'm sure when he went to collect that tax refund he thought he was owed and it wasn't there his ass prolly dropped my shit.

Fuck an illegal.
yea...i just went thru this...but it wasnt an illegal....it was family.

i dont look like my brother but i kinda do.
E'erbody on fb in an uproar over these dentention centers. Shit is fucked up. I understand that.

At the same time, america has always had some form of detention center, such as say, the ghetto. And aint been no uproar from nobody but us over how our families been continually torn apart since the formation of this country. Might sound fucked up, but the older I get I see shit differently.
America MO is talking outa both sides of its mouth.

People can be mad about illegals and the economy but a) won't do none of the jobs they do and especially not for the pay and b) won't direct that anger to the businesses/companies that hire them. Trump out here wilin but had undocumented workers in his hotels.

Like....I hear all the complaints. I'm from cali so I'm familiar. But I can't muster up blaming them for conditions America created.
America MO is talking outa both sides of its mouth.

People can be mad about illegals and the economy but a) won't do none of the jobs they do and especially not for the pay and b) won't direct that anger to the businesses/companies that hire them. Trump out here wilin but had undocumented workers in his hotels.

Like....I hear all the complaints. I'm from cali so I'm familiar. But I can't muster up blaming them for conditions America created.

Thank you! Its always the company that no one wants to hold responsible because wanna work for the crackers.
America MO is talking outa both sides of its mouth.

People can be mad about illegals and the economy but a) won't do none of the jobs they do and especially not for the pay and b) won't direct that anger to the businesses/companies that hire them. Trump out here wilin but had undocumented workers in his hotels.

Like....I hear all the complaints. I'm from cali so I'm familiar. But I can't muster up blaming them for conditions America created.

America isn't the only one to blame though. Shouldn't you hold other NATO members and IMF / World Bank members accountable?