Is this a reach?: National geographic presents the Wolf pack.

Is Rocky a beta?

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A man should always lead from the front when with a woman….

Asap in the back holding the baby does look like he’s more in the feminine/submissive role

Similar to a how a man should be on the outside of the street instead of the inside when with a woman….roles matter


That's his seed man ... Whether he's holding him back or front of Rih

That's the other photos from the shoot

They 'beta' too?
I don’t speak “alpha/beta shit”…..

I simply believe in roles and positions

The picture you just posted is actually dope….that woulda been a better cover of Rocky consoling a pregnant Rihanna…

I just don’t see a woman “leading” a man as he follows behind her as manly….sorry if y’all disagree…I grew up in a household with a military background and the values were towards patriarchy

For example….when we open the doors the man goes in first and the woman follows behind… not the other way around

When you walk down the street…the man stays on the OUTSIDE while the woman on the inside

Also at cookouts/dinners the men get their plates first

Understand what we DOIN HERE NOW? @rip.dilla

Just say no
Bruh believe all the conspiracies you want nobody is stopping you. I don’t think the black man with a family is emasculated. Prison emasculates a man not being their fir my billionaire bm and child. But y’all have this thing against anything liberal except civil rights. Y’all don’t wanna see gays or women not being submissive

I never said a BM with a family is emasculated. I don’t have issues with “anything liberal” my point is that people are quick to call something a conspiracy because it’s the easy and safe answer. Covers like this are microcosm of the world and how we are placed in it.

if you list all the things people aspire to do to our image as BM, is this so called conspiracy a stretch? Is it something off brand? Are there not people with a vested interest in seeing us fall? Of course there is.
  • Ether
Reactions: GNS
I don’t speak “alpha/beta shit”…..

I simply believe in roles and positions

The picture you just posted is actually dope….that woulda been a better cover of Rocky consoling a pregnant Rihanna…

I just don’t see a woman “leading” a man as he follows behind her as manly….sorry if y’all disagree…I grew up in a household with a military background and the values were towards patriarchy

For example….when we open the doors the man goes in first and the woman follows behind… not the other way around

When you walk down the street…the man stays on the OUTSIDE while the woman on the inside

Also at cookouts/dinners the men get their plates first

Understand what we DOIN HERE NOW? @rip.dilla

Just say no


Because I don't see how that picture or cover threatens Rocky's masculinity... As the head of his family

But let's agree to disagree
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I’m sure ASAP holds it down as the head of the family.

Especially since he’s dealing with a West Indian woman like Rih…..he better know how to put his foot down

I’m just saying that pic looks funny and cheesy as hell lol

Real talk that pregnant picture of Rocky holding Rih would’ve been 100x better

But we’re dealing with vogue magazine here.
From excerpts I've seen online... She was the one interviewed

And obviously the bigger star or celebrity than Rocky so that cover would make sense...

And then again no one can judge their relationship roles on a freaking picture... LOL
It’s crazy how some people give them the benefit of the doubt… they’re the masters of this shit.
  • Ether
Reactions: GNS
I don’t speak “alpha/beta shit”…..

I simply believe in roles and positions

The picture you just posted is actually dope….that woulda been a better cover of Rocky consoling a pregnant Rihanna…

I just don’t see a woman “leading” a man as he follows behind her as manly….sorry if y’all disagree…I grew up in a household with a military background and the values were towards patriarchy

For example….when we open the doors the man goes in first and the woman follows behind… not the other way around

When you walk down the street…the man stays on the OUTSIDE while the woman on the inside

Also at cookouts/dinners the men get their plates first

Understand what we DOIN HERE NOW? @rip.dilla

Just say no

You can believe in roles all you want, but the world don't always conform to what you believe. At the end of the day, who is the primary breadwinner there? Who likely makes most of the decisions? Rhianna out here performing at Superbowls and ASAP is still having legal troubles over dumb shit. Picture or no picture, the roles you're promoting don't really fit them as a couple to begin with.
You can believe in roles all you want, but the world don't always conform to what you believe. At the end of the day, who is the primary breadwinner there? Who likely makes most of the decisions? Rhianna out here performing at Superbowls and ASAP is still having legal troubles over dumb shit. Picture or no picture, the roles you're promoting don't really fit them as a couple to begin with.

This is really it. Folks keep trying to apply their definition of what roles should be to 2 people who ain't them.
You can believe in roles all you want, but the world don't always conform to what you believe. At the end of the day, who is the primary breadwinner there? Who likely makes most of the decisions? Rhianna out here performing at Superbowls and ASAP is still having legal troubles over dumb shit. Picture or no picture, the roles you're promoting don't really fit them as a couple to begin with.

Man miss me with that shit….you said the world doesn’t have to conform to my beliefs..what makes you think I should conform to theirs???? Society is always changing with its belief and ideologies….but what about what YOU stand on?

And truthfully, you really DONT know who runs their household. Rihanna is more rich and famous out of the two. But there’s clearly a good reason why she’s with that “Harlem nigga who always has legal issues”. He may carry himself in a way that earns her respect towards him….regardless of him not being the “breadwinner”

I stand by my fucking principles…..peace
A man should always lead from the front when with a woman….

Asap in the back holding the baby does look like he’s more in the feminine/submissive role

Similar to a how a man should be on the outside of the street instead of the inside when with a woman….roles matter
Men being on the curb side of the sidewalk was meant to help protect the women against splashes