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New job is requiring me to be fully vaccinated

From what I've heard, and it's not being promoted much............but there is a way you can get around it with either a medical exemption or a religious exemption.

I'd go with the medical exemption.

Simply because I don't understand what religion would have to do with not wanting to take the vaccine.

In terms of the medical exemption, just go with something along the lines of being concerned with what the long-term consequences would be for your immune system..........fear of possible unknown side effects...........etc.

The biggest hurdle, however, might be finding a doctor to approve your exemption.

If I'm not mistaken, that would be required.

Same thing with the religious one.

You'd need a note from your Pastor or some other religious person of authority.
I’m thinking whatever religion Prince was does not allow for people to get vaccinations or other medical procedures… His hip or something was messed up for years and he never got it fixed because his religion wouldn’t allow him to get surgery ..
thats the thing. vaxxers eat up the propganda that they are somehow more educated and more patriotic “thank you for protecting your fellow man 🇺🇸🇺🇸 ” than anti vaxxers

and anti -vaxxers eat up the propganda that they are free thinkers and far more advanced than vaxxers by dening science and the general consensus on vaccinations and immunization

and then theres a small group of ppl, such as myself, that has been doing what was outlined in the beginning (social distance, wash your hands, wear a mask) because the information on this virus has changed 72628272828228 times since its inception

i mean damn!! just calm the fuck down and cool out with the shaming and finger wagging
That tyrese clip will never not be funny

he thought he was killin shit too lol

sorry to hear race I guess it’s back to the block for you
My job prolly won’t make it mandatory…

But these dumb ass people in here flipped…I mean FLIPPED when they fuck around and made masks mandatory…so I’m sure if they tried to make tha shit mandatory they’d lose a few people…

I still can’t understand tha hate for masks TBH…I mean I get they’re aggravating and all that shit…I get it…but to be aoooo against it and those people that take it further and get mad at other people for wearing masks?! I’m waiting for somebody to try me on some “TAKE THAT FUCKIN’ MASK OFF!!”

Ooooooeeeeee I can’t wait lol
I wonder how many people complaining about taking the vaccine actually take medicine, whether OTC or prescribed? Rhetorical question, but really shows their ignorance.
Like I completely understand why somebody won’t get vaccinated today simply because this shit is evolving mad fast what if the next variant is more resistant to the current vaccines. But that’s the only real reason I see why somebody won’t do it. It’s not a lot of good reasons why healthy people won’t get vaccinated. I even get the aspect of years down the line what type of impact will it have on your body.

But Covid has fucked up way more people for the rest of their lives. Me getting it was so I can not be nervous all day
What's funny is the advice about masking up and social distancing is coming from the same people who also want you to take the vaccine. So where exactly is the line drawn on what advice you, a general you not you personally, are willing to accept from those in charge of things?

because they were the same ppl that told those who were vaccinated to STOP wearing mask which CLEARLY was a fucking mistake
I'm unsure why people are still scare to get vaccinated. I understood the uncertainty at the outset especially with all the misinformation out there, but at this point more than enough people have the vaccine for us to know about any adverse effects it might have.

Bro what are you taking about it's only been months not even a year yet not near long enough to chart full adverse effects. Not even FDA authorized yet in full huh 😕
Of shit, my bad, my high ass didn't realize it was @Race Jones who made this thread ☹ I would have been more sensitive and understanding cuz I feel for you! I'm nervous my job will do the same thing. The other day I was like fuck it, I'm just gonna go to the pharmacy rn and get it, if it fucks us all up I wanna be with everyone else, I don't wanna be the few normal ones left with the cocksuckers that fucked us up in the first place. First of all, how am I gonna kill them all by myself. Maybe if I had @The Stranger and my youngest we could take them all down but shit...
I keep 2 bricks on deck for whenever you call

I like our odds
nothing really. just didnt go

but tbh im actually scared of the vaccine. i also have anxiety about drugs prescribed from the doctor. i had an issue where a doctors mistook my strep throat for cancer

the whole idea makes me anxious

^^^^^^^^^This is my sentiment exactly….I had a legit anxiety/fear for tha vaccine just from years of what I feel were “experiments” wit’ bein’ prescribed different meds for asthma and allergies that somehow got a lot better AFTER I got old enough to stop taking all that shit….

But with that bein’ said I did get vaccinated 2 weeks ago (second shot) after my mom legitimately guilted me into getting it after months and months and MONTHS of arguing about me getting it…

And just like you @Race Jones …before I actually got it I went to tha pharmacy for what were supposed to be scheduled appts to get it…and never got out tha car….I did this 4 times before actually getting it

Buuuut I still don’t go anywhere and IF I have to go out somewhere I double mask it…

Ion fuck around…