What are you currently playing…?

Currently GOW 4, Final fantasy 3 PR & Tekken 7 been in rotation the most. And sometimes the COD for android. SF5 fell out the rotation & I'm cool with that cause it's about to be a dead game anyway
Not a fan of the destroy/discard decks. They're too risky.
right now I am mostly using a destroy deck, lol. Love my Nova>Wolverine>Carnage/Deathlock combo. Also with Lady Sif buffing up Apocalypse along the way.

Main reason I like it is bcos by turn 4, I have a very good idea if I am winning or not.
I think I'm going to replay the Tomb Raider series from the last couple years until Final Fantasy hit the streets
Finally, pulled the trigger on the PSVR2. It's a big improvement over the first one. Only played for like 20 mins today, but I played this game called Pistol Whip and had to take a shower afterwards. That shit was a work out. It's basically the closest you're going to get to being in a John Wick movie.
I didn't think there was anything to justify the price. The 2023 showcase didn't seem to have anything stand out to me either. Was it worth it to you so far?
I didn't think there was anything to justify the price. The 2023 showcase didn't seem to have anything stand out to me either. Was it worth it to you so far?

For me personally, yes. I didn't get it with the expectation that I'd be playing it for hours at a time. I might play it for an hour every week, and that's good enough for me. What makes it worth the price is that the experiences are so different from what you get with regular gaming. I mostly play Pistol Whip right now and you're basically only going to get that kind of gaming experience in VR.

Now if money is an issue for a person or they feel like they have to have tons of games to play all the time, it's probably not a good buy. The one other good thing about it is that games are cheaper. On average, it seems like games are around $30. So you can try a lot of different titles for cheaper than regular games, and trying out different things is kinda key with VR because you never really know what you'll like until you play it.
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@Sony Montana do I have to have played the previous Ratchet & Clank joints to know wtf is going on in the latest? Its free so I figured I might try it
Trying to decide what I should do next between Deathloop, Death Stranding Directors Cut, Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut, or RDR2. Games I procrastinated on for years