The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

The reality is complicated. The NIH gave almost $600,000to the WIV through a nonprofit over several years to study bat coronaviruses. Mr. Paul cited a 2017 paper from WIV researchers that included experiments combining parts of viruses to study how to better infect human cells. But Dr. Fauci said the project was “judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain-of-function.”

This might be technically true, as a 2014 federal government definition describes such research as that which “increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility.” But some scientists think the government definition is too limited and can allow de facto gain-of-function research to bypass safety protocols. Rutgers molecular biologist Richard Ebright says the NIH-funded work “was—unequivocally—gain-of-function research.”

In early 2020, Dr. Fauci emailed his deputy a paper co-written by gain-of-function pioneer Ralph Baric and a Wuhan scientist. The official responded that they would “try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.” The next day Dr. Fauci organized a call with several nongovernment virologists, but the email chain after the meeting was redacted. Weeks later, a group of scientists published a letter in The Lancet condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” Dr. Fauci and the public-health elite echoed the letter’s views for months.

Mr. Paul, excitable as he may be, is a medical doctor who did his homework. The Senator clearly sees a political benefit in hammering Dr. Fauci and China, but the celebrity scientist and his allies have obvious conflicts of interest. The Lancet letter was organized by Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance, which had funneled the NIH money to the WIV.

Mr. Daszak, Dr. Fauci and all researchers involved in gain-of-function research would suffer significant reputational damage and perhaps lose funding if scientific research they supported caused a pandemic. On Sunday Dr. Fauci said the research cooperation was necessary because “SARS-CoV-1 originated in China.” But exactly what did that cooperation yield?
I don’t doubt it could be possible they were technically doing gain of function research, even if not according to the strict definition.

And if this research led to COVID-19 then it should be investigated and the truth revealed. I’ve always been on the side of getting to the truth and holding people accountable.

I just don’t agree with Rand Paul’s assertion that the research led to COVID-19 based on the paper he’s referencing. That’s a bold claim and obviously political right now until more is known.
Interesting how the vaccinated people seem so upset at people who choose not to get the vaccine..........but the people who aren't vaccinated don't really care either way whether other people get it or not.

Doesn't really make sense to me.

You're fully vaccinated?


So why do y'all care if someone else chooses not to get it?

I mean, let y'all tell it, if you're fully're safe right?

Then what's the problem?

What are y'all so worried about?

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This not what's happening at all
I just don’t agree with Rand Paul’s assertion that the research led to COVID-19 based on the paper he’s referencing. That’s a bold claim and obviously political right now until more is known.
Rand Paul was not asserting what u keep claiming he was asserting.
If I’m not mistaken, most of the discourse in this thread happens because someone posts a Tweet, story, or article either questioning the vaccine or outright going against it and others refute the claims or offer counter points.

I wasn't aware of any particular incident or article that triggered the discourse.

Unless it happened early on and I missed it.
Interesting how the vaccinated people seem so upset at people who choose not to get the vaccine..........but the people who aren't vaccinated don't really care either way whether other people get it or not.

Doesn't really make sense to me.

You're fully vaccinated?


So why do y'all care if someone else chooses not to get it?

I mean, let y'all tell it, if you're fully're safe right?

Then what's the problem?

What are y'all so worried about?

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Vaccinated people want us all to be able to outside without fear of death. We don’t want this shit to evolve and etc. you and I both know we going back on lockdown probably in the fall. Who wants to do that every year?

But really I blame the government they coulda shut shit down last year
Rand Paul was not asserting what u keep claiming he was asserting.
A portion of their exchange, it starts with Paul:

“How you can say that is not gain-of-function—it’s a dance, and you’re dancing around this, because you’re trying to obscure responsibility for four million people around the world dying from a pandemic.”

“I totally resent the lie you are now propagating, Senator,” Fauci said. “If you look at those viruses” studied in the WIV paper, “those viruses are molecularly impossible to result in SARS-CoV-2… You are implying what we did was responsible for the deaths of individuals. If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you.”

Sounds like that’s exactly what he was asserting. What other reason would he have?
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A portion of their exchange, it starts with Paul:

“How you can say that is not gain-of-function—it’s a dance, and you’re dancing around this, because you’re trying to obscure responsibility for four million people around the world dying from a pandemic.”

“I totally resent the lie you are now propagating, Senator,” Fauci said. “If you look at those viruses” studied in the WIV paper, “those viruses are molecularly impossible to result in SARS-CoV-2… You are implying what we did was responsible for the deaths of individuals. If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you.”

Sounds like that’s exactly what he was asserting. What other reason would he have?
Did u miss the part where Rand Paul said "no one is saying that" about those strains being responsible for Covid and had to correct fauci twice?
Vaccinated people want us all to be able to outside without fear of death. We don’t want this shit to evolve and etc. you and I both know we going back on lockdown probably in the fall. Who wants to do that every year?

But really I blame the government they coulda shut shit down last year
they did lol...maybe a bit too late, but they tried

and everybody cried foul

people didnt want to mask up and was talking about their rights were being infringed upon

businesses were hemorrhaging from people not being able to fly, buy cars, go the the movies etc...

Amazon made out like a thief in the night but they are the lone exception

Blue ran states felt pressure from red delegations to lift mask mandates.

The human race is selfish as a mothafucka.
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they did lol...maybe a bit too late, but they tried

and everybody cried foul

people didnt want to mask up and was talking about their rights were being infringed upon

businesses were hemorrhaging from people not being able to fly, buy cars, go the the movies etc...

Amazon made out like a thief in the night but they are the lone exception

Blue ran states felt pressure from red delegations to lift mask mandates.

The human race is selfish as a mothafucka.

Bruh white people are the devil like I told y’all a nasty race
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Did u miss the part where Rand Paul said "no one is saying that" about those strains being responsible for Covid and had to correct fauci twice?
Yes, that was him backpedaling once he got called out on his claim. It’s right there though.

Here it is again verbatim in case you didn’t see it the first time:

“How you can say that is not gain-of-function—it’s a dance, and you’re dancing around this, because you’re trying to obscure responsibility for four million people around the world dying from a pandemic.”

So come on bro, you know what he was driving at and continues to drive at by touting this paper. His backpedal in the heat of the moment doesn’t change this fact.
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they did lol...maybe a bit too late, but they tried

and everybody cried foul

people didnt want to mask up and was talking about their rights were being infringed upon

businesses were hemorrhaging from people not being able to fly, buy cars, go the the movies etc...

Amazon made out like a thief in the night but they are the lone exception

Blue ran states felt pressure from red delegations to lift mask mandates.

The human race is selfish as a mothafucka.
All true....and that’s why we are here.
Ppl still fighting on planes over masks.

I say this to say.....this ain’t about vax or non vaxxed. It’s much bigger than that.

I believe I said lock it down for three weeks when shit got hot.

Fuck that I want my credit.

My meds are talking but Dos is fighting back
I’m not going back to wearing a mask, lol. It’s personal accountability now. You don’t want ill effects from Covid, get the vaccine. Otherwise, you’ve accepted the risk and have to live with that.
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