United States of Amazon: exposing horrible business practices & more

18 an hour ain't shit though and people was lobbying for the minimum wage to go up to $15 an hour which ain't shit either

Amazon is a fucked up company who don't give a shit about people but his pockets.

Also, the amazon vans don't have AC in them and bitch ass jeff bozo don't give a fuck being cheap to make sure workers have a AC in the vans to make deliveries.

Plus, this ain't the 60s 70s 80s and 90s where food was affordable because now that shit high as fuck.

Last point, people can have a budget and spend their money wisely and still have little left.
I remember a senator or something said like 8 years ago minimum wage should be like 22 an hour. And let’s be real a lot of us don’t work for mom and pop places or small businesses. Their is a extremely crazy wealth gap in this country we all see it we live in it. Why is making it fair always looked at as a handout or making people lazy or we just accept that all these companies are greedy.
Like my job yea it’s a call center but we deal with debt collection over the summer we actually made more money during the pandemic nice bonus all that and we not working from home nor did we shut down. The reward new rules to fuck with your money and folks in their catching corona gone for a month come back an shit. Shit is stupid. We gotta stop defending these companies and these billionaires
Amazon is wrong for that... And as far as the debate, 18/hour should be livable anywhere in this country. But the system is broken....Cause minimum wage should at least be paired with infrastructure that provides affordable healthcare, affordable housing, reasonable worker benefits, reasonable or free access to college or even trade schools.... Raising the minimum wage is a very temporary benefit.... since our economy is backed by debt and nothing to curb inflation...