OUT NOW Cyberpunk 2077 (Phantom Liberty DLC)

I hate the Borderlands type loot system. It's the main reason I could never get into Borderlands. Also, I don't like the damage system. If I shoot a guy in the head, I don't care, that should always be an instant kill, gtfoh with a shitty critical, lol. I'll have to put a bunch of perks into various trees just to have enough damage to to drop a guy from a headshot. I guess that's part of the fun, I'll get used to it. I just remember being tight that I tried to cap a dude during the prologue hotel heist and he only lost a quarter of his health, lol.

Also, not a fan of level restrictions on clothing. I mean I get it, but I have to be a certain level to wear aviators??

Also, who are you talking about? Dex? From what I'm starting to understand, he was just a middleman, not only that but he just got back into the game, apparently.

Then perhaps you should avoid Action-RPG's and Looter Shooters.

Common gameplay elements you dislike just happen to be tied to those two genres and are often times blended to look like it's own genre.
Well... I hope you jam your pinky toe into your dresser leg later.

You don't mean that...

Jokes aside, I do stay away from looter shooters. I love aRPGs too much, though. It probably sounded like I was bitching, but I'm really enjoying the game.
I like how they care that people feel like they trusted the quality of their work and people are more dissatisfied with their quality not living up to what they have done, than caring about people being mad that the game is shit.
Found a few videos last night for PC optimization. Going to try those settings and report back.
can confirm this has greatly improved the visuals and movement overall
Favorite "mission" so far Venus in Furs.

Still kinda hard to tell for me. I might just start over as I don't quite understand what's going on

One of my biggest issues is the terrible AI
I'm thinking of starting over as well. I was trying to go with with Netrunner build, but I feel like I already messed it up.
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That Ms. Palmer is something else, boy I tell you hwhat. Also, I really didn't expect the camera mode to be so entertaining. So much potential.
I sho hope the black Cyberpunk dude got a better bag from CDPR than the Witcher author did.
after some testing I was able to get mines to work by turning off afterburner. My GPU isn't even overclocked so no idea why that would cause it to crash. I've kept shitter games before so decided not to get that refund. I know I'll never take vacay for a new game again.
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i dont like the movement in this game

feels to jerky at times

even when i use my mouse/kb, the movement seems janky as hell
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Reactions: Inglewood_B
Cant ignore the lifelessness of the city

it has a ton of people that just are there for scenery

i hate the fact that AI drives like it has a learners permit

the driving is stiff as hell too. Reminds me of Watchdogs

I've gotten hit 3x by cars. I legit didnt see them coming. The AI doesnt even stop to honk their horns at you. I tried running after one but i guess he was smart and mashed the gas on me.