Black real estate agents arrested at a philly starbucks for not ordering anything

but they are all connected and looking out for each other to get better political clout.

they dont care about black people because black people are divided as hell and really serve them no purpose that they need to be made aware of.

writing to them will be just that..writing to them.

once we have our own that only we support thats in our hoods...and politicians that only we all vote for because he has our interests at hand.....this will keep happening.

we are not showing them any power.

You're gonna tell me there aren't local black politicians in philly that could help take their white peers to task on behalf of the people?

Bruh at the end of the day all politicians just care about votes and black votes are still votes. But it starts with harrassing and knocking down the doors of current policitians. Making so much noise eventually they can't go on ignoring it.

If it wasn't for people reaching out to local politicians who in the end also influenced my own people to run for office all the work dominicans put into washington heights/inwood since the 70a would've BEEN dissolved by now. Instead that attitude gained them leverage in the long run got one of us fighting for us in the house or representatives of all places.

That's why white folks try that gentrifying shit beyond the already previously affluent areas up here and it gets shut down right away. The people refuse to give up their community and have the right people fighting thanks to reaching out to local politicos.

Same with Hazleton out in PA where im gonna move in a couple of weeks to help at a family business. If it wasn't for The Dominican House and other community members reaching out to local politicians about injustices and unfair treatment and giving them hell while having other agencies get involved it would still be an anti-immigrant dying shithole.

Instead now whites have realized the now majority latino populace there (80% dominican) is there to stay and revive that sleepy ass town from oblivion. Thanks to people taking measures.

Local politics do matter. White politicians are forced to see voters over color eventually. Especially in these overtly "progressive" times. How some people still haven't figured this out is beyond me.
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You're gonna tell me there aren't local black politicians in philly that could help take their white peers to task on behalf of the people?

Bruh at the end of the day all politicians just care about votes and black votes are still votes.

If it wasn't for people reaching out to local politicians who in the end also influenced my own people to run for office all the work dominicans put into washington heights/inwood since the 70a would've BEEN dissolved by now. Instead that attitude gained them leverage in the long run got one of us fighting us in the house or representatives of all places.

That's why white folks try that gentrifying shit up here and it gets shut down right away. The people refuse to give up their community and have the right people fighting thanks to reaching out to local politicos.

Same with Hazleton out in PA where im gonna move in a couple of weeks to help at a family business. If it was for The Dominican House and other community members reaching out to local politicians and giving them hell and having other agencies get involved it would still be an anti-immigrant dying shithole. Instead now whites have realized the now majority latino populace there (80% dominican) is there to stay and revive that sleepy ass town from oblivion. Thanks to people taking measures.

Local politics do matter. White politicians are forced to see voters over color eventually. Especially in these overtly "progressive" times. How some people still haven't figured this out is beyond me.
hazelton is not far from me.

they are very white out there.

anyway......the reason why i say they dont look at black votes is because the black mentality can be easily swayed. and we hardly ask for shit in return...

anytime someone thinks its ok to let us know they have hot sauce in their bag.....the black vote is a joke.

but i hear what you are trying to say...but i can tell you alot of niggas from my hood would rather not vote
hazelton is not far from me.

they are very white out there.

anyway......the reason why i say they dont look at black votes is because the black mentality can be easily swayed. and we hardly ask for shit in return...

anytime someone thinks its ok to let us know they have hot sauce in their bag.....the black vote is a joke.

but i hear what you are trying to say...but i can tell you alot of niggas from my hood would rather not vote

That's on them then. Hurt dogs shouldn't stay hollering they should attempt to heal themselves.

Hazleton is now 50.3% Hispanic (80% of that being Dominican) and 44% White. Back in 2006 it was 95% white.

It took initiative, time and effort but it got done. Dominicans found themselves another enclave in the tri-state just like with The Heights/Inwood and Patterson and best believe you'd never see them let it go.

Black Americans need to do the same with their communities. Philly has one of the biggest AA communities in the country. It takes initiative though and if people don't want to vote or put in the work through more community/political involvement well...
women and be swayed with rights to their body vote.
gays can be swayed with lgbthrr or whatever them rights to be what they want where they want.
hispanics can be swayed by immigration

and black sauce or nothing?
That's on them then. Hurt dogs shouldn't stay hollering they should attempt to heal themselves.

Hazleton is now 50.3% Hispanic (80% of that being Dominican) and 44% White. Back in 2006 it was 95% white.

It took initiative, time and effort but it got done. Dominicans found themselves another enclave in the tri-state just like with The Heights/Inwood and Patterson and best believe you'd never see them let it go.

Black Americans need to do the same with their communities. It takes initiative though and if people don't want to vote or put in the work through more community/political involvement well...
yea...its been a while since i was out that in my im wrong im wrong.

just know they aint fucking with North Penn school district. So dont come in here talking shit in the future. just fyi.

but this is my point.......exactly what i am saying

hispanics can stick together and take over and if white flight occurs be it....more for them is their attitude. they are not worried about housing costs because the have their own community.

i love that type shit......reading,pa is kinda like that and norristown is becoming they same way.

and what niggas doing?
women and be swayed with rights to their body vote.
gays can be swayed with lgbthrr or whatever them rights to be what they want where they want.
hispanics can be swayed by immigration

and black sauce or nothing?

Lol that didn't exactly work for Hilarious Clinton.
Local politicians control the money. They set the budgets and decides who gets what and how much. That includes the police department. They have the ultimate power as far as policy. But people don't hold their local politicians accountable. They would rather focus on every little tidbit about Trump whose job has very little to do with the day-to-day life of the vast majority of Americans.
its also sad that.....that the only time alot of politicians only come to black church when its time to vote.

and what happens after that?
Local politicians control the money. They set the budgets and decides who gets what and how much. That includes the police department. They have the ultimate power as far as policy. But people don't hold their local politicians accountable. They would rather focus on every little tidbit about Trump whose job has very little to do with the day-to-day life of the vast majority of Americans.

yea...its been a while since i was out that in my im wrong im wrong.

just know they aint fucking with North Penn school district. So dont come in here talking shit in the future. just fyi.

but this is my point.......exactly what i am saying

hispanics can stick together and take over and if white flight occurs be it....more for them is their attitude. they are not worried about housing costs because the have their own community.

i love that type shit......reading,pa is kinda like that and norristown is becoming they same way.

and what niggas doing?

Black people not asking enough. But even if we did its not no real hope of longterm change because amassing money and power when the entirety of the system is against you. I mean we had black wallstreet and they bombed it.

Its a rigged system and capitalism does not benefit oppressed people.
Black people not asking enough. But even if we did its not no real hope of longterm change because amassing money and power when the entirety of the system is against you. I mean we had black wallstreet and they bombed it.

Its a rigged system and capitalism does not benefit oppressed people.
i can agree with this
Black people not asking enough. But even if we did its not no real hope of longterm change because amassing money and power when the entirety of the system is against you. I mean we had black wallstreet and they bombed it.

Its a rigged system and capitalism does not benefit oppressed people.

Yes but opressed people even with their more limited resources (in comparisons to whites) can still build homes in unwanted places. This is how hispanic, asian and arab communities start to build up all around this country.

Black Americans should not have such a self defeating mental when it comes to stuff like this. They too are more than capable. Especially when they actually have certain advantages over the immigrants that segregate areas for themselves in the US.

As a black man it breaks my heart to see my American cousins so oblivious of their own power and capabilities sometimes. Especially when it wasn't even 30 yrs ago when African Americans were still doing just that. What changed?
I aint got all the answers tho i dont know the best alternative in practice. I know Nordic countries have high taxes but an excellent social safety net. Americans mainly the white ones think a government taking care of them is bad and everything will be mediocre or worse.

Lol only reason we dont have a big socialist party is because everybody thinks they can luck up and get rich.
Black people not asking enough. But even if we did its not no real hope of longterm change because amassing money and power when the entirety of the system is against you. I mean we had black wallstreet and they bombed it.

Its a rigged system and capitalism does not benefit oppressed people.

The thing is we need people to reach for these positions where they could spur change.. people ambition has to go past their own personal enrichment some people just want the spoils the comforts..and just want to be boss instead of doing anything for the good of the our people. and it has to be in mass there is strength in numbers.
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Yes but opressed people even with their more limites resources (in comparisons to whites) can still build homes in unwanted places. This is how hispanic, asian and arab communities start to build up all around this country.

Black Americans should not have such a self defeating mental when it comes to stuff like this. As a black man it breaks my heart to see my American cousins so oblivious of their own power and capabilities sometimes.

We not oblivious tho. We literally saying that we have done all those things and death a violence ended it. Most non white immigrants came in the 50s and 60s. They didnt have to worry about some good ol boys and police burning the whole city down and it being justified.

Im not saying we should give up tho. Im just saying it would probably need to be a revolution or some type of catastrophic event
Americans mainly the white ones think a government taking care of them is bad and everything will be mediocre or worse.

They're right about that though. One of the few things I agree with them on. Socialism only works as an ideal not in actual practice. Ask Venezuelans or the greeks.

People are always better off taking matters into their own hands. Not waiting on Uncle Sam to be like "ok now you can do bla bla bla".
Maybe instead of the city paying victims of police crime when they fuck up... the police unions and police pension funds should pay the money... some of the fuckery might damn near correct itself if they actually had to foot the bill instead of the city