“GRAPHIC”: Ex NFL Player Zac Stacy Caught Beating Baby Moms

You damn right I need proof before a man's reputation and career is ruined. It's real easy to say a friend of a friend told me he's a sexual harasser. That idiot woman had no proof but she was going around telling the world he's foul.
I co-sign you @Chi-Town B

The shit I went through in my Senior year in HS when I got jumped by four she-mammals, and they tried to pin it on me cause one of them had to catch a right hand of justice just to defend myself was ludicrous.
This ain't even have nothing to do with the video, this conversation about some other topic in another thread for some reason has been brought up in this thread.

Oh ok. I misconstrued the convo. That's what I get for jumping in someone else's back and forth. My bad.

My 1st thought when anyone comes to me...is do you need help getting out of this situation. What help if any can I provide. Not this bitch is lying

I feel you 100%. I'll just say this is an area where men and women see things different because we have different perspectives. You're always going to identify more with the side that seems closer to you. In such a situation where you may not have all the details, as a woman, you might be more inclined to take the woman's side because you can understand how you'd feel in that situation. You know what you'd want people to do if you had been abused and were looking for help. The same goes for men. We know how we'd want people to react if someone was accusing us of something that we feel we didn't do. At the end of the day, some of what you thing is bad form on the part of dudes, is just men extending the same courtesy to other men that they would hope would be given to them if they were in that situation.

I've been in a situation where I was accused of something I didn't do. It got worked out, but it was enough of a scare that I'm hesitant to condemn anyone one over anything just based on an accusation. I don't think that's really something women have to deal with quite as much as men so maybe that's why ya'll can't really see where we're coming from on this matter. I don't know. It's all fucked up and shouldn't be a thing to begin with, but that's the world we live in.
No if you follow the flow of this thread.... I said you are the type of poster per you posts to not have believed this white woman here in this thread if there was no video proof. You said that's correct,unless there is proof.
I said I'm not going by any allegation unless there's proof, anybody can say somebody did something to them. There is nothing wrong with waiting to see evidence before making a decision on whether you believe something or not.

I really hope some of you are never on any jury
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I said I'm not going by any allegation unless there's proof, anybody can say somebody did something to them. There is nothing wrong with waiting to see evidence before making a decision on whether you believe something or not.

I really hope some of you are never on any jury
I hope your never on a jury either
I think what some people don't understand is that not rushing to convict a person =/= not believing the person.

If someone makes an accusation, the accusation should be investigated before the accused is punished. The problem with accusations of physical abuse, especially sexual abuse, is that the accusation is typically enough to taint people forever even if they are exonerated.

It's not just about women lying. A lot of time, there is just missing context. Like a woman can get drunk with a man, have sex with him, wake up and not remember anything, and accuse him of rape. Technically, even if they both were drinking together, a rape charge could be brought against the guy. Now maybe the case fizzles out, but his life could still be ruined and in that particular scenario, he didn't do anything that the woman accusing him didn't do. Situations like that are not as rare as some are implying.
I didn’t read all the comments, don’t care to.
So many women die due to domestic violence every single year. It’s scary, a lot of the times without proof like this..a woman can file for an order of protection but if they can’t prove the father is dangerous to the child as well, the child isn’t included in that order of protection.

You would think the man only cares about the child at that point but that’s incorrect. A lot of women are killed because of this because she now has to arrange things for him to see the child and I’ve seen time and time again where they can’t even relocate due to this. It almost always seem to end in death for the mother.

I wouldn’t give two fucks what they give me, I’m out and idgaf how he feel. States away ✌🏽
that jumping was well deserved im sure


And I reiterate......

Innocent until proven guilty unless you're trying to push an agenda
Thank you. Most of us seems to have lost sight of that simple concept.

With a DV situation, this NEVER is applied. It's the literal opposite. The man is ALWAYS presumed guilty till he's proven innocent. It's complete hypocrisy. But then again, this IS America. Why should we expect any less at this point?
And I actually don’t have sympathy for men feeling some way because truth be told a lot of men DO NOT get charged the way people think for DV cases.

The proof women have to have is wild just to protect herself.

Especially if she had children with him.

Don’t tag me, not discussing shit.
Lets not forget that women have ID'd the wrong person so jumping to conclusions right from the get go is silly
Do yall think about the women who aren't believed 🤔 who die..... from not having "proof".