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New job is requiring me to be fully vaccinated

Is that immunity going to change once they fully approve it?
It said they have that immunity until 2024. Im just thinking if this type of immunity will be given more in the future. I known this is a special case though. Just a thought.
thats the thing. vaxxers eat up the propganda that they are somehow more educated and more patriotic “thank you for protecting your fellow man 🇺🇸🇺🇸 ” than anti vaxxers

and anti -vaxxers eat up the propganda that they are free thinkers and far more advanced than vaxxers by dening science and the general consensus on vaccinations and immunization

and then theres a small group of ppl, such as myself, that has been doing what was outlined in the beginning (social distance, wash your hands, wear a mask) because the information on this virus has changed 72628272828228 times since its inception

i mean damn!! just calm the fuck down and cool out with the shaming and finger wagging

i by no means think im more educated than anyone, vaxxer or antivaxxer. i do feel more safe vaccinated though. i feel safer going to my mom's and i feel safer chilling with my peoples. i feel safe for myself but also them. at the end of the day that's all i really care about. call it ignorant, but ignorance is bliss.

on the main topic though, in regards to businesses, there's no way you really thought businesses were going to slide with letting new hires not be vaccinated. testing weekly wouldn't have lasted 2 months. besides the waste of resources, it's easy for someone to become infected between testing (just like trump). it's easier, and honestly smarter, for them to just force everyone in to it.
It said they have that immunity until 2024. Im just thinking if this type of immunity will be given more in the future. I known this is a special case though. Just a thought.

I feel like 2024 is going to be extended.
Bruh. You’d rather get that long ass swap shoved halfway up your head over and over again instead of just getting the shot? Or do you still have to get tested even if vaccinated?
I plan to get vaccinated some time this or next week. But me personally, I would still get tested if I have been around a suspect place or person. People should still be getting tested if they have been in a large crowd with no mask. The vaccine doesnt stop you from getting covid as i assume you know. Like, if I went to an outing with a large crowd of people, I usually wait about 4-5 days to get tested. I dont visit my parents until I get the results back. I have had covid 1 time. Mild symptoms for me. Had colds that were worse. But I dont know how that would affect others that are older in my family.
thats the thing. vaxxers eat up the propganda that they are somehow more educated and more patriotic “thank you for protecting your fellow man 🇺🇸🇺🇸 ” than anti vaxxers

and anti -vaxxers eat up the propganda that they are free thinkers and far more advanced than vaxxers by dening science and the general consensus on vaccinations and immunization

and then theres a small group of ppl, such as myself, that has been doing what was outlined in the beginning (social distance, wash your hands, wear a mask) because the information on this virus has changed 72628272828228 times since its inception

i mean damn!! just calm the fuck down and cool out with the shaming and finger wagging
Surely you realize that the information regarding measures to take to fight the virus have changed 72628272828228 times because the VIRUS has continually changed. Thanks to antivax idiots and a pandemic being politicized, the virus has had ample opportunity to infect, replicate, spread, and mutate. The delta strain is orders of magnitude more contagious than the original strain from 2020. It is airborne. And frankly, so contagious that herd immunity pretty much isn’t an option anymore. That doesn’t mean that simple measures like distancing and masks don’t help. They do, it’s proven. But at this point there is no solid info on how much they help considering the new characteristics of Delta.

Personally, I don’t care what the CDC recommends. Don’t even depend on the CDC for info. Look to the global scientific community. People are so worried about what isn’t known about the vaccine…need to be worried about what isn’t known about this virus. 10 years from now what condition will be linked to Covid-19? HIV causes AIDS years later. HPV is linked to cervical cancer down the road. Sars-cov-2? Only time will tell.

Vaccines are nothing new. Smallpox. Polio. Measles. Mumps. Know what these diseases have in common? They maimed and killed countless. Covid is no different. Vaccines made those diseases irrelevant today (besides for antivaxxers) and will do the same for Covid. Hand washing didn’t do it. Masks didn’t. But vaccines.

Even these politicians fooling people know not to play around with it. Hear about Abbot? Came out Today that he had Covid and the first thing he does is run to a hospital for special therapy. A man who refuses to allow schools to enforce masks. A man who is responsible for the medical system in his state collapsing. Here is a man downplaying the virus, preventing kids from taking safe measures, and hamstringing hospitals but he’s fully vaccinated himself and had the pull for immediate special treatment. But his sheep supporters are too stupid and hateful to see that he’s just playing off their emotions and ignorance.
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Honestly, the world is getting overpopulated. They should just have free vaccines for the next month. Anybody who is stupid enough to not get the free vaccine is too stupid to be alive in this day and age. Those people should die off so the human race can evolve.

People who don't want to get the vaccine shouldn't be saved, because they didn't want to get the vaccine.

And this is coming from somebody that was in the hospital for 2 months with Covid before the vaccine was approved by the FDA or CDC.

They should just let the dumb people die off. It's a waste of hospital resources to attempt to save people who are too dumb to get a free vaccine during a pandemic.
This girl i follow is a nurse...or works at a hospital or something...not sure what she does exactly but she be wearing scrubs....posted something talkin bout "I'm bout to get fired for not being vaccinated" and was looking for sympathy.

Like duh bitch what you thought??? I dont think the vaccine should be mandatory outside of healthcare occupations.
not to mention everyone i know that is fully vaccinated has covid or getting over covid. ive managed to go this entire pandemic, traveling and all, without covid and i feel like it would be just my luck to get vaccinated and catch it



My whole immediate family covid free
not to mention everyone i know that is fully vaccinated has covid or getting over covid. ive managed to go this entire pandemic, traveling and all, without covid and i feel like it would be just my luck to get vaccinated and catch it


Bruh. Just because you know some vaccinated people that have Covid doesn’t mean a thing. What point is that supposed to make? You need to be looking at your state data to see how many of the people hospitalized or struggling to breathe on ventilators or dying alone in the ICU are vaccinated. I’ll tell you if you don’t know….more than 90% of those people are unvaccinated. Think that’s a coincidence?

Getting the vaccine is literally the difference between having the sniffles or drowning in your own fluids for 9/10 people that are hit hard by this virus.

At this point, dying from Covid is almost 100% a matter of choice for those that are able to get vaccinated.

Yeah, you may get it with or without the vaccine. But, why take a chance with your life? What more evidence is needed than that showing that pretty much everyone dying or being hospitalized today is unvaccinated?
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Of shit, my bad, my high ass didn't realize it was @Race Jones who made this thread ☹ I would have been more sensitive and understanding cuz I feel for you! I'm nervous my job will do the same thing. The other day I was like fuck it, I'm just gonna go to the pharmacy rn and get it, if it fucks us all up I wanna be with everyone else, I don't wanna be the few normal ones left with the cocksuckers that fucked us up in the first place. First of all, how am I gonna kill them all by myself. Maybe if I had @The Stranger and my youngest we could take them all down but shit...