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Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (Jacob Blake Protest Shooting)

but what's weak about saying what it really is tho?

u DO look hypocritical trying to portray urself as being so pro-black while using white supremacist insults

then the fact u calling me 50yrs old when u don't even know me at all.......if u really thought I was that old (I'm assuming u are younger) then ur interaction looks even worse for speaking to ur elders like that

no excuse to be talking reckless like that online........especially on a "black" forum at that

there's something called basic respect...........notice I haven't insulted u at all this whole time while I just called out ur bullshit

u can't really be against white supremacy when u feel that comfortable talking reckless to another black man u perceive to be ur senior SMH

Lol cuz the nigga is a buffon
Lol bruh god damn we both know not everybody at a protest is down for the cause like it’s common knowledge. You ain’t say nothing about this until this thread though so do you really care or is this just in defense of Rittenhouse? Yes black peoplr do bad things too. Is that your point?

Because another poster called out Rittenhouse for going there armed, against unarmed protesters. I'm pointing out that just because it's a BLM, protest that isn't why everyone's there. Some people are there to set shit on fire destroy things, hurt people, rob, steal, etc. So going into that environment I'm sure more than a few of the "protesters" are armed. So him being armed isn't some crazy move.
If nighas want to say black people can be bad too just say the shit

It's not about that. I said a lot of the foul shit being done was by white people. It's about being blinded whenever someone says BLM. Don't be controlled so easily.

Example: There's been more outrage and hate on here at Rittenhouse for killing 3 white folk (including 1 child molester and 1 repeated domestic abuser) on the BLM side of the protest, than there was for Stephan Cannon (a BLM protester) killing a 77 year old black man (David Dorn) so that he could loot a store. More outrage about white lives lost and destroyed than black lives lost and destroyed because someone said Black Lives Matter...wild.
Why was this your dismissive response to me pointing out black people being killed, hurt, and having their property destroyed during protest, but not to white people being killed and hurt (Rittenhouse shootings) during protest?

Lol I think we all know during protests things get torn up and people are hurt.
@5th Letter I point out the media using terms to control us into caring more about white lives being lost than black lives being lost and you coon it. You "stay on code" folk looking kinda funny in the light. Angrier at white deaths than black ones. Angrier at a white man killing white men, than white men destroying black businesses. Clown.
You have no idea how many are cc, or have another weapon, or are violent. People leave their house every day armed in a mostly unarmed world. You don't need to have a gun to be a threat, and most people in the area don't need to have a gun for it to be a dangerous environment.

It wouldn't have happened if a lot of things. Rittenhouse was one contributing factor, but not the only one. Your made up scenario didn't happen. Rittenhouse did nothing to the first guy he shot. I think he was just mad he put out a fire or something. So he chased him and tried to fuck him up. He wasn't reacting to being approached and told what to do. After he killed him some people chased him and tried to jump him, and when he was on the ground another guy pulled a gun on him. Rittenhouse was just the first to pull the trigger.

I don't have a beef with BLM (the idea, not the organization), but I'm not the one with a Disney idea of what was happening. "Unarmed protesters"? They're destroying black owned businesses and businesses supporting the movement, looting black businesses, killing black people, and fuckin black people up. But you summarize it as just "unarmed protesters". And a lot of that shit was done by white people. They were breaking in these black owned stores to steal and destroy shit, and we took the hit for it because it was looked at as a BLM protest.

I'm not only mad at protesters, but unlike you I'm not naive about it either. This was an excuse to do foul shit without getting caught, more than it was a protest to a loooot of people. How you explain destroying black owned businesses in black parts of town to protest police violence against black people? How you explain hurting and killing black to protest police violence against black people? How does white people destroying communities, but leaving black people to take the blame for it help black people?

Who exactly do you think you're talking to right now? Because for a few posts now you keep going off on a tangent, telling me my thoughts on BLM and the protests like i explicitly gave my opinions about them in here or any other thread. I ask a question on some of the Rittenhouse takes and you go off on a rant generalizing me as a hardcore BLM supporter and start calling me naive n shit. How about you lay off red pill chats and fox news comment sections.

AND I STILL, I find it funny that there are black people in this country, that are furious at the protests, and not at the institutions that were purposely spreading out misinformation about it, and blatantly fueling the protests to get violent, then boldly saying they're not going to do anything to stop the violence and it them do w/e. I cant even call it a conspiracy cuz they did it out in the open, but i guess that takes a back seat because you saw on the news Target got looted.

But like I said before, their efforts are slowly working. When they talk about the protests, the narrative thats being promoted is black people went on a rampage and destroyed all small businesses. Seems like the claim they'll use is, the reason there arnt a lot of black owned businesses isnt because of racism, its because of terrorist group BLM destroying them all.
This thread is on kyle fucking rittenhouse. How do you not see that its seen as coonish behavior to come in this thread and rant against BLM and black people? Then try to flip it like you're the victim for "not staying on code".

The kid traveled to somewhere he's not from with a bunch of other weirdo's to open carry and act like vigilantes, while looking for a confrontation. And lo and behold, they got what they were looking for.
He may be. But I wouldn't say I've seen much to make me call him one. What would you say he's done to, or said about black people in general, to be one? Let's discuss mannnn
lets discuss?

NIGGA... you have typed more words in support for Kyle Rittenhouse on this website than for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or any other topic.

And because you're either stupid or blind you must have missed this

Here is your white hero throwing up a white supremacist hand sign with a white supremacist group, the same hand sign that a white supremacist murderer threw up

Stop being a coward

The majority of the black men on this website are disgusting cowards and plantation minions. You niggas are walking bulletproof vests for the enemy.

White supremacy got most of y'all by the balls, that's why y'all wanted that Montgomery thread shut down

I swear to God if it wasn't for the efforts of my brother @Goldie to make this site pop id find somewhere to go

You niggas are GARBAGE
This thread is on kyle fucking rittenhouse. How do you not see that its seen as coonish behavior to come in this thread and rant against BLM and black people? Then try to flip it like you're the victim for "not staying on code".

The kid traveled to somewhere he's not from with a bunch of other weirdo's to open carry and act like vigilantes, while looking for a confrontation. And lo and behold, they got what they were looking for.

What was my rant against black people? Pointing out that people cared more about justice for the 3 white men, than they do for David Dorn? And I pointed out the problems with things done under the banner of "BLM" because y'all are acting like its this infallible unquestionable thing.

Scenerio: A white boy that hasn't really said or done anything negative to black people shot 3 white people including a child molester and a guy that repeatedly beat women. Problem? Nah, he shot some pieces of shit.

But now add in its at a BLM protest and people want him thrown UNDER the jail. Out here crying for justice for a white child molester and can't see how blinded you are by BLM involvement.
lets discuss?

NIGGA... you have typed more words in support for Kyle Rittenhouse on this website than for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or any other topic.

And because you're either stupid or blind you must have missed this

Here is your white hero throwing up a white supremacist hand sign with a white supremacist group, the same hand sign that a white supremacist murderer threw up

Stop being a coward

I've intentionally not addressed you. Didn't you get caught on some weird alias shit or something then disappear? Not going back and forth with someone doing all that.
I just remembered how bitch made some of yall were acting over this. Remember the judge said "Asian food" or something and y'all were acting like it was some vile racist shit?

The phrase "Asian Food" got you all worked up?! Haha. That BLM power had a strong hold because I know y'all aren't THAT sensitive.
I've intentionally not addressed you. Didn't you get caught on some weird alias shit or something then disappear? Not going back and forth with someone doing all that.
Yea deflect from the facts to keep that white boy's dick in your mouth you fucking coon
The majority of the black men on this website are disgusting cowards and plantation minions. You niggas are walking bulletproof vests for the enemy.

White supremacy got most of y'all by the balls, that's why y'all wanted that Montgomery thread shut down

I swear to God if it wasn't for the efforts of my brother @Goldie to make this site pop id find somewhere to go

You niggas are GARBAGE

What I miss?! I thought that thread was comedy
What I miss?! I thought that thread was comedy
For some incredibly odd reason the moderators of this website locked the thread prematurely and didn't want it to be bumped anymore

it was because the idea of black people fighting back makes them uncomfortable. Abw is very cowardly. I literally had to fight to get that thread to reopen and stay open

You're mad because you were a pussy crying about "Asian food" haha.

The judge is a trump supporting white supremacist

He made a racially based comment

That's why it's offensive......as if you didn't know. Giving them full benefit of doubt is your schtick, i get it. You "how do you know that" the issue to death to avoid fingerpointing, i get it

But If you were Asian in the courtroom how would you feel ?

"If you were Asian in the courtroom, how would you feel" - hahaha, that sounds so pussy.

You're mad because you were a pussy crying about "Asian food" haha.

The judge is a trump supporting white supremacist

He made a racially based comment

That's why it's offensive......as if you didn't know. Giving them full benefit of doubt is your schtick, i get it. You "how do you know that" the issue to death to avoid fingerpointing, i get it

But If you were Asian in the courtroom how would you feel ?

"If you were Asian in the courtroom, how would you feel" - hahaha, that sounds so pussy.
Why was this your dismissive response to me pointing out black people being killed, hurt, and having their property destroyed during protest, but not to white people being killed and hurt (Rittenhouse shootings) during protest?

That is in general for anybody being hurt. And why have you just brought up the Steve Cannon story? You never made a thread about it? So how can you blame us for not knowing something barely spoke on. Did the person who did it go to jail.

Look to me Rittenhouse is a Midwest whiteboy who came to start some shit I know he racist simply because it wasn’t his business and he came with a gun. He just ran into his own race.